Robbery and Murder Division, in the office.

Tom Williams put his legs diagonally on the desk, holding a yellow tennis ball in his hand, smashing it against the wall, then bouncing back to catch it, and then smashing it against the wall again to catch it, repeating this action like a robot.

If you look closely, you will find that the tennis ball hits the same point from beginning to end, and the place where he reaches out to catch the ball has not moved, everything is as precise as if it was designed.

“Tom, your coffee!”

Sofia Gaia walked in with a cup of coffee, “The exam is almost over, don’t you want to persuade Locke again?”

Tom Williams smashed the tennis ball, put his feet down, turned the chair, took the coffee from Sofia, drank a sip of coffee with a look of enjoyment, and sighed: “Sophia, I really can’t imagine what life will be like without you?”

The tennis ball flew over his head, fell to the ground, bounced twice, and rolled under the sofa.

“Yes, without me, there would be no one to drive you, make coffee for you, pick up the ball for you…”

Sophia was speechless, and she knelt on the ground with her butt raised skillfully to get the tennis ball out from under the sofa, and said unhappily, “Don’t you think that staring at a lady’s butt like this is sexual harassment?”

Tom Williams shrugged and said calmly: “How many times have I told you that I didn’t look at your butt, I was looking at the final stop position of the ball. The position, force used, and drop position were all the same, but the final stop position was different every time. Don’t you think this is interesting? No matter how well you calculate, there will still be deviations in the end…”

Sophia responded with a middle finger, and said contemptuously: “Do you think I will believe it?”

Tom Williams put down the coffee that was delivered to his mouth, frowned and said: “I have seen your butt without pants, why do I have to look at the covered butt!”

“Fuck ,I would rather you just stared at my butt, Tom, I think you really should see a psychiatrist! ”

Sophia looked embarrassed, she took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and said again: “The exam is almost over, don’t you want to meet Locke and persuade him again?”

Tom Williams took another sip of coffee, looking very happy, and shook his head: “No, I have given him a chance, don’t you think the current Robbery and Murder Division is too boring? If he is really as good as he said, then the Robbery and Murder Division will become more and more interesting!”

Sophia stared at Tom Williams with a proud face, curled her lips, and said: “You put Miss Greenberg’s case into the detective exam this time, don’t you worry about affecting the test results?”

The Robbery and Murder Division has reached a dead end in this case. Although Tom Williams determined that it was a murder, all the evidence pointed to the fact that the two car accidents were accidents.

The big man, Love Hogwarts, also disagreed with the accidental result and had exerted pressure from all sides. Even the elders of the LAPD Police Committee were paying attention to this case.

Tom Williams said indifferently: “Since the case has reached a dead end, why not let these elite patrolmen provide some ideas, maybe there will be gains!”

Sophia’s mouth twitched, and she looked like she saw through him, “Do you think Locke can’t see your purpose?”

Tom Williams raised his eyebrows, “You don’t think I put this case in just for his answer? Are you overestimating him!”

Sophia shrugged and said, “I don’t know whether I overestimate him or not. I only know that you invited him three times and he refused. This is the first time. You made the exam so difficult this time. Those candidates may be scolding you now…”

Tom Williams said innocently: “I only asked two questions, why scold me?”

Sophia sneered: “I don’t know about other candidates, but someone will definitely scold you!”

Locke stared at the test paper, his mind working quickly. This case has not been solved yet. Why did Tom Williams use this case as a question?

He figured it out quickly. The case must have reached a deadlock, so Tom Williams wanted to get inspiration from others.

Uh, this guy didn’t want to see his answer!

This thought just flashed through Locke’s mind, and then drifted away.

Tom Williams is such a proud person, he shouldn’t do such a thing.

However, the case must have reached a dead end, and they should have tried all the investigation directions and ideas.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn’t have resorted to such a desperate measure and solicited ideas for handling the case.

Uh, the above analysis question couldn’t have been put in by this guy!

It’s probably this bastard!

After Locke criticized Tom Williams, the psychopath, in his heart, he turned his attention back to the case, andI am more attentive.

Don’t you want to get ideas for solving the case?

I’ll give it to you!

If the Detective Bureau is the elite of LAPD, then the Robbery and Murder Division is the trump card of the Detective Bureau.

The team led by Tom Williams is the trump card among trump cards. They have solved countless difficult cases of various difficulties. Otherwise, Tom Williams would not have won the title of detective.

However, detectives are not omnipotent and will encounter cases that cannot be solved.

The fact that such a team is helpless shows how difficult this case is and how awesome the team that solved this case is.

Although all the evidence on the surface shows that the two car accidents were accidents, Locke is also sure that this case is murder.

Locke recalled the scene of that day in his mind and put himself into the murderer’s thinking.

Obviously, the location of the car accident was specially chosen.

The murderer knew that Daisy Greenberg was driving a car and knew that a conventional car accident would not kill this young lady.

And a violent car accident would increase the risk of exposure and is not easy to control.

The murderer also knew Daisy Greenberg’s driving route very well, so he arranged the accident at the Tramond Bridge, causing the car to lose control and fall into the Los Angeles River, so Daisy Greenberg in the bulletproof car would definitely die.

Although the truck driver died, it should be a good breakthrough. Since he was silenced, it means that there is a loophole in him.

However, the Robbery and Murder Division has been investigating for so long, but no clues have been found on him, indicating that the murderer’s way of contacting the driver is very secretive.

However, compared with the driver, Daisy Greenberg should have more clues.

She has a conflict of interest with those people?

Who knows that her Bentley is bulletproof?

Who knows her driving route that day?

But thinking of Daisy Greenberg’s sickly style, she may not cooperate with the detective bureau.

Locke even suspected that this woman did not care about this case.

Uh, don’t ask him why he knows, intuition.

After writing down his ideas for handling the case, Locke was ready to hand in the paper and leave. He scanned the circle and found that several people had already handed in their papers and left.

Five test papers, two and a half hours, more than enough time, basically everyone would hand in their papers early and leave.

Because if you don’t know how to do it, sitting for two and a half hours, you still can’t do it, and there is no point in filling up the test paper.

After Locke handed in the paper, he walked out of the training room that was used as an examination room and saw Sophia Gaia standing in the corridor.

“Locke, can we chat for a few minutes?”

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