David asked, “What happened?”

Rock did not answer him immediately, but walked to the side of the Ferrari F430 with the engine completely exposed, and checked the window of the passenger seat. The window of the passenger seat was completely broken.

The outer door was not damaged by the impact, but blood was seen on the window.

Rock immediately deduced the situation at that time. The person in the passenger seat did not know what to do, so he unfastened the seat belt.

The white young man in the driver’s seat accelerated because the time was up. After hitting the car, the Ferrari F430 instantly lost control and turned into a high-speed spinning gyroscope.

So the woman in the passenger seat was thrown out of the window, and the white young man in the driver’s seat was also released because of the last hit.

Rock looked at the narrow window of the sports car, and his back felt a little cold. Being thrown out from such a small space, it can be seen how fast the car was at that time.

It can be imagined that the woman should have flown out like a cannonball at that time. At this speed, the chance of survival should not be great.

David followed Locke to the Ferrari and asked again, “What did you find?”

Locke pointed to the blood on the window, “There was a person in the passenger seat, probably a woman, who was thrown out during the car accident. The guy was indeed high at the time, but not because of eating flour, but…”

David turned around, trying to find the woman who flew out, and cursed “Fuck, these damn rich people!”

He immediately shouted to Superintendent Mona, “Mona…”

Locke’s expression suddenly became unnatural when he heard David scolding the rich. He had 300 million in his storage space, and this was also scolding him.

Then he thought of the last time he went camping in Gaviotas State Forest Park. Jennifer Gray also did this. Although with his driving skills, there is a high probability that he will not have a car accident, but he must learn from it in the future.

Driving or not driving, driving or not driving

Superintendent Mona came over decisively and asked, “How much did you find? Do we need to call the DEA?”

David pointed at the blood on the car window, “Locke speculated that there was a woman in the passenger seat who was thrown out during the car accident…”


Superintendent Mona had the same reaction as David, subconsciously turned around, trying to find the woman who flew out, but naturally found nothing.

She asked, “Locke, are you sure?”

Locke replied, “80% sure!”

Then he told all his reasoning. Although Mona was a woman, the case analysis was based on seeking truth from facts and could not take gender into consideration.

After listening to the story, Superintendent Mona did not show any shyness. She communicated with Locke about the details very professionally, basically agreed with his reasoning, and ordered: “David, Locke, go and retrieve the video of the car on this section of the road to see if you can find the trace of the woman…” Locke added, “In fact, it could be a man…” Superintendent Mona rolled her eyes and walked towards the white youth expressionlessly. She stared coldly at the silent white youth, observed his crotch and the elastic band in front, and saw that it was exactly the same as Locke said. She asked Nathan: “Has he not spoken yet?” Nathan shook his head and was about to answer when warm applause rang out at the rescue station of the Toyota Corolla next to him. The female driver stuck in the car was rescued. Superintendent Mona said to the white youth: “Where did the passenger in the co-pilot seat go?” In view of Locke’s reminder just now, she deliberately used cautious words. The white youth’s eyes focused instantly and stared at Mona blankly, but he still did not speak. Superintendent Mona said: “You also saw that the female driver in the Corolla was rescued. No one died in this car accident. We have to find the female passenger in the co-pilot seat as soon as possible…” The white young man said hoarsely: “I want to call my lawyer…” Superintendent Mona’s face suddenly became gloomy, “If we find her now, maybe we can still save her…” The white young man’s mind became clearer and he insisted: “I want to call my lawyer…” Superintendent Mona looked helpless, but this was his power, so he could only say: “Nathan, let him call!” He added, “Remind him to have a blood test later…” … At the Mexican restaurant, more than a dozen police officers from the Wilshire Police Department came to eat this time. There was a chaos in the corner, and they were all talking about the car accident in the morning. The car accident in the morning took more than an hour to make Santa Monica Boulevard return to normal. The woman who flew out of the co-pilot seat of the Ferrari F430 was also found. Yes, it was a woman. Locke and his team found the direction she flew out based on the car accident video, and finally found her twisted body in the advertising lampshade on the second floor of a building next to the road.

The deceased was a white woman.She was in her early twenties and was a student at the University of Southern California. She was from Tennessee and had notified the school, asking the school to notify her family to come and identify the body.

The perpetrator was her boyfriend, also a student at the University of Southern California, but a native of Los Angeles. His family worked in the film production industry in Hollywood.

The accident was almost the same as Locke’s speculation. The perpetrator was getting more and more excited at the time, so he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, wanting to get double the pleasure. He was distracted for a moment and hit the car in front, causing a series of car crashes, and the Ferrari F430 also lost control.

When the perpetrator was taken to the Wilshire Police Station, his lawyer was already waiting there. Accompanied by the lawyer, he completed the record and was subsequently released on bail.

According to the record, the perpetrator said that his girlfriend took the initiative to unzip his pants. He refused at the time because he felt unsafe, but he couldn’t resist his girlfriend’s teasing. The reason for the distraction was also because he was stimulated.

There were indeed scratches on his thing, but it was more likely caused by the woman being thrown out.

When recording the record, this guy cried bitterly and felt very guilty about his girlfriend’s death.

Elsa said indignantly: “It’s a pity that this bastard didn’t go to Hollywood to be an actor!”

Nathan also said with regret: “If he had told us that he had a female companion at the first time, we could have found her earlier, maybe she wouldn’t have died…”

Mark shook his head and said: “No, according to her injuries, she died the moment she was thrown out of the car and hit the billboard. The speed was too fast, and her body became a cannonball…”

Elsa said angrily: “Then he shouldn’t have concealed the fact that there was someone in the passenger seat, and he called a lawyer at the first time. He must have something to hide. I don’t believe a word of his confession…”

Seeing that Elsa was getting more and more outrageous, Superintendent Mona had to speak up, “Hey, shut up, we still have to work in the afternoon! Elsa, watch your words, I don’t want to hear such unprofessional words again. There is no problem with his procedures…”

Randy smiled indifferently: “Guys, this is America , the rich can do whatever they want in this country, you will slowly get used to it, you see Locke and Teddy didn’t say anything…”


Locke and Teddy looked at each other in silence, it was an unprovoked disaster, one of them belongs to the rich class, and the other belongs to the elite class.

To some extent, Teddy likes to play with Locke for a reason.

Superintendent Mona scolded: “You shut up too!”

Randy hurriedly made a zippering motion, but then said to everyone: “Guys, we haven’t thanked Locke yet! We can finally change the car, Victoria Crown really makes me vomit. Yeah, this time Locke saved the rich lady, we can finally drive the Explorer…”

Everyone raised the juice or soda in their hands, whether it was the donation of Ford Explorer police car or the 1 million US dollars, it was closely related to them, the front-line patrol officers.

“Cheers to Locke…”

“Thank you, Locke…”

“Locke, thank you for changing the car for us…”


After the fun, David raised the soda in his hand and clinked it with Locke, saying with regret: “Boy, it’s a pity that you got the car but you don’t have the chance to drive it!”

Locke’s cup was already at his mouth, but he put it down again and said unhappily: “Don’t worry, I will have a better car to drive!”

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