The reason why Locke couldn’t hold back was that once the detective bureau tracked down the Mendes repair shop, it would be exposed.

He was not worried that Sarah and Victor would betray him, but they were too young and could not withstand questioning.

And the Mendes repair shop was too mixed now.

In addition to the Mendes brothers and sisters, Ryder, and the three old guys Jim, Old John, and Torres, there were 6 new guys. These people had just joined the repair shop. It was impossible for them to keep their mouths shut about what happened yesterday.

However, even the top killers had not yet tracked down Sanjis Camilo’s whereabouts, and the detective bureau should not be able to find the Mendes repair shop for a while.

Locke could only comfort himself in this way, but he had already made up his mind in his heart to quickly solve this hidden danger.

He had already thought of a solution, to find a place to dump Sanjis Camilo’s body.

If the body was found, there was no need to investigate the missing case!

Madeline Hill saw Locke was silent and thought he was thinking of his previous undercover experience. But she didn’t know if it was an illusion, she felt that Locke was a little different today.

This guy exuded an inexplicable attraction, which eroded her dissatisfaction with him bit by bit.

She couldn’t help but think of what Anna Davis said before, and couldn’t help but frowned her red eyebrows, and asked coldly: “You have contacted Sanjis Camilo, where do you think he will hide?”

Locke was thinking about the best place to dump the body, and blurted out: “Santa Monica!”

Madeline Hill frowned and said: “Those killers can’t have thought of it, that’s a 20 million reward! There are four family members in Belis Camilo’s family. If they are shared, each person’s reward is 4 million…”

Locke complained in his heart that there might be more than four. For some reason, he guessed that among the three children of Michelle Megan, the black swan of the Democratic Party, and her black lawyer husband, there is a high probability that Belis Camilo’s seed.

After all, they are all black, and it couldn’t be easier to get in with a mixed seed.

Sullivan Gray has been in politics for so many years. If he can’t even deal with this black swan, he would have been finished long ago.

Locke shrugged and replied: “This is the place I can think of. By the way, I don’t know if Anna told you that the organizer of the GB drag racing party, Mayra Garcia, has a hidden identity. The Mayra Garcia in the open is fake…”

He repeated the story of his last encounter with Mayra Garcia.

Madeline Hill’s expression suddenly became solemn, and she didn’t ask Locke why he didn’t report to her at that time, “So Sanjis Camilo may really be hiding in Santa Monica…”

Locke said again: “Maybe, when we find him, we can only find a body!”

Madeline Hill asked: “Why?”

Locke told his guess about Mayra Garcia’s identity again, and he spread his hands and said: “A person who is being offered a bounty of 4 million US dollars, hiding in the base of the killer organization, do you think there is still a chance to survive? It is very likely that Sanjis Camilo is dead, but the dark web has not been updated…”

There is no way, you must find someone to take the blame.

Madeline Hill was speechless. According to Locke’s speculation, they didn’t need to investigate further.

The murderer who killed Sanjis Camilo was most likely Mela Garcia, who was suspected to be a member of the killer organization.

She was not stupid. Did she go to Mela Garcia to question him just because of this speculation?

Madeline Hill immediately made a call on the landline, “Tony, come in!”

Tony Gerard, who exuded a gloomy atmosphere, walked in soon. He glanced at Locke, pulled open the chair next to Locke and sat down, and asked Madeline Hill, “What’s wrong?”

Madeline Hill said, “I want Locke to stay with you for a while…”

Tony Gerard frowned immediately, “You know my situation. I’m not suitable for leading newcomers…”

Seeing Madeline Hill’s insistence, he shrugged and said, “Okay, I hope it won’t take too long!”

Then Madeline Hill relayed Locke’s speculation about Sanjis Camilo to Tony. .Gerald, asked: “What do you think?”

Tony Gerald looked at Locke with appreciation and replied: “We also had this speculation in our previous discussion. We think Sanjis Camilo may be dead. 4 million is not a small amount. No killer can resist such a big temptation. Now that Locke said this, this reasoning is basically established!”

Madeline Hill asked again: “Have you heard of this Mayra Garcia?”

Tony Gerald shook his head, “It’s actually very simple. As long as it can be confirmed that Sanjis Camilo is dead, the FBI can merge the cases…”

Obviously, he didn’t want to provoke this unknown organization.Madeline Hill pondered for a moment and said, “I will go to the commander to find out about Mayra Garcia’s situation. You are responsible for taking Locke to Santa Monica to see if we can find any clues…”

Locke and Tony Gerard stood up immediately. She called Locke again. After Tony Gerard left, she said, “Although Tony knows about your undercover work, he doesn’t know much. The Commander should have informed you that we can’t mention this undercover operation casually. So, from this moment on, I won’t mention this topic anymore. Understand?”

Locke shrugged, “OK…”

Madeline Hill reminded again, “Also, in the detective department, you’d better call Anna Commander!”

Locke came out of Madeline Hill’s office and saw Tony Gerard waiting for him. He said, “GB racing gang will only appear at night…”

Tony Gerard looked calm, “It doesn’t matter. We can go there in advance to understand the environment! I haven’t eaten seafood in Santa Monica for a long time…”

Locke was speechless in his heart. This is the rhythm of overtime.

He suddenly felt that being a patrolman was more comfortable!

More importantly, he had promised Sarah Mendes yesterday that he would go find her today.

In the Mercedes-Benz F150 Raptor, Tony Gerard leaned comfortably on the wide seat, feeling very relaxed. He asked casually: “Have you ever offended Madeline?”

Locke was a little confused about this guy, shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe!”

Tony Gerard smiled gloatingly: “You will suffer in the future. Madeline is a petty woman. Unless she is willing to forgive you!”

Locke pretended to be scared, “We are in the same group, you have to help me!”

Tony Gerard smiled noncommittally, he glanced at the Ferris wheel on Santa Monica Beach in the distance, and sighed: “Locke, you are very lucky. If you go deeper into your undercover operation this time, it will be almost impossible for you to get out of it. I didn’t expect Belis Camilo to be so impatient…”

Locke’s eyes shrank, turned his head and looked at Tony Gerard expressionlessly, and found that he was staring at him with inquiring eyes.

He grinned and said: “Deputy Captain, you know a lot?”

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