At the entrance of Villa Cortina, the courtyard door was already open. Locke parked the car on the side of the road, laid down the seat and browsed Instagram. After a while, a white Chevrolet Express van appeared in the rearview mirror.

The Chevrolet Express slowly stopped at the entrance of the villa. Locke put away his phone, pushed open the door and got out.

A middle-aged Mexican man with curly hair got out of the driver’s seat of the Chevrolet Express, looked into the yard for a few times, and asked in English with a Mexican accent: “Is it Mr. Li? I am Eldo Madridio, happy to serve you…”

Locke nodded, he glanced at the Chevrolet Express, there were three people inside, and asked: “How long will it take you?”

Eldo Madridio asked: “Can I go in and take a look first?”

Locke nodded, “Of course!”

At this time, the three people in the Chevrolet Express also got out, two Mexican youths, one in his thirties and the other in his twenties.

There was also a Mexican woman, who was pretty, hot, with big breasts and a big buttocks. As soon as she got out of the car, she stared at Locke like glue.

The man who seemed to be her husband scolded her in Mexican, and then followed her into the villa, but he still looked back every three steps.

He also asked the young man in his twenties in Mexican, “Mario, is this the Hollywood star? So handsome!”

The young man named Mario warned in a low voice: “Helena, don’t forget Papa’s warning, you can’t stare at the guests so impolitely, it’s too rude, you just embarrassed yourself, if you offend the guests, we may lose this business…”

Locke could hear the Mexican language in the yard clearly, but he didn’t feel offended.

After all, it is human nature to pursue beauty. He is handsome, so he can’t help but let people see him.

If I guess correctly, these four people should be a family.

Mexican illegal workers in the United States are basically in the form of families.

After a while, Eldo Madridio came out, “Mr. Li, I’m sorry for my family’s offense. She just came from the rural area of ​​Mexico and hasn’t seen much of the world…

Locke shook his head and smiled, “It doesn’t matter. You have seen it all, how much is it? “Thank you for your tolerance…” Eldo Madrid replied gratefully, and after a pause, “This house should have been cleaned. It looks very clean. We only need to do deep cleaning and disinfection, which will take about four hours. How about 800 US dollars?” Locke had no intention of bargaining, “Do you want cash or transfer? ”

Eldo Madrid said: “It would be better if you can pay in cash…”

Locke took out the prepared money from his pocket and counted 10 bills, “Most of them are tips. I have something to do and I will leave. After the work, if I don’t come back, you can leave on your own…”

25% tip!!!

Eldo Madrid’s waist bent instantly, and his expression became more respectful, “Please rest assured, I will definitely clean your house carefully…”

“Then leave it to you…”

Locke waved to Eldo Madrid, opened the G55 and got in the car.

In fact, he would rather hire a regular housekeeping company, but who told him that he was so poor that he only had cash left, so he could only find Mexican illegal workers who were more willing to accept cash.

When Locke drove to the Mendes repair shop, he almost didn’t recognize it.

The huge parking lot that was previously full of abandoned cars has been emptied, revealing its true appearance, and the next In front of him was a track as big as four football fields, and the view suddenly became wider.

The workshop and warehouse of the repair shop only occupied a small area. The entire repair shop was 3 hectares, and 95% of the area was the track.

Although the parking lot was cleared, the original track had been abandoned long ago. The track collapsed, was bumpy, and was overgrown with weeds. It was a wasteland, but you could still see its former glory.

As soon as Locke’s car stopped, Victor Mendes and Reid came over, but they didn’t see Sarah Mendes.

Locke smiled and said, “Congratulations, Victor, you finally got everything back…”

Victor Mendes stretched out his fist and touched Locke, and said gratefully, “Thank you, thank you, Locke, without you, we are still trapped in this quagmire, I will never forget your kindness…”

Reid also stretched out his fist, with a silly smile on his face, “Master Locke, you are so awesome, I heard from Sam that the scene of their arrest was exactly the same as in the movie. A group of FBI suddenly broke in. They didn’t resist at all and were all arrested…”

Is this kind of thing worth bragging about?

Locke asked, “How long will Sam be in prison?”

Ryder shrugged and said, “Only 6months, he wants to stay longer, preferably a year! ”


Locke didn’t know how to respond for a moment, black people’s brain circuits are indeed different.

He looked at the three people busy in the workshop and asked curiously: “Have you hired anyone?”

There were three people working in the workshop, and they all looked quite old, at least fifty years old.

One black, one white, and one who looked like a Latino, all of them looked very agile, making the repair shop look like something serious, no longer the look that would go bankrupt at any time before.

Well, this configuration is also very politically correct.

Victor Mendes replied: “They are all old people who followed Edmund before. Now that the parking lot problem has been solved, I believe the repair shop’s business will slowly recover, so please ask them to come back. Your F150 modification is their craftsmanship, which is no worse than yours, so this time it can be so fast…”

“Oh, then I’d like to see…”

Locke’s eyes His eyes lit up. The better the technology of Mendes’s repair shop, the more it met his expectations.

He threw the car key of the Mercedes-Benz G55 in his hand to Victor Mendes, “Since the Raptor has been modified, then help me modify this car. Replace all the glass with bulletproof ones, add two rifle racks to the back seat and trunk, and other places that need to be prepared, you can do it…”

Locke moved closer to Victor and whispered, “I put $100,000 in the armrest box. This car, plus the modification fee of the Hellcat, you can use it first…”

He also experienced the experience of drug dealers who have too much cash to mold and can’t spend it, so he wants to spend money all the time.

Victor Mendes frowned, “The money you gave me before hasn’t been used up yet? You helped so much this time…”

Locke turned his head and said, “One thing is one thing, business is business, friendship is friendship, and besides, you saved my life! ”

Under Victor Mendes’s puzzled eyes, Locke showed him the photo of the battle-damaged Raptor F150, “If it weren’t for your great modification, I would have been in great danger last time!”

Victor Mendes stared at the photo, his face full of shock, and exclaimed: “Is this the result of the last terrorist attack in Los Angeles?”

Ryder also took advantage of his tall stature to peek and immediately shouted: “OMG, so cool, where is the car? Victor, I think we should bring this car to the store for display, this is a good advertisement!”

Locke looked at Ryder in surprise, and didn’t expect this guy to have such a brain.

He replied: “The car has been taken away by the insurance company and is ready to be scrapped. If you really want to put it here for display advertising, I will give you the insurance agent’s phone number later…”


Locke suddenly felt something was wrong, always felt that something was missing, why didn’t that young and hot figure appear.

He asked: “Why don’t I see Sarah?”

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