At noon, in a Mexican restaurant, Superintendent Mona scolded Mark and Teddy, “Neither of you can subdue a woman, but Locke can do it alone. I want to see your physical test report next week…”


Randy made a noise without thinking of making trouble. He didn’t dare to make fun of Mark, and said to Teddy, “Man, have you been drained by your Judy?”

Teddy gave him a middle finger, turned to Locke and said, “Locke, you must teach me, your two moves are so cool, you subdued that crazy woman in one go…”

He even imitated the gestures with his hands.

Randy’s eyes lit up, and he stared at Locke excitedly, “Locke, I remember you have Chinese ancestry, so this is Chinese Kung Fu, right? Bruce Lee, oh da!!! I want to learn it too…”

Watching Randy directly perform Bruce Lee’s special moves, Locke couldn’t help but sigh at Bruce Lee’s influence in the black community, and was also a little speechless.

L4’s mixed martial arts directly gave him 30 years of fighting experience, how to teach this

But he had a lot of fighting skills in his mind, so he said, “OK, I’ll teach you a few moves at the party this weekend…”



Randy also pretended to imitate the moves he saw in the movie, covering his palm on his fist and saluted Locke, “Master, please give me more advice!”

Teddy also followed suit, making everyone laugh.

After the laughter stopped, Superintendent Mona reminded with a serious expression: “With the prevalence of the black lives matter movement, we must be more cautious in the future law enforcement process and must protect ourselves…”

Mark said gloomily: “I don’t understand what those people are thinking now! I feel crazy…”

In the morning, they were obviously protecting the normal rights of the white man, but in order to protect the so-called black life, the white man stood on the side of the black man.

Teddy echoed, “I can’t understand the thoughts of some black people even more…”

Randy looked at him dissatisfied, “Hey, bro, don’t forget your skin color…”

Teddy said seriously, “Of course I haven’t forgotten, but don’t you think the behavior of many black people is too much? Take the black lady today, it was obviously her fault, but she relied on her skin color…”

Teddy and Randy soon started arguing. Seeing that Teddy’s three views were so positive, Locke felt inexplicably accomplished.

At this time, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was from Black Sauce Egg.

After get off work, Locke drove to Echo Park. After today, he can enjoy the four-day holiday this week.

In a corner of the parking lot, he parked his car next to a brand new Escalade again.

Inspector Hunter took the tablet and got on Locke’s co-pilot seat. As soon as he got in the car, he handed the tablet to Locke and apologized, “Something has changed. I think it’s necessary to let you know…”

The FBI conducted an in-depth follow-up investigation according to the address given by Locke, and has confirmed that it is indeed the base of the Mexican drug trafficking organization Guzman Group.

However, the location of that base is too special. The address provided by Locke is located in El Monte, the largest Mexican gathering area in Los Angeles, and is a 15-story apartment building.

There are not many such apartment buildings in Los Angeles. More than 2,000 illegal Mexican immigrants live in that apartment building, which is the most densely populated area in Los Angeles.

After more than ten years of development, the apartment building has become a very pure Mexican community, 100% Mexican, and strangers can’t enter the apartment building at all.

This is why Guzman’s base has not been exposed.

The FBI did not find any abnormalities at the beginning, and even suspected that Inspector Henry’s clues were wrong, but Inspector Henry was full of confidence in Locke. After squatting for three days, he finally found the clues.

It’s very simple, because drug transportation and delivery are already the norm here, and they don’t treat this as a secret.

The drugs are put in the cars or other vehicles that go in and out of the laundry factory here. All the links are operated by Mexicans. If you don’t keep a close eye on them, you can’t find them at all.

Through observations over the past few days, the FBI found that they couldn’t judge how many people in this apartment building were involved in the drug business, because too many people were involved, at least hundreds of people, or even more.

It is also impossible to determine what kind of force is deployed here. They even suspect that there is a drug production factory in this building.

Locke flipped through the photos taken on the tablet. From the angle, many of them were taken by drones. It can be seen that Black Sauce Egg was really cautious this time.

After all, Locke reminded him that thisThe base has been in existence for ten years. If the FBI still wants to follow and investigate in the same way as before, it will most likely fail.

Locke only obtained the information about the base of the Guzman Group from Shana Perez’s mobile phone. He didn’t know much about this base. He just searched it on Google Maps before meeting Black Egg.

Shana Perez knew about this base from her Mexican head Mario. As for how Mario knew it, it is unknown.

Because Shana Perez planned to use this information as her amulet. Once she was caught by LAPD or DEA, she planned to use this information to trade with them in exchange for a reduced sentence or freedom.

Locke only knew that this base had been operated for 10 years and the defense should be very tight, but he didn’t expect that it had been operated so tightly that it was too difficult.

He probably understood what Black Egg meant. With the strength of the FBI in Los Angeles, it couldn’t be eaten at all, so he could only find someone to cooperate with.

Locke returned the tablet to Black-Boiled Egg and said, “Let’s cooperate with the DEA, and I’m afraid we have to include the LAPD…”

Detective Hunter looked solemn and replied, “That’s what we planned too…”

There was no way. Although this was a great achievement, the FBI might fail if they just went ahead.

Locke’s scalp was numb when he thought about attacking such a place. No one knew what was in this building. Once they got in, they might have to face a people’s war.

He originally wanted Black-Boiled Egg to take this achievement so that he could be promoted. Now it seemed that he could only share the cake, so he comforted him, “Don’t worry, there are other achievements waiting for you, such as the remnants of the Copernicus Organization in Tijuana. Uh, I don’t know if they have been wiped out!”

He remembered that before Shana Perez died, she had instructed Mario to wipe out Jim, a remnant of the Copernicus Organization.

Now that Shana Perez is missing, the remnants of the Copernicus Organization should be regarded as the number one suspect by the Perez family, and they might have been wiped out.

Detective Hunter’s eyes narrowed. He had just learned from the FBI’s intelligence system in Tijuana yesterday that the remnants of the Copernicus Organization had been wiped out. Locke had known about this for a long time.

Yes, the president and vice president of the Copernicus Organization died at his hands. These remnants hiding in Tijuana were a hidden danger to him.

No wonder he didn’t want to talk about Ivna last time. It turned out that he had already made arrangements.

Well, he also found out the identity of Ivna Holly. Ivna Holly, who was born in New Mexico, should be dead.

But they haven’t found out who Ivna is now, but it shouldn’t matter anymore.

Locke saw that Black Sauce Egg had a different look on his face, and his heart skipped a beat. Damn, this guy is imagining things again.

He suddenly worried that he would get into trouble if he continued like this!

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