Tony Gerard rolled down the car window. A dark-skinned Indian woman stood outside the car. She might be doing yoga. She was wearing lululemon yoga clothes, showing off her plump and sexy figure.

Especially her thick thighs, plump buttocks, and full breasts, which looked a bit like Kardashian.

It was probably like this

Tony Gerard asked, “Madam, what’s the matter?”

The woman asked back with a vigilant look, “Who are you? Why did you park your car in front of my house? I know you don’t belong here. Do you know how expensive the houses here are? I’ve called the police. You shouldn’t be here…”

Tony Gerard’s face froze, and he turned to Locke and asked, “Shit, are we being discriminated against?”

He couldn’t help laughing and said, “But, I’m discriminated against, Master Locke, you’re also being discriminated against!”

Locke passed Tony Gerard and showed the police badge to the Indian woman who was still chattering, “Madam, we are LAPD, and we are on duty…”

The woman was stunned, but she was not embarrassed at all, and continued, “Sir, you can’t park your car in front of my house!”

Tony Gerard said expressionlessly, “Sorry, I just received a call…”

As he spoke, he was about to start the car and leave.

“Wait a minute…” Locke stopped him, pushed the door and got out of the car, then walked around the front of the car with a gentlemanly smile, “Madam, can I take two minutes of your time?” The woman was stunned when she saw Locke, and then she saw that Locke’s clothes were ARC’ TERYX (Arc’teryx), his shoes were Scarpa, and she also saw the Breguet Marine tourbillon 5577 on his wrist, and her expression softened instantly. Breguet Marine tourbillon 5577

She forced out a smile and twirled the hair beside her ear, “Sure, what can I do for you, handsome policeman…”

Locke would not use a beauty trick on such a woman, and said directly: “Madam, we received a complaint that someone was flying a drone in your community. I wonder if you know about this?”

The woman’s face turned pale instantly, covering her breasts, and screamed: “OMG, I can’t believe it. This is absolutely unforgivable. This is a serious violation of my privacy. You must find out about this as soon as possible…”

Locke waited for the woman to exclaim, and then asked: “Madam, have you heard the sound of a drone?”

The woman frowned and thought for a while, then shook her head and said: “No, I didn’t hear any drone takeoff sound…”

Come to think about it, with this woman’s style of being a troublemaker, if she found a drone, she would have called the police long ago.

Locke was not disappointed. The houses here are so far apart, it is normal for this woman not to hear it.

The woman held out her hand to Locke, “My name is Katrina Sutaria, I work at Snapchat, what should I call you, Mr. Policeman, maybe I can help you ask other owners tonight, if there is any news…”

Locke naturally understood what she meant, but he didn’t want to let her go, no matter what the woman’s purpose was.

So he held out his hand to Tony Gerard, and Tony Gerard tacitly handed him a business card.

Locke handed the business card to Katrina Sutaria, who looked a little unhappy, “Sorry, I just started working and don’t have a business card yet. If you have any news, you can contact us…”

After Locke got in the car, Tony Gerard drove away immediately.

In the rearview mirror, the woman did not turn around immediately, but kept watching their car leave.

Tony Gerard smiled and said, “Why don’t you go and have a deeper discussion with this lady? Maybe you can really find out something?”

Locke gave him a middle finger and said seriously, “It seems that we need to go back to the police station and carefully screen the list of owners here…”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

This case is getting more and more interesting, and he is going to start to be serious.

Detective Bureau, Robbery and Murder Division.

A map of Topanga State Park has been posted on the task board, marking the location where the body parts were found, as well as the distribution of the Topanga Canyon Villa area.

Everyone came early today. As the matter fermented overnight, the Topanga State Park body parts case spread rapidly. Now not only Los Angeles, but the whole United States is watching this case.

Yesterday afternoon, CNN even dispatched a helicopter to follow the Coast Guard to search the sea area and took a lot of live videos.

There is also good news. According to the hydrological information provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the sea area of ​​Santa Monica Beach belongs to the near sea and is not within the scope of the ocean current.

The Pacific Ocean current is at least dozens of miles away from the coast, so there is no body.The bag was drifted to San Diego or Mexico.

Since no other body bags were found in the morning search, and no body bags were found on the nearby beaches before, there is a possibility that the murderer used a drone to dump the body for the first time last night.

There is also the matter of drones. After comparing the information of drones sold by DJI in the United States, it was found that even the most expensive industrial drone Inspire 3 has a maximum take-off weight of less than 5KG.

Then the drone that can lift 10KG of body parts and fly more than ten kilometers away, I am afraid that only DJI’s FlyCart can meet this requirement.

Anna Davis is applying to the Los Angeles court for documents to ask DJI to cooperate, but because DJI is currently a relatively sensitive existence in the United States, some procedures need to be followed, so Jeff Davis cannot give the green light this time.

The owner information of the residential area in Topanga Canyon has been sorted out by the Investigation and Analysis Department.

In the conference room, Madeline Hill presided over a morning meeting. Everyone held the information of the residents of Topanga Canyon in their hands, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Except for Locke, everyone else has experienced big and small cases. They know that a case cannot be solved in one or two days, so they are very calm.

The last case of Rigal Singh was solved in less than 24 hours, which is a miracle.

Now the murderer has been caught in this case, and it is just a matter of time.

Now that the three clues are advancing at the same time, it is only a matter of time to catch the murderer.

The residential area of ​​the suspect has been circled. Once the biggest suspect is determined, a search warrant can be applied for.

As for DJI, once DJI provides the customer information of Los Angeles who purchased FlyCart, the suspect will basically surface.

Brian and Skye are screening the missing non-black female population. Once the DNA information and time of death of the deceased are confirmed, as long as it matches the missing population, the information of the deceased will be found out soon.

Madeline Hill took a sip of coffee and asked, “Tell me, who do you think is the most suspicious among these seven people?”

After screening, seven suspects who met the characteristics of the murderer were selected from the residents of Topanga Canyon.

Lock analyzed the information of the seven suspects in his mind and finally selected two. He thought these two people were the most suspicious.

“If you ask me, I think…”

Jack Talbot was about to speak when the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Skye Spears held the door handle and panted slightly and said, “Captain, I just received a call from a Hollywood screenwriter. He said that the Topanga Park corpse dumping case is very similar to the plot of a movie script he wrote…”

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