Compared with G55, Locke prefers to drive F150. Maybe he is used to it. He thinks F150 is more fun to drive, more comfortable and unrestrained.

The posture is higher, the cockpit is more spacious, and the air suspension is more comfortable. In comparison, G55 is too hard.

Before returning to Cortina, Locke went to the gun store and bought a Desert Eagle of the same model as Shana Perez. That is a huge sum of money. If someone else gets there first, he will definitely regret it.

When he returned to the villa, he found that the Mexican Eldo Madrido and his family had not left yet, and they were all playing with their mobile phones in the car.

Seeing him come back, Eldo Madrido hurriedly pressed the window, greeted him, and then started the Chevrolet Express and left.

Uh, this is to help him watch the door!

Locke immediately had a good impression of this guy. Perhaps it is not impossible to leave the sanitation of the villa to him in the future.

Back to the villa, Locke directly disassembled the two guns into parts on the kitchen island.

But after studying it for ten minutes, Locke found that except for some secretion residue in the barrel, Shana Perez’s Desert Eagle was not unusual.

He originally thought that there would be some marks engraved on the gun. Was he misled by that woman?

This gun is just a self-defense toy, or a substitute for Sam Brown.

Suddenly, Locke focused his eyes on the only difference between the two guns. Each gun has its own code. He hurriedly opened Google Maps.

After comparing, his eyes suddenly lit up. That’s it.

He said that the sea area is boundless. Even if Sam Brown hides money every time, without a reference, it may not be easy for him to find the hiding place.

“Locke, are you sure you don’t need me to help you? I don’t understand why you are so hasty! You’re moving so suddenly…”

“No, I can do it. I’ve already packed up my bedroom. I don’t have much stuff. Since I have time in the afternoon, I’ll just move. I’ll ask Jennifer to come and help me buy furniture tomorrow…”

“Okay, but are you sure you’re going to live there tonight?”


“Okay, okay, I won’t say anything…”

“I’m tired all afternoon, I’m going to sleep directly, good night!”

“Good night!”

After hanging up Marian’s video call, Locke looked at the more than 20 cardboard boxes in front of him, looking confused. He didn’t expect that he actually had so many things.

After finding the coordinates of the Copernicus Organization’s hidden money, Locke planned to go to Delma again in the evening to avoid more trouble. Money is something that only belongs to you when it is in your own pocket.

There is an idiom in China, “It’s safe to put it in your pocket.”

So he hired a moving company to move to Gran Apartment in the afternoon. It took him until now to return to Villa Cortina, and then he stayed here tonight.


Locke picked up his phone and saw a transfer message, showing that Marian had transferred $100,000 to him.

There was another message asking him to buy necessities first and then buy other things later.

Locke was stunned for a moment, smiled knowingly, edited the message and sent it, “Mum, love you!”


Just after sending the message, another transfer message came, Li Bo also transferred $100,000.

Locke edited another message, “Dad, love you!”

He thought Li Bo would also send a message of reminder, but after waiting for a while, no message came.

He smiled knowingly again, this is indeed Li Bo’s style, silent fatherly love.

It feels so good to have a family!

Locke stood in front of the window holding his phone, the brightly lit courtyard looked a little gloomy.

He looked at his cold face on the glass, and emotions surged in his heart.

I hope that tonight can have another big harvest, and Marian’s wish will be realized as soon as possible, and the whole family will move into the closed community in the northern section of Sunset Boulevard, so that Li Bo can become a first-generation rich.

An hour later, a black Mustang was running on the San Diego highway. Because he was going to the sea, Locke did not wear a human skin mask this time, but simply disguised himself.

Uh, this Mustang was borrowed from the parking lot of Macy’s Department Store. I didn’t see any good performance cars in the parking lot of Walmart yesterday.

Just now, he hid the two tons of flour in the storage space in the basement under the tool room of the villa to make room for the storage space in advance.

The highway at night is so cool, and there is no need to worry about the speed limit.

Of course, driving fast at night is extremely dangerous, but this is not a problem for Locke who has L4 driving skills.

He finally enjoyed the ultimate driving pleasure this time, and the speed of the Mustang was brought to the extreme. The whole person was completely immersed in it, and the adrenaline pleasure came in waves.

It’s a pity that this Mustang is an original car and has not been modified, so he can’t fully exert his strength.

Locke is now looking forward to his Challenger Hellcat more and more, and he will be able to drive it again.The car has been modified, so he must give it a good ride.

Because he has been driving at the limit, 190 kilometers, which normally takes two hours, he arrived in just over an hour this time.

6 kilometers away from Delma, Locke stopped. This place is in the wilderness, and except for the occasional car passing by, it is quiet.

Although Delma is a small town, there are cameras installed in many places. It is indeed closer to the sea there, but there is a risk of being photographed.

Anyway, with his swimming skills, such a short distance is nothing at all.

Locke drove the car off the road, then hid the car in the woods beside the road, and covered it with leaves to hide it.

He couldn’t help but be cautious, this is the United States.

If he goes ashore later and the car is stolen, it will be embarrassing, and this is definitely a high probability event.

Walking to the beach, Locke took out his spare mobile phone, opened Google Maps, entered the coordinates, and the coordinates of the hidden money immediately appeared on the map.

Sure enough, it was near the coast of Delma, 10 nautical miles from the shore of Delma and 4 nautical miles from him.

He put his phone into the diving bag, changed into a diving suit, and while moving his body, he observed the surroundings. Seeing that no car passed by, he quickly walked into the sea and soon sank into the dark sea.

The sea water was very cold. Even though he was wearing a diving suit, he could still feel the coldness of the sea water. He swam for a while before slowly adapting to the temperature, and his speed became faster and faster.

L3’s swimming skills made him a perfect white shark in the waves. Even in the sea, he still swam very fast.

In less than half an hour, Locke arrived at the coordinates. 4 nautical miles, it should take at least an hour and a half for an ordinary person to swim over.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Del Mar. In the light, he still found Shana Perez’s sea view villa.

Sam Brown stood by the window every day, probably staring at this sea area and guarding the money he hid.

Suddenly, his eyes shrank. There was someone in the sea view villa.

He immediately guessed that it should be Mario’s people. After all, Shana Perez said yesterday that she was going to Tijuana, but she lost contact later. He must have sent someone to check.

Locke ignored this matter. Even Shana Perez didn’t know the coordinates of the hidden money, so these people naturally wouldn’t know. He took out the oxygen tank, fins and lighting fixtures from the space, put them on, and slowly sank into the sea.

It must be said that it is too difficult to search the seabed at night.

Although there is a searchlight, the visibility is less than 1 meter underwater, just like a blind man touching an elephant.

Fortunately, he has the diving skill of L1, and he can move freely underwater, so he is not completely blind.

Moreover, this sea area is not too deep, with an average depth of only about ten or twenty meters.

After groping around the coordinates for more than 20 minutes, Locke finally found an underwater cave.

This cave was blocked by a stone slab, which looked very abrupt.

Looking at the cave with a diameter of about one meter in front of him, Locke guessed that it should be here. He took a deep breath of oxygen and got in carefully.

The cave was facing upwards. Locke swam very slowly. He had to stop after swimming a few meters because he found two fishing lines across the cave, with a MK2 grenade fixed at one end. If he hadn’t swam so slowly, he might not have found it. Damn, it was fortunate that he was alert and guessed that Sam Brown would set a trap.

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