Although Superintendent Mona had seen Locke quickly subdue the black woman that day, she did not think too much because the situation was a bit urgent at the time.

Now she was shocked to see Locke subduing the burly Randy in less than three seconds.

So she walked over and asked Locke to demonstrate again, but Randy refused and shouted, “Let’s change to Teddes, I also want to see how Locke subdued me so quickly!”

Superintendent Mona glanced at Teddes, but called Weilun over.

As a middle-level LAPD official, she has always been concerned about political correctness, and she will not make such a low-level mistake.

It’s okay for Teddes to ask Randy to play the criminal, but if she asks Teddes to play the criminal, she might be criticized for discriminating against black people in the future.

Wei Lun stood in front of Locke and asked excitedly, “Can I resist and attack?”

Locke smiled confidently, “Of course!”

As soon as Locke finished speaking, Wei Lun attacked him, but Locke stretched out his hand to grab him just like he had just subdued Randy, and then took advantage of his unstable center of gravity to turn his body and twist his hands behind his back again to subdue him.

In front of L4’s mixed martial arts, whether it was the black lady or the policemen with a certain fighting foundation like Randy or Wei Lun, for Locke, there was no difference at all, they were all little girls.

“OMG, how did you do this?”

Randy held his head with both hands, his face full of disbelief, it turned out that he was subdued by Locke just now.

David and Mark had already surrounded him, and Mark asked, “Do you know that Locke’s grappling skills are so powerful?”

David looked like he didn’t know Locke, and shook his head and said, “I haven’t seen him take action, he has basically been shooting during this period…”

Mark was startled, and thought of another thing, it seems that as long as Locke shoots, there will be no survivors.

Teddy asked excitedly: “Locke, how did you do this? Teach me quickly…”

Locke rolled his eyes in his heart. Of course, it was the system that gave him this skill, but fortunately, he had a traceable way to learn it.

He spread his hands and said: “If you know how I got through high school, you will understand. As long as you have enough fighting experience and some talent, you can be like me!”

Teddy instantly remembered that Locke said he was discriminated against in high school, and punched him with his fist, “You did it. No one will dare to discriminate against you now!”

Superintendent Mona asked thoughtfully: “Locke, can your grappling technique be promoted in the police force?”

Locke was stunned. Superintendent Mona meant that he wanted him to hand over this set of techniques to LAPD!

He pondered for a moment and replied: “I think it’s difficult. This set of techniques is largely due to my experience…”

Indeed, L4’s mixed martial arts has been separated from the techniques and moves of the past, and has integrated various modern fighting techniques, becoming his instinctive reaction.

Then Locke taught Teddy, Randy, and Weilun the techniques of exerting force one by one, but they were so clumsy as slow motion when using the grappling techniques that seemed so easy to him, and were easily killed.

After the three tried it, they had to give up, as they simply couldn’t learn it.

Superintendent Mona also pulled Elsa over to try it, and had to give up the idea of ​​recommending this set of techniques to LAPD. It seemed that only Locke could use this set of techniques flexibly.

Locke could only encourage: “You still need to practice more, practice makes perfect! However, as I said, if you can solve the problem with a gun, I don’t recommend you to fight with others barehanded…”

At this time, Jennifer Gray came to inform that it was time for lunch. For lunch, Locke specially ordered takeout from Jindingxuan in Chinatown, and prepared to treat everyone with authentic Chinese food.

Well, of course, there is another important reason, Chinese restaurants like to accept cash.

What surprised Locke was the authentic Chinese food in Chinatown. Except for Nathan, Teddy and David, no one else had eaten it much, and the reactions were mixed.

Nathan, Teddy, David, Mark, and Weilun thought it was delicious and gave it a high evaluation.

But Mona, Elsa, Randy, Judy, and Martha had different opinions. They preferred Chinese food with richer flavors, such as Panda Express.

Locke suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Chinese food needed to be improved after arriving in the United States.

The meal lasted more than an hour. During the meal, everyone once again congratulated Locke on his move to a new home.

At noon, all the wine that everyone brought was opened directly. Fortunately, Locke and Jennifer also bought some red wine when they went to Target yesterday, otherwise, this little wine would not be enough for everyone to drink.

After dinner, they played for another two hours. When the smell of alcohol dissipated, everyone left one by one.

When David left, he specifically reminded Locke: “Don’t tell Catherine about my drinking today!”

Smelling the alcohol that had not yet dissipated from the old guy’s mouth, Locke was a little amused, knowing thatThis guy must have been holding back for too long, and today he saw everyone drinking, so he broke his vow.

He reminded: “Then you’d better not go home now!”

David raised his hand and blew it. Seeing that the smell of alcohol was not strong, he smiled and said: “It’s okay, I have breath freshener in my car!”

Teddys and Randy hope that Locke will hold parties more often and invite more people next time.

Before leaving, Superintendent Mona asked Locke about his detective exam on Monday, “How is it? There should be no problem!”

Locke smiled confidently: “No problem!”

Superintendent Mona nodded and said: “That’s good, I’m very happy that there will be a police officer from Wilshire in the detective department in the future, Locke, come on!”

Nathan and Martha left last. The two of them originally stayed to help Locke clean up the mess after the party, but Locke refused.

What a joke, if Nathan and Martha help to clean up, then he and Jennifer will have to do it together.

After sending Nathan and Martha away, Locke directly called the Mexican Eldo Madridio. Don’t say it, this old Mexican is really better the more you use him.

After Eldo Madrid’s family arrived, Locke took Jennifer Gray out on a date.

He had already booked Spago, one of the best restaurants in Los Angeles, to make up for the regret of the last time.

This was their first formal date. Usually they would order takeout after fucking.

The next morning, Locke broke free from Jennifer Gray’s entanglement, washed up, leaned over and kissed the woman who was still sleeping soundly. The woman was tired again last night.

Leaving Jennifer alone at home, Locke drove back to Beverly Hills for breakfast.

He had an appointment with Li Bo today to visit an old Chinese doctor from Taiwan in Chinatown. If I don’t learn the flying needle technique, I’m worried that the system will take it back.

When Locke returned to his home in Beverly, he found that the breakfast on the table was unusually rich, even Chinese shrimp dumplings and steamed buns, and Jet and Hannah were eating happily.

When Marian asked why he was the only one back, Locke realized that these rich breakfasts were prepared to entertain Jennifer Gray.

Locke smiled bitterly and said, “I don’t know you want to invite her to breakfast. I didn’t invite her. Besides, she’s going home soon and will reunite with her parents today!”

Marianne shrugged, “Okay, I’ll just ask. Eat quickly. I really don’t understand you. Why do you want to learn acupuncture? I can’t believe this kind of thing. How can a needle inserted into the body cure a disease? This is not scientific!”

Li Bo swallowed the shrimp dumpling in his mouth and said dissatisfiedly, “Chinese acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. How can it be unscientific? When we Chinese used acupuncture to treat diseases, there was no concept of medicine in Europe, and America was in a primitive slave society. The concept of traditional Chinese medicine is completely different from modern medicine. You can’t use the word science to evaluate it, because when traditional Chinese medicine was born, there was no word science…”

“Honey, I was wrong, I apologize to you!”

Marian quickly calmed her irritable husband, and then made a helpless expression to Locke and his two siblings, whispering: “Your father has always been proud of China’s long history and culture. There is something I forgot to tell you. Your father told me that the surname Li is the surname of the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, the greatest dynasty in China. The Tang in Chinatown comes from this dynasty. It is also the surname of the founder of Taoism, the largest native religion in China, with a status similar to that of Jesus. OMG, this makes me very stressed. The surname Locke just comes from a piece of stone…” Hannah exclaimed, regardless of the food she was eating, “So I am a descendant of the royal family! Can I let Martha call me Princess Royal?” Jet was also surprised and asked, “Dad, is this true?” Locke also looked at Li Bo in amazement. He didn’t expect their surname to be so awesome, but why did Li Bo look a little guilty!

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