On Monday morning, Locke changed into his uniform and came to the duty room. His colleagues were chatting in groups and were not on duty.

“Congratulations, Locke!”

“Man, I have always believed that you are innocent…”

“Congratulations, Locke, you passed the test successfully!”


As soon as Locke came in, his colleagues congratulated him on his successful passing of the lawsuit last week.

He immediately responded: “Guys, I will treat everyone to a drink at Old John’s bar tonight!”

Locke’s words immediately won a round of cheers. Even if you are destined not to drink much on Monday night, it is always a pleasant thing to be treated to a drink.

Suddenly, a strong smell of perfume came over. Locke turned his head and saw Randy leaning over and whispered: “Locke, is there something wrong? Why did the boss ask us not to go on duty first!”

Locke shrugged his nose, resisted the discomfort, and nodded: “Well, there will be a donation ceremony later!”

Yesterday, Anna Davis called him and said that Love Hogwarts would go to the police station to make a donation this morning. He didn’t understand why it was so hasty.

“You really know!” Randy grinned and punched Locke, but soon his smile froze, and he thought of something, “Is it the young lady you saved last week?” “Yes…” Locke nodded again. Anyway, everyone will know everything later, and there is nothing to hide. “Bro, you are so cool!” Randy looked at Locke in shock, punched him again, and then walked away immediately, ready to tell other colleagues about this news to consolidate his title of know-it-all in the Wilshire Police Department. Locke shrugged and walked to David. The old man was using two fingers to enter today’s patrol plan on the computer. He asked, “Do you need help?” David glanced at him and shook his head, “No, I’m almost done!” Then he complained, “If you really want to help me, you should come earlier…” This job was mostly done by Locke before. Locke smiled and said, “I forgot that I changed places. The distance is twice as long!”

This weekend was too rich. Not to mention the long trip to Del Mar twice, which directly filled up the storage space, he and Jennifer Gray spent two days in the villa, almost wearing out their skin.

Well, his guess was right. Jennifer Gray liked the villa of Cortina so much that she never put on her clothes again after taking them off.

The yard, balcony, swimming pool, basement, backyard cemetery, everywhere left his joyful atmosphere.

But although the two did not go out, they still ordered the furniture of the villa, and lay on the bed and placed orders on Wayfair, Overstock, Puff and other furniture and home furnishing online malls with iPad.

Luckily, Marian and Li Bo supported 200,000 dollars, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Because there were only more than 50,000 dollars left in his account, most of which were compensation from the insurance company.

David was surprised and said, “You have moved there! How is it? Is there anything unusual?”

Locke gave him a middle finger and said unhappily, “Of course, I have been sleeping with a beautiful female ghost these two days!”

David stared at Locke for a few seconds and said seriously, “You do look a little overindulgent…”

Locke looked embarrassed and didn’t want to care about this old man anymore. In fact, he felt guilty.

I don’t know if it was because of Shana Perez’s stimulation. He tossed Jennifer Gray a little hard these two days.

As a result, Jennifer Gray asked for leave today. Although this woman could barely get out of bed, she needed to hold the wall when walking, so she definitely couldn’t go on stage for surgery.

He wanted to ask for leave today, but he was the protagonist of this donation ceremony and had to come.

Locke was very grateful now. Fortunately, Shana Perez’s body was thrown away, otherwise, he suspected that he would become perverted sooner or later.

However, this time he didn’t oppose Jennifer Gray’s proposal.

She was alone and couldn’t deal with him now.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

The donation ceremony was held in the parking lot again, just as simple as the last award ceremony, with a red carpeted platform and rows of folding chairs underneath.

Locke and other patrolmen who were watching the ceremony came out early, and the bigwigs from Park Center and the Western Division were all in the reception room to entertain Love Hogwarts.

Locke and David had just been called over to be thanked in person. Love Hogwarts praised Locke in front of the senior management, revealing that he and the Locke family were old friends, and he valued Locke as a junior.

Daisy Greenberg was also there, and she expressed her gratitude to Locke and David very solemnly.

Although the woman’s expression was still cold and indifferent, she looked very normal. Compared with her weird behavior in the hospital last time, she seemed like a different person.

Although Locke was very confused, he did notDon’t think too much, there will be no intersection in the future anyway.

However, he was a little curious about the last case. He didn’t know if there was any result. He planned to ask Detective Sofia Gaia later.

As soon as he arrived at the parking lot, Locke looked up at the sniper point on the roof of the opposite building. When he found someone on the roof, his adrenaline surged instantly.

He subconsciously wanted to call everyone to hide, but the voice of Captain Jones from behind made him calm down quickly.

“That’s one of us, a sniper from SWAT…”

Richard Jones was very satisfied with Locke’s vigilance. He pointed to the other side of the parking lot, “SWAT has also deployed an assault armored vehicle there…”

Locke breathed a sigh of relief, took a look at the SWAT armored vehicle, and immediately realized that it should be the last accident, so LAPD took precautions in advance this time.

After all, not only the Park Center’s senior executives are here today, but also the sponsor.

If something like last time happens again, LAPD will lose face.

The Park Center attached great importance to this donation. Several bigwigs came. The current Assistant Chief of Operations Harold Cardwell attended the donation event as a representative of the Park Center.

Also present were Deputy Chief of Public Affairs Frank Lacey and Fred Wallis of the Intelligence and Communication Division.

Grant Miller, the Director of the Western Division, was also present, as was Roger Beckett, the Assistant Commander in charge of administrative work.

Harry Thomas, the former Assistant Chief of Operations, also attended the donation ceremony.

As the protagonists today, Locke and David were fortunate to sit on the edge of the first row. On the stage, Love Hogwarts donated money and goods to Anna Davis, the Chief of the Wilshire Police Department, and Grant Miller, the Chief of the Western Division. The flash lights kept flashing.

The money was a check of $1 million, which was used to improve the working environment of the front-line patrol officers of the Wilshire Police Department.

The items are 100 police Ford Explorers, but these cars are not only donated to the Wilshire Police Department, but also to the Western Division, because the Wilshire Police Department does not need so many cars.

Ford Explorer Police Car

Ford Explorer Interior

Locke did not expect that Love Hogwarts would be so generous, and subconsciously glanced at Daisy Greenberg, who was sitting on his left hand side with a look of indifference.

The purchase price of each Ford Explorer police version is 40,000 US dollars, which is 4 million in total, plus cash, a total of 5 million US dollars.

David whispered to Locke: “Locke, you have fulfilled your promise!”

Locke was stunned for a moment before remembering that when he was bragging to David before, he did say that when he became rich, he would replace a batch of police cars for the Wilshire Police Department, and laughed.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came from the side.

“Officer Locke, can we talk to each other for a few words later?”

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