On the way back, Locke still took the Orange County Highway and the Pomona Highway and continued to make a big detour.

Although the probability of being followed is very small, it is better to be cautious, which is one of his creeds.

Tonight is worth the trip. Although it cost nearly 20,000 yuan in information fees, it was worth it. From Song Qing, Locke learned a lot of inside information about flour.

Colombian farmers sell one kilogram of fresh coca leaves for about $1.3, and it takes about 450-600 kilograms of coca leaves to produce one kilogram of flour.

In other words, the raw material cost of one kilogram of flour is about $585-780. Counting the costs consumed in other production processes, the final price of one kilogram of finished flour in the inland jungle of Colombia is about $2,200, which can be called the factory price.

The ex-factory price of flour of $2,200 per kilogram can rise to $10,000 after being shipped to Mexico.

After flour is smuggled into the United States through Mexico, its wholesale price will soar to about $28,000 per kilogram.

After being resold by wholesalers and distributors and sold on the streets of the United States, its price will increase several times, because the flour on the streets is sold by gram.

Locke knows that the current price of flour on the streets is 90 US dollars per gram.

Huge profits!

No wonder these things are banned repeatedly, and even many law enforcement agencies can’t resist the temptation to participate in it.

The wholesale price in the United States is 28,000 US dollars per kilogram, and the market retail price is 90,000 US dollars per kilogram, which has tripled again.

The wholesale price is only about 2,000 US dollars, and it has increased 45 times from South America to the United States.

No wonder drug dealers try every means to smuggle flour to the United States, including airplanes, tunnels, and submarines.

No wonder Pablo Escobar, the former Colombian drug lord, became the seventh richest man on the Forbes list just by exporting flour to the United States.

It is said that at his peak, he could earn 420 million US dollars a week and controlled 80% of the flour business exported to the United States.

At present, the main source of flour in the United States is still South America, and Mexico is a transit point. However, with the strong rise of Mexican flour merchants, South American drug traffickers have gradually become suppliers.

Moreover, chemical rock sugar in North America is gradually becoming popular, and it has also occupied the market share of flour.

It has had a great impact on the flour planting in South America. Fortunately, South American flour faces the global market, as well as the European and East Asian markets.

There is no place in the world where chemical raw materials are as cheap as in the United States. An ordinary American high school chemistry teacher can make high-purity rock sugar at home.

Song Qing also specifically mentioned that the price of Japanese flour is three times that of the United States.

Therefore, although he laughed at Locke for purchasing flour in the United States at too high a price, his behavior was a bit stupid.

But in fact, it is still profitable, but the profit is not as much as that from South America or Mexico.

There are often vendors who carry flour from the United States to Japan, and they are caught at the airport.

This information made Locke a little tempted. If this batch of flour is sold in Japan, wouldn’t it be possible to make several times more money!

He immediately decided to further develop the role of Mitsui. Anyway, it would be easy for him to transport flour there.

Song Qing finally gave Locke a contact number, saying that he was a small leader of the Mexican drug trafficking organization Santoni in Los Angeles, and he could wholesale from him, so Locke could contact him himself.

However, he specifically reminded Locke not to mention where he got the contact number, otherwise he would bear the consequences.

Locke saw from the guy’s expression that he was a coward who deliberately frightened him, probably because he didn’t want to get involved in this matter.

He didn’t plan to make this call. He came here today mainly to replenish stocks and understand the market, and he didn’t plan to really buy flour.

There were few vehicles on the Pomona Expressway at night, and Locke quickly arrived at Costco on Castleton Street. After cleaning the borrowed Mercedes, he went into the bathroom in the parking lot to change clothes.

When he came out after changing his clothes, he met two black guys. The two walked into the bathroom, one bald and the other with dreadlocks, talking and laughing.

The three of them were stunned for a moment. Just as Locke was about to move out, the bald black guy standing in front took out an M1911 from his waist, pointed at Locke and shouted: “Take out your money and cell phone, hurry up!” Locke was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted. Damn, he was a Chinese in disguise, so the other party had the urge to rob him. He quickly raised his hand and said calmly: “It’s in my pocket, please don’t kill me!” The bald black guy grinned, turned his head and smiled proudly at the black guy with dreadlocks behind him, motioning him to go over and get the money. The black guy with dreadlocks was speechless, raised his middle finger to him, and cursed: “Fuck, I just want to pee…” He walked towards Locke with an impatient look on his face, not caring about hisHis body blocked the muzzle of the gun of the black man behind him. He never thought that the Chinese in front of him would resist.

The dreadlocked guy bent down and tried to search Locke’s trouser pockets. Locke punched him in the jaw, then lifted him up and pushed him back, bumping into the bald black man, and kicked the bald black man on the head with a leg whip.


The bald black man hit the wall and fainted instantly, falling to the ground. The dreadlocked black man wanted to struggle, but Locke kicked him in the head again, and then fainted.

Looking at the two fainted black men on the ground, Locke hesitated for a moment, but finally did not take any further action.

These two little Karamis are not worth putting into the storage space. They smell too strong and take up too much space.

After a while, Locke drove the Honda car out of the parking lot and drove into the Golden State Freeway.

On Saturday, the door of the F-10-09 villa opened, waiting for the arrival of guests.

The first to come were Nathan and his girlfriend Martha. They parked their car on the side of the road, and Locke led Jennifer Gray to welcome them into the yard.

Locke asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to go into the underground parking lot?”

“Forget it, my car is too big, I won’t go in…”

Since the last time he was shot, maybe it left a shadow, Nathan also got a bulletproof Escalade, very imposing, like the FBI.

He had already met Jennifer Gray, so he introduced his girlfriend Martha to her, “Jennifer, this is my girlfriend Martha. I told you yesterday that she is a surgical nurse at St. Gabriel Hospital…” He then said to Martha, “Locke, you have met her. This is his girlfriend, Jennifer Gray, a thoracic surgeon at Dar Sinai Medical Center…” Martha immediately stepped forward, “Dr. Gray, it’s nice to meet you. Dar Sinai Medical Center has always been my number one hospital!” “Martha, I’m glad to meet you too. Welcome! I’m glad to be able to communicate with a senior nurse…” Jennifer Gray was like a different person in front of people. She was beautiful, intellectual, elegant, and had a gentle smile on her face that made people feel like they had known each other for a long time. Nathan looked at the two women who acted like they had known each other for a long time after just meeting, shrugged at Locke, and asked as he walked inside, “How is it? Are there any dents or cracks?” Nathan came here once yesterday to help Locke build the outdoor barbecue stove in the backyard. He measured the size, designed the shape, and helped to buy materials at the supermarket.

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