After sorting out his thoughts, Locke stopped thinking about it and opened his own phone. As expected, there were several messages and missed calls.

In addition to Marian’s call, Jennifer Gray also called him.

Locke did not rush to call back, but checked the WhatsApp messages first.

Marian’s message mainly talked about the message with Daisy Greenberg at noon today, praising her in various ways, and warned him to immediately cut off other messy relationships.

Finally, he was ordered to go home for breakfast tomorrow morning, and mentioned that he would have lunch with Love Hogwarts at noon tomorrow.

Looking at Marian’s message, Locke shook his head and laughed, wondering how Daisy Greenberg did it.

It can be seen that Marian is very satisfied with Daisy Greenberg. I wonder what her reaction will be when she knows that this woman has a dual personality.

When he was about to open Jennifer Gray’s message, Locke found that David Murphy and Catherine Murphy, father and daughter, had sent him messages. He couldn’t help but be curious, so he clicked on David’s message first.

David told him that their sea fishing group had agreed to let him join, and when he came back from vacation in Japan, he could go out to sea with them on weekends.

The old man also gave him a list of sea fishing gear and supplies, and asked him to buy them according to the list.

Locke opened Catherine Murphy’s message again. He thought it was to welcome him to join the detective bureau, but he didn’t expect that this woman sent a message without a beginning or an end.

“Locke, you owe me a favor. When you come back from Japan, remember to treat me to a big meal…”

It’s a bit confusing!

Thinking that the undercover operation was almost over, he first replied to Catherine Murphy, “David will kill me…”

Then he replied to David Murphy, “Got it, I can’t wait to end my vacation and go out to sea with you. I’ll treat you and dinner when I come back. Maybe you can bring Catherine. I want to learn about the detective bureau…”

After replying to the messages of Murphy and his daughter, Locke casually read some other people’s messages, all of which were junk messages.

For example, Randy Casco asked him if he had visited any Japanese sex shops, how the services of Japanese prostitutes were, etc.

Teddy Martin asked him when he would hold a party, and provided him with a new party theme for reference…

Nathan Fillion asked him if he needed help with the modification of the railings of the second-floor balcony…

Elsa Molly asked him seriously about the content of the detective exam, and tentatively asked if he could help her with training…

Locke ignored these guys directly, but he had to reply to one person’s message, which was sent by his cousin.

Alice Locke asked him about the Malibu villa, and sent several photos that Marian had taken before, praising and exclaiming, and finally asked her when she could visit.

Locke directly replied that he was on vacation in Japan now, and was not sure about the progress of the villa, so she asked her to ask Marian directly.

Unexpectedly, Alice Locke did not sleep, replied to his message in seconds, and sighed about his vacation in Japan, and asked him if he remembered what she said last time, asking him to go to Pepperdine University as soon as possible.

Locke was a little confused, “What?”

Alice Locke sent a photo directly, it was a photo of Alice Locke and a sweet-looking white girl.

The girl had smooth blonde hair, fair skin, clear eyes, quiet and elegant temperament, slender figure, clean smile, holding a Bible in her hand, and she looked well-educated.

She continued to write, “How is it? Pretty! Although her breasts are not big, she is definitely the type you like. I am going to introduce her to you…”

Locke was speechless and replied, “I already have a girlfriend…”

Alice Locke sent a contemptuous expression, and then sent a series of messages, with amazing hand speed.

“Jennifer Grey? Stop lying to yourself. Aren’t you in that kind of relationship?”

“I really hope you can feel real love for once, instead of being dominated by hormones…”

“Believe me, Diana can heal you. She majored in law and minored in theology. I have never met such a smart and gentle woman…”

“If you were not my cousin, I would never let a scumbag like you know her…”


Locke was speechless and replied, “Not Jennifer Grey. I have a new girlfriend and have officially introduced her to Marian…”

Alice Locke was silent for several seconds and gave a middle finger back.


Locke ignored Alice Locke and opened Jennifer Grey’s message and was stunned instantly.

Daisy, uh, Deborah.Greenberg has been like that since childhood and has killed people. This…

No wonder his intuition always feels that this woman is dangerous!

However, he doesn’t seem to care too much!

Locke immediately called Jennifer Gray. The woman said in a cold tone, “You have read the message, I don’t have any other intentions, just sharing this information with you, uh, I have an operation tomorrow morning, so let’s leave it at that…”

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Locke was a little helpless. Didn’t we agree to be friends with benefits?

At the beginning, I took the initiative, you backed off, now I have a girlfriend, you are in a bad mood again…

The next morning, Locke returned to his original appearance, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, a baseball cap, and a hooded sweater to go out for a run.

When he ran to MacArthur Park, he called an Uber back to Beverly Hills.

As soon as he got home, he found that the atmosphere was not right. Only Marian and Li Bo were left at the table, and both of them looked a little solemn.

Locke’s heart skipped a beat, and without bothering to greet him, he asked directly: “What happened?”

Marianne and Li Bo looked at each other, but neither of them answered him.

Locke raised his eyebrows and asked again: “Did something happen in the villa in Malibu?”

Marianne sighed and stared at Locke, “Jester called me this morning and said that Chester Horton called him early in the morning and told him that he was going to let William Horton take full charge of the farm business and proposed that Henry replace William Horton as the chief of the Lebeck Livestock Police…”

Locke was stunned. As the chairman of the Livestock Association, Chester Horton’s authority came largely from the Livestock Association Police.

This was a group of legal armed forces, and he could not give it up suddenly.

He asked, “Why? What trouble did they encounter?”

Marianne did not answer him, and said, “I received a call from Anna this morning. She told me that Harry Thomas knew Mia Friedman, the president of the California Bar Association. She said that Mia Friedman mentioned to Harry Thomas that the number of female members of the Bar Association is low, and they want to nominate new female members. If I am interested…”

Locke suddenly realized and his expression froze. This is their offer.

Li Bo asked, “Locke, what is going on?”

Marianne followed and said, “Anna asked me to ask you directly…”

Locke did not answer them, but fell into silence, and the balance in his heart was still tilted.

Damn, the chips given are so tempting!

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