Early Monday morning, Locke got a call from Marian just after getting up. Marian asked him if he wanted to send him to take the exam.

Locke blurted out: “No, give me some confidence, okay? I said there is no problem!”

Marian said on the phone: “I know your IQ has awakened, but I am still a little worried. You know, you almost didn’t pass the police exam. Obviously, the content of the detective exam is more difficult than the entry exam for ordinary police officers…”

Locke was speechless, “Mum, believe me, okay? I am not the same person as before!”

Marian immediately changed her tone, “Of course I believe you, it’s okay, if you don’t pass this time, take the exam again, come on, uh, your father wants to talk to you…”

This is really a real mother!

Locke almost laughed out of anger, and soon Li Bo’s voice came from the phone, “Locke, come on, I believe in you! Jet, Hannah, you also say something…”

Jet said perfunctorily: “Come on!”

Hannah said seriously: “Locke, come on, I look forward to calling you Detective…”

The detective exam is indeed more difficult than the police entrance exam, because the work of a detective is completely different from that of a patrolman.

The work of a detective is more professional, involving legal knowledge, judgment and observation ability, adaptability, logical thinking ability, and there are also requirements for academic qualifications.

You can apply to be a police officer with a high school degree, but you can’t apply to be a detective.

The detective exam also requires preliminary review, written test, interview, physical examination, physical fitness test, psychological test, polygraph test and background check.

The preliminary review is actually done by the unit to which the police officer belongs. For example, Locke, it stands to reason that his years of service are not enough to apply for a detective.

So under normal circumstances, his application will be stuck at the Wilshire Police Department.

Usually, if the police officer’s detective application is submitted by his unit, it basically means that he can take the detective exam and pass the preliminary review.

Of course, there are also detective applications that have been submitted, but the detective bureau finds that the police officer has a more sensitive violation or violation of discipline, or is emotionally unstable, which is also called rejection, but this is a minority.

Because usually the police officers who apply for the detective exam know whether they can pass the application.

For most police officers, the written test is the most difficult part of the detective exam, and many police officers’ detective exams will be stuck at the written test.

As long as you pass the written test, the subsequent exams will not be difficult.

The written test is really a test of ability, and the subsequent exams are a test of personal quality.

Again, since you have applied for the detective exam, there should be no problem with these, at least you are 60% sure of yourself, otherwise, you will not have the intention to apply to be a detective.

Locke is really confident in himself. After all, he is really a top student now. He has brushed all the questions that should be brushed in the written test. With his current IQ, these questions are all remembered in his mind.

The rest is case analysis and on-site response. There are new cases every year.

For him, the interview is just a process. He is a hero of LAPD.

As for the physical test, with his current physical condition, the physical test items are simply child’s play for him.

Psychological test and polygraph test are just a formality for him who has 14 points of spirit, L2 micro-expression analysis, and L1 psychological profile.

There is no problem with the background check. Both his parents are from Ivy League schools, and he also graduated from UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles). The whole family is clean and has a good family background.

Therefore, he is really sure to pass the detective exam this time.

Detective Bureau.

There are more than 40 people taking the detective exam this month, most of whom are from the divisions of the Operations Department. Among them, there are more than 30 men and less than 10 women.

Locke is the youngest here, because under normal circumstances, you have to work as a patrolman for at least three years before you are eligible to apply for a detective, so the others are older than him.

Locke was given a special reward this time because his ability was so outstanding that it would be a waste to let him continue to be a patrolman.

Locke is now a well-deserved star in the LAPD because everyone has basically heard of him and has no objection to his taking the detective exam this time.

Whether it was the previous single-handed shooting of four terrorists and the rescue of police inspector Anna Davis and rookie Nathan.

Or the later attack by terrorists at the medal ceremony, and the fearless pursuit of terrorists who launched a large-scale terrorist attack and killed six police officers, and finally killed all the terrorists.

These two heroic deeds have long been circulated within the LAPD.

For the lower-level LAPD, Locke is a true hero and has become a living legend in the LAPD.

So LockePeople around Locke kept coming over to greet him, and it was not until the exam started that it became quiet.

There was only one invigilator for the detective exam, and it was unclear how many people were behind the camera.

The test paper was five pages long and the test lasted two and a half hours.

As soon as he got the test paper, Locke knew that he had a sure pass in this exam, because he had done most of the multiple-choice questions.

He spent half an hour ticking 100 multiple-choice questions covering law, mathematics, the U.S. Constitution, history, geography, logical thinking, logical reasoning, forensic science, traffic rules, police regulations, and police behavior standards.

Then he looked at the application questions at the back slowly, which were all from real cases, some new and some old.

These questions were not difficult for Locke, because they mainly tested logical reasoning and adaptability.

For example, what should you do when you arrive at the scene of a homicide?

For another example, how do you deal with the murderer when you see him committing a crime?

After finishing two questions, Locke’s eyes condensed, and he actually saw a familiar question.

This question is a case analysis, talking about the way the patrolman handles a blackmail dispute. It asks what mistakes the policeman made. If you were the policeman involved, how would you handle this case?

Is someone blackmailing him?

This case is a police case he handled. A white scumbag used the routine of stealing a wallet to blackmail a black woman. The white scumbag said that there were 500 dollars in his wallet, but the black woman picked up the wallet with only 200 dollars. The white scumbag asked the black woman who picked up the wallet to give him 300 dollars.

Locke did handle this case in a simple and rough way at the time, because he knew the purpose of the white scumbag very well and didn’t want to waste time on this case.

Moreover, he was very famous at the time, and he also wanted to find something to cool himself down, and it didn’t matter if he was complained.

In fact, this case is nothing more than collecting evidence and confessions from both sides, and questioning witnesses, but investigating for 300 US dollars is simply a waste of police power.

So Locke did not make any improvements, and still followed the way he handled it at the time, but just wrote down his ideas.

After the case analysis question, there was the last big question. The question was about a serial car accident. The victim of the first car accident was rescued, but the driver died in the second car accident. The question was to find the real culprit.

When Locke saw this case, he immediately looked up at the monitor and guessed who asked this question.

Except for Tom Williams, the psychopath, no one else would use an unsolved case as the last question of the detective exam.

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