Anna Davis left without staying for long. She personally sent Locke here, which showed her attitude.

Madeline Hill extended her hand to Locke, pretending to meet for the first time, and said with a smile: “Locke, welcome to the second team of the Murder Case Division. I am Madeline Hill, and I am the captain…”

Locke extended his hand, “Captain Hill, I am glad to join your team!”

“Now, let me introduce your teammates to you…”

Madeline Hill pointed to the middle-aged uncle with a decadent look on his face, “Tony Gerard, our deputy captain, he is a German Jew, so don’t let him see your sloppy and unprofessional side…”

Tony Gerard extended his hand to Locke with a smile, “Locke, I admire your name, and I am glad that you chose Madeline…”

Locke was startled. Why did this sound ambiguous?

He extended his hand and shook it, and responded: “Thank you, deputy captain, please take care of me…”

Locke quickly pulled his hand back. Tony Gerard’s eyes made him feel a little weird. This guy seemed to be very interested in him.

Damn, this can’t be the side effect of a spiritual mentor!

Madeline Hill continued to introduce: “This is Detective Harry Sumner, the man with the second most attractive man in the detective department after Captain Tom, but after you come, both of them should stand aside…”

Harry Sumner is a handsome white man with black hair. He is really handsome and elegant. He feels like George Clooney in his youth. He should be between 25 and 30 years old. This look and temperament are really eye-catching.

Locke judged from his facial features that he should be of Italian descent, so he greeted him directly in Italian, “Detective Sumner, please take care of me!”

Harry Sumner had a reserved look on his face. When he heard Locke speak Italian, he instantly showed a look of surprise and replied in Italian: “I’m glad you joined. Do you speak Italian?”

Locke smiled reservedly: “I know a little…”

Language is no longer a problem for him now.

Without waiting for Madeline Hill to continue the introduction, Locke took the initiative to approach the red-haired white man next to Harry Sumner. This guy was about the same height as him, probably about 1.9 meters tall, with a burly figure, exuding a fierce aura all over his body, and a sense of oppression.

He took the initiative to extend his hand to Locke, “Jack Talbot, I heard that you are also a good gunman, let’s spar some other day…”


Locke stretched out his hand and instantly felt like he was holding a pair of pliers, realizing what the other party wanted to do.

The people around him showed a look of watching a good show. Tony Gerard glanced at Madeline Hill, and seeing that she didn’t say anything, he shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

Locke saw everyone’s reaction in his eyes, and a helpless look overflowed from the corners of his mouth. He exerted force on his hand, and Jack Talbot’s face instantly turned red, but this guy was also a tough guy. He didn’t beg for mercy, and kept gritting his teeth to hold on.

With Locke’s current strength, he could break Jet Talbot’s finger bones, but he naturally wouldn’t do such a thing.

Seeing that the time was almost right, he let go of Jack Talbot’s hand and praised: “Yes, you are very strong…”

“You are awesome, I surrender…”

Jack Talbot stared at Locke in horror. He almost thought his hand would break. In despair, Locke let go of his hand and was immediately grateful to Locke.

Others were stunned by this subversive scene. You know, Jack Talbot was a well-known strongman in the entire detective bureau and was known as the “Irish Bull”, but he didn’t expect to be crushed by Locke at the first sight.

Madeline Hill was originally happy to see Jack Talbot put a stop to Locke’s prestige. She was a woman, and she remembered the last incident in her heart!

Unexpectedly, Locke’s strength exceeded her imagination, and even Jet Talbot was defeated.

Madeline Hill twitched her lips, stared at Jack Talbot, and sneered: “Jack, I didn’t expect you to fall one day. You usually make a fool of yourself by relying on your strength. Locke, you did a great job…” Then he introduced the other three detectives, namely the Mexican Raven Tate, the white science and engineering man Brian Smith who is good at computers, and the standard American sweet girl Skye Spears who is in charge of office work. Locke stretched out his hand and shook hands with the three of them, but because of the scene just now, Raven Tate and Brian Smith looked a little scared when facing his outstretched hand. Only the blonde sweet girl Skye Spears stared at Locke with a crazy look on her face. When shaking hands, she didn’t forget to hold his palm, “Locke, I’m glad you can join us. If you need to consult me ​​about anything, you can always find me…” Madeline Hill was speechless and reminded: “Skye, my team is forbidden to doOffice romance…”

Skye Spears shrugged and whispered to Locke: “Just don’t let her know…”

Locke pulled his hand back and smiled: “Thank you, but I already have a girlfriend…”

Skye Spears immediately looked regretful, “OK, I wish you happiness!”

After greeting his colleagues, Locke was called into Madeline Hill’s office. The first sentence was a warning: “Locke, I know about your past, so I must tell you solemnly once, my team prohibits office romance…”

Locke said again: “Captain, I already have a girlfriend! “Good!” Madeline Hill nodded, “I’m just reminding you that you just met all the colleagues. Who do you want to partner with…” Locke said tactfully, “I’ll follow the captain’s arrangement…” Madeline Hill was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that this guy was not so arrogant and undisciplined. She immediately liked Locke a little bit. She pondered for a moment and said, “Although you have performed bravely and outstandingly during your time as a patrolman, you have been a patrolman for too short a time. A second-level police officer must be qualified to take the detective exam after three years, so I plan to let the deputy captain take you for a while. Tony is an excellent detective, you have to learn from him…” Locke thought of Tony Gerard’s abnormality just now, raised his eyebrows, and asked, “Captain, does the deputy captain know about my undercover work before? ”

Madeline Hill glanced at him. Actually, she had received a gag order from Anna Davis, not allowing her to talk about the undercover operation.

She hesitated for a moment and replied, “I know. He and I went to deal with the mess under the Long Beach overpass, but the deputy captain is very tight-lipped. Don’t worry about him…”

Locke suddenly realized that this should be the reason why Tony Gerard was interested in him, so he nodded and said, “No problem, I will learn from the deputy captain…”

Madeline Hill frowned her red eyebrows. She didn’t quite understand what Locke meant by asking this question suddenly, but she didn’t intend to delve into it. She asked, “Do you know what case we are dealing with now?”

Locke nodded and said, “I know, is it the murder case of Congressman Belis Camilo?”

Madeline Hill shook her head and said, “No, this case has been taken over by the FBI. We are now investigating the disappearance of Sanjis Camilo…”

Locke couldn’t hold it back for a moment. Sanjis Camilo’s body was still in his space!

So, the first case after joining the job is to investigate himself?

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