After leaving Anna Davis’ office, Locke buried the undercover plan in his heart, without showing any emotion on his face.

Anna said that his undercover plan would not be implemented until he took the detective exam. Once he was admitted to the police detective bureau, his personnel file in the LAPD would change, and she would not file his file in the police detective bureau in time.

In this way, his file information would not appear in the LAPD for a period of time, which would be an additional guarantee for his undercover operation.

Because David and Nathan were both on vacation, Locke teamed up with Superintendent Mona today.

Superintendent Mona got into the car early in the morning with a cup of coffee. She smiled at Locke and said, “You young people are still energetic, unlike David and Nathan, two old guys, who can’t stand it the next day after staying up all night!” Locke complimented, “You are also young!” Superintendent Mona shrugged, yawned, and showed the high-purity coffee in her hand, “I can’t compare with you. If I didn’t rely on this thing to support me, I wouldn’t be able to hold on today!” Superintendent Mona Cole is 34 years old and is an absolute backbone of the Wilshire Police Department. Her power in the patrol department is second only to Captain Richard Jones. Seeing that Superintendent Mona fastened her seat belt, Locke started the car and drove out of the police station. Superintendent Mona exclaimed, “OMG, Locke, your driving skills are much better than Nathan’s, so stable, David is so lucky!” Locke complained, “David said last night that I almost scared his heart out!” Superintendent Mona smiled and said, “I know, I heard them say that you drifted and turned around last night, Locke, I didn’t expect your driving skills to be so good, but it seems that you lost the car in the end…” “…” Locke was stunned and said embarrassedly, “We looked for a circle but couldn’t find it…” Superintendent Mona said indifferently, “It’s okay, last night’s action was just a routine action to crack down on the underground racing gangs in Los Angeles, and there are many fish that slipped through the net…” Locke’s eyes flashed, it seems that Superintendent Mona is not clear about the real intention of last night’s action. Soon, the radio received a warning from the dispatch center, “Zizizi, a car accident occurred in front of the Wilton Theater on Williams Avenue. A Tesla Model Y and a BMW 5 Series collided. The accident vehicles may explode and catch fire. Please ask nearby units to handle it immediately…” “7Adam9, copy…” Locke belongs to the patrol unit that joined Superintendent Mona today. Their patrol unit number is 7Adam9. This warning made Locke and Superintendent Mona look nervous. They still remembered the car accident on Santa Monica Boulevard yesterday. Williams Avenue is not far from the Wilshire Police Station. Locke turned into Williams Avenue and soon saw the scene of the car accident. A police car had arrived first. Superintendent Mona said seriously: “The tram still needs time…” Locke also echoed: “Well, the current lithium battery is not stable enough…” But when they got off the car, they were stunned instantly. The black BMW 5 Series rear-ended the black Tesla Model Y. The front of the BMW car was smashed and white smoke was coming out. It looked like it would catch fire at any time. Locke could tell at a glance that it was the antifreeze that was broken. The steam generated by the antifreeze spilling on the engine and evaporating would not catch fire.

The butt of the Tesla Model Y was flattened, but the rest of the car was intact, even the rear windshield was not broken.

The drivers and passengers of the two cars had already evacuated, all of them were women, and Mark and Teddy were taking their statements separately.

Judging from the position, the Tesla Model Y should be the young white girl, with brown hair, fair skin, tall figure, black-framed glasses, and a gray suit from Gucci, with an elegant and intellectual temperament.

The person driving the BMW 5 Series was a middle-aged black woman, who looked like an elite class in terms of her dress. Next to her stood a girl about ten years old, with a terrified expression and dreadlocks, which was very recognizable.

“How did you drive, bitch? Why did you brake suddenly? Did you know there were children in my car?”

“I’m sorry, I’ve already arrived at the place, so I stopped…”

“What’s the use of apologizing? Don’t you think you can stop just because you’re white? Don’t you have eyes? Didn’t you see the car coming from behind?”


Before Mark could speak, Teddy said to the black woman in a deep voice: “Madam, from the transcript just now, you are fully responsible for this accident. You didn’t keep a safe distance. You rear-ended this lady’s Tesla. There were children in your car. You shouldn’t drive like this and put all the blame on this lady…”

The black woman stared at Teddy in disbelief and cursed: “Fuck, you betrayed us, you only know how to be with white people.You licking black man, you are sorry for your skin, you traitor, you want to fuck this white bitch, right? You are just wishful thinking, we all stand up, you are still kneeling, you are only worthy of being a slave of white people…”

Superintendent Mona just heard this, her face immediately turned cold, and she said coldly: “Madam, we will sue you for insulting police officers and racial discrimination, you have the right to remain silent…”

“I need you to notify the other guardian of the child now…”

After Superintendent Mona read the Miranda warning to the black woman, she signaled Mark and Teddy to subdue the black woman.

The black woman saw that the situation was not good, and she broke free from Mark and Teddy’s hands in an instant, completely ignoring the black child next to her, turned around and ran, shouting loudly.

“Black lives matter!”

“Black lives matter!” ”


Locke noticed that as the black woman screamed, the crowd around her began to take out their phones. He rushed forward and grabbed the black woman, quickly handcuffed her, and then before she could react, he pinched her neck from behind and half-pushed and half-lifted her into the back seat of the police car.


As soon as the car door closed, the whole world was quiet.

Locke suddenly took action to stuff the black woman into the car. The whole process was as smooth as water and did not exceed ten seconds.

When he finished, he found that Superintendent Mona and the others were staring at him in amazement.

Xiao Hei was also scared and motionless, and did not even dare to cry .

Teddy rushed over and punched him, “Locke, you are so cool, you are worthy of being my idol, you must teach me…”

Just now, neither he nor Mark subdued the black woman, but Locke easily caught the black woman and put her into the patrol car.


Locke replied perfunctorily, speechless in his heart.

Just kidding, he is now at L4 in mixed martial arts, and this black lady is as weak as a little girl in kindergarten under him.

Locke turned his head to look at the black woman who was still making a fuss in the back seat of the police car, and asked Superintendent Mona: “Sergeant (Superintendent), do you need me to send her back to the police station first?”

Superintendent Mona nodded and said: “Very good, you send her back to the police station first…”

The white woman who had been silent all the time suddenly said: “Hey, you can’t do this, I saw it all, she is a mother of a child, you can’t separate them. I can understand her feelings. She just felt that the car accident just now put her child in danger. I was also wrong. I didn’t notice the car behind me. I forgive her and I will deal with my car myself. Black lives matter. You can’t treat her so rudely just because of her skin color…” Looking at the serious and upright white woman who was glowing in the sun, Locke and the others looked at each other and didn’t know what to say for a while. This was too magical. Backstab! This was a backstab! It was Superintendent Mona who reacted first. She said calmly: “Ma’am, I’m glad you are willing to reach a settlement on the car accident, but she just insulted our black policeman and said vicious racist words to him. We recorded it. Black lives matter. We can’t allow our black policemen to be discriminated against. We hope you can help testify…” The white woman was startled. Her eyes patrolled the black woman and Teddys in the patrol car, and finally stopped at Teddys. She nodded and said: “Black lives matter, I will tell you everything I heard! ”

Locke and Mark looked at each other and saw relief in each other’s eyes. If it were them, they would have been badly injured if not dead.

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