After sending the battered Victor Mendes back to the repair shop, Locke turned the Hellcat around and drove into the night under Sarah Mendes’ sticky eyes.

Actually, he also wanted to kiss Sarah goodbye, but she was there, so he couldn’t be too beastly.

Finally, the rats in Compton were dealt with. After losing all the backbones, the territory of Compton’s drag racing gang was soon swallowed up by other gangs, and no one should think about seeking revenge on him.

Locke hesitated for a moment, but finally did not report the matter to Anna Davis.

Except for the phone call that was destined to find no information, he did not leave any evidence in this matter.

Unless Victor Mendes betrayed him.

But this possibility should not be small. He found that after watching this incident, Victor seemed to respect him more.

Of course, Anna and Madeline would definitely know that this matter was related to him, because as long as they took a record of the surviving black brother, they would know that this fight was related to Henry Gibbs.

But it doesn’t matter if he knows. He will only admit that he made three calls and won’t admit anything else.

This is a fight caused by an internal conflict of a black gang.

In the speeding Hellcat, Locke looked grim. He finally understood why all the police were unwilling to be undercover.

In addition to the danger, the undercover identity is bound to bring new ties and troubles. To deal with two completely different lives and act all the time, the psychological pressure is not ordinary.

He is actually fine. He has long been accustomed to it. And Henry Gibbs has not officially entered the plot.

George Ham is different. He needs to face the beautiful Black Widow and the shrewd Floyd Ross.

Locke sincerely wishes George Ham’s mission to be successful. After the contact and the evidence he collected tomorrow night, this undercover operation should be over immediately, and he can continue to stand in the bright sunshine of Los Angeles.

Back to the Tulip Apartment, Locke washed up and opened his own mobile phone.

Hei Lu Dan’s phone call yesterday reminded him, so when he was playing Henry Gibbs, he turned off his phone.

As soon as he turned on the phone, the message notification sound kept ringing, there were WhatsApp, missed calls, and text messages.

Most of them were from his mother. Marian called him several times in the afternoon, sent him WhatsApp, and sent him text messages.

On WhatsApp, Marian sent him a lot of photos in the afternoon, all of which were of the mansion in Malibu, a full dozens of them.

There was also a photo of her and Li Bo by the swimming pool, with the villa in the background. From the smiles on their faces, they were very satisfied with the villa.

Marian’s photos were much more detailed than those in Hei Lu Dan’s profile. Most of them were indoor photos, showing luxury everywhere, and the interior space was also very large. The first floor was embedded in the mountain, and the second and third floors used a lot of glass structures, so that the room had an unbeatable sea view.

Sea view villa

However, the only regret is that there is no beach under this mansion, but a cliff.

Uh, and the surrounding green plants are not very good, there are not many trees, and the mountain looks a bit bald.

Marian expressed her love for the villa on WhatsApp and left a message for him to call back.

The text message also asked him to call back no matter how late it was.

So Locke didn’t bother to read other messages and immediately called Marian.

The phone rang for a while before it was connected, and Marian complained: “It’s one o’clock now, why did you check the message so late…”

Locke was stunned for a moment, he couldn’t say that he had just gone to kill someone.

I could only lie and reply: “I turned off my phone during work hours and just turned it on. I saw your photo and it’s more beautiful than the information!”

Marian’s voice suddenly became louder, and her tone could not hide her excitement. She smiled and said: “Yes, the real thing is more beautiful and more magnificent than the photo. This is a super luxurious villa with a great sense of design and art. In your father’s words, this time I really got a bargain, Locke, thank you!”

Locke stood by the window, looking at the night view of the City of Angels outside the window, and smiled: “It’s good that you like it. It’s a pity that there is no beach, otherwise you can go swimming in the sea directly…”

Marian said: “There will be tourists if there is a beach, and it’s better if there is no beach! The swimming pool is super good, twice as big as Villa Cortina…”

Locke thought about it and it seemed to be true. He said: “Look at the photos, the green plants around look very sparse, and the mountains are bare. Will it affect privacy…”

Marian hurriedly said: “Have you forgotten the wildfires in Los Angeles? This is better. There are no trees around. Once a wildfire occurs, the house will not be affected. Don’t worry, the glass walls all face the Pacific Ocean, and the walls facing the back are solid walls, so there is absolutely no problem with privacy.”I don’t know what Marian said, but I can tell that this villa is just what Marian wants. So, there are no flaws at all. Marian continued, “Your father and I are very satisfied with this house. We have signed a letter of intent with the agent. Next, I will review whether there are any legal problems with this house. Your father will be responsible for fundraising…” This call was rated more than ten points, mainly because Marian was talking and sharing many impressive places in this villa. For example, there is a jacuzzi with a 270-degree sea view, two outdoor BBQs, fully functional entertainment facilities on the first floor, and a home theater. Villa with a view

Later, he also mentioned that the decoration of the house was very new and luxurious, and the home decoration materials used were all top-notch, so after buying it, there would be no large-scale renovation of the house, only minor adjustments.

He also mentioned that because Jet and Hannah were attending Troy High School, they would not move there too soon after buying it, otherwise their school trip would be too far.

After hanging up the phone, Locke smiled knowingly. In fact, although he also liked this villa, he did not think it was suitable for home life.

In his opinion, this villa was more like a sea view vacation villa.

So he still did not give up the plan to buy a luxury house for his family in the super luxury residential area of ​​​​the northern section of Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills.

Locke checked Jennifer Grey’s whats again According to the app information, this woman stayed in Villa Cortina all day today, and she also sent a lot of photos.

The first few photos were normal, they were photos of her getting up without makeup, and the next few were a bit unsightly, they were photos of her checking her body.

Uh, she was obviously still edematous.

This made Locke a little embarrassed, but fortunately, the rest of the photos were normal life photos, but without clothes, some in the bathroom, some in the kitchen cooking, some in the gym doing yoga, and some in the swimming pool.

It can be seen that this woman enjoys being alone and free in Villa Cortina.

There is also a picture in the middle of the photo. Mixed with messages, Jennifer Grey said that she would arrange for Elizabeth Koch to meet him as soon as possible.

Just as Locke was looking at her photo and thinking about something else, he saw a message at the bottom of the photo. The woman said that Elizabeth Koch would consider whether to help him purchase laboratory equipment in the name of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after meeting him.

Locke curled his lips, turned to the top again, and admired Jennifer Grey’s photos again.

Not to mention, although this woman’s appearance without makeup has dropped a little, she has a kind of primitive and fresh beauty, which is very tempting.

After reading Jennifer Grey’s WhatsApp message, Locke found that the eldest lady had called him today, called him three times, and finally sent him a text message.

“I can’t find you…”

Locke was stunned for a moment. He didn’t tell Daisy Greenberg that he was going to perform an undercover mission.

When he was hesitating whether to call back or reply to the message, Henry Gibbs’s phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that the caller ID was “Black Widow”.

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