“You’ll know it soon!”

Locke took out the phone and called Jesse. After comparison, he found that Neil’s IQ was lower.

He turned on the speakerphone and handed the phone to Victor Mendes.

Victor Mendes was stunned for a moment, and put the phone next to Locke’s mouth without watching the show.

Locke continued to stare at the opposite side with MK110A. In the camera, the two black guys who were originally on edge and were talking trash to each other suddenly became quiet because Jesse’s phone suddenly rang.

“Wait a minute…” Jesse shouted to Neil, and hurriedly said, “It should be Henry Gibbs, that bastard, calling…” Neil’s face sank, and he asked, “Why would he call you?” “How would he know?” Jesse also had a gloomy face. He glanced at Neil and his group, and said seriously, “Neil, our goal is to avenge Boss Red. Let’s listen to what this bastard wants to say first…” “…” Neil stared at Jesse coldly, staring at him taking out his phone, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, “Turn on speakerphone!” “Okay, I’ll turn on speakerphone!” Jesse took out his phone and saw that it was indeed the call that had just come in. He quickly answered the call, turned on the speakerphone, and stretched the phone as far as possible towards Neil, and cursed directly: “Henry Gibbs, you dare to lie to me “You guys, do you know the consequences of lying to us? We will not only kill you, but also your whole family…” Locke saw the conversation between the two through oral communication, and knew that Jesse had turned on the speakerphone. A calm voice came from the phone, “Boss Jesse, I have brought Neil here. I hope you will keep your promise and my hatred with you will be wiped out…” Jesse’s face changed instantly, realizing that he was fooled by Henry Gibbs, and cursed: “Fuck, you are looking for death…” Seeing Neil raised his gun with an angry face, he shouted in panic: “Neil, calm down, this is the conspiracy of Henry Gibbs, the bastard…” Before he finished speaking, a bullet flew from nowhere, directly pierced Neil’s ear, and flew towards the dark Pacific Ocean. “Ah, fuck”

Neil screamed in pain and pulled the trigger at Jesse subconsciously. He covered his ears and shouted loudly: “This is a trap, kill them all, kill them all, kill all these traitors…”





The gunshots were like firecrackers, one after another. After more than ten seconds of chaotic shooting, more than 20 people were lying on the ground.

Some died, some were groaning and twitching after being shot, and some were lying on the ground wailing in pain. The rest hid behind their cars, cursing each other and shooting at each other.

After shooting at each other for more than 20 seconds, someone suddenly realized something was wrong and shouted, “Fuck, Neil is dead!”

Then the other side also shouted, “Fuck, Jesse is dead!”

“Fuck, Tom, do you want us all to die?”

“All f*cking cease fire!”

“Save me, save me, I don’t want to die…”

“Call an ambulance, my intestines are broken…”

“Nick, you son of a bitch, you actually shot me, have you forgotten that I treated you to McDonald’s…”

From the TANGO 6 1-6× scope, Locke saw with his own eyes that Jesse was shot three times in the chest and fell down with an unwilling look on his face.

Neil was shot in the head and died instantly.

He put down the MK110A with a smile on his face. He didn’t expect it to be solved so perfectly. He had planned how to guide Jesse to turn on the hands-free mode and was ready to shoot again.

Fortunately, he didn’t need to shoot again. If he shot again, he would most likely be exposed.

The only loophole now is the shot that hit Neil’s ear. The M110A1 uses 7.62×51mm bullets, which are very different from the wounds caused by 9mm pistol bullets. However, the bullet has already flown into the Pacific Ocean and cannot be found even if you want to.

The on-site forensic personnel may not be able to find the trajectory of this bullet.

Moreover, if a person dies in a gang fight, the forensic autopsy will not be conducted so carefully.

Of course, there is another loophole.

Locke turned his head and looked at Victor Mendes, who was still staring at the opposite side with night vision goggles, and said, “Give me the phone, we can go…”

Victor Mendes put down the night vision goggles, his face full of horror, turned his head and asked in a trembling voice, “You…how did you do it?”

What he had just witnessed made him terrified from the bottom of his heart. With just three phone calls, Locke almost wiped out the Compton drag racing gang. Looking at the corpses on the ground, he felt cold all over. It was the first time he saw so many dead people.

“Didn’t you see it?”

Locke looked at Victor in confusion. This was a very simple trick.

He said again: “You can give me the phone now!” Victor Mendes returned the phone to Locke with an embarrassed look on his face.Even though he saw it with his own eyes, he still didn’t understand how Locke did it!

Locke took the phone and pretended to put it in his pocket but actually put it in the storage space. LAPD should be able to find this number from Jesse and Neil’s phones.

However, the call time was so short that at most they could only find the approximate range, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.

He thought about whether to go to the other side to take away the two people’s phones, but soon realized that this was superfluous.

Not to mention that there were survivors, even if he would not be seen and would not leave any traces, the disappearance of these two people’s phones was the biggest loophole.

Soon the gray Challenger Hellcat disappeared in the port area. On the way back, Victor Mendes was very silent.

When he was about to arrive at the repair shop, he still couldn’t help but asked again: “How did you do it?”

Locke was stunned. He thought Victor had figured it out!

It’s so simple that you don’t understand it?

But he quickly reacted. Sun Tzu’s Art of War, the Thirty-Six Stratagems, are well-known in China, and men, women, young and old can easily say a few strategies.

But for Americans, ordinary people receive a happy education and will never come into contact with such books about power struggles, not to mention that Victor Mendes is a high school dropout.

Locke organized his words, “I will tell you a story about sharing peaches and you should understand. In ancient China, there was a king who had three powerful warriors under his command. They were extremely brave and they all valued honor. One day, the king felt that the three warriors threatened him and wanted to kill them, but he was afraid of being retaliated. So his military advisor gave him a plan, taking out two rare peaches to reward the three warriors, saying that only the most courageous warriors could enjoy the peaches. The three warriors all wanted to prove that they were the most courageous warriors, so they all wanted to get peaches and started killing each other…”

But after Locke finished telling the story, Victor Mendes looked even more confused.

Locke realized that his story might be a bit complicated for Victor Mendes, and seeing that he still looked thirsty for knowledge, he simply stopped the car.

He pondered for a moment and said, “OK, let’s keep it simple. Jesse and Neil both want to kill me, right? It’s like I’m the peach. Uh, forget it. There’s no need to put it into that story. Forget it. They both want to kill each other, so they are wary of each other. So I tricked them together and pretended to be in the same group with Jesse. Neil naturally thought it was Jesse’s trap. Bang, I shot him out of the blue, and the gunpowder barrel was ignited instantly…” Victor Mendes said embarrassedly, “I probably understand it. You are so awesome. Anyway, I won’t be wrong if I listen to you in the future!” Seeing Victor’s look, Locke knew that this guy didn’t understand yet, and he immediately felt a sense of superiority in his heart. He knew the story of sharing peaches when he was in college, and he was still a poor student at that time.

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