Hearing Skye Spears’ words, Madeline Hill frowned instantly, and was not happy about the new clue.

Tony Gerard cursed directly, “Damn it…”

Harry Sumner has regained his glamorous image. He picked up the coffee and took a sip elegantly, and said coldly: “Perhaps, we should list this screenwriter as one of the suspects!”

Tony Gerard said speechlessly: “I think he will be very happy that you do this!”

Jack Tabert was a little confused when he saw the reactions of the three big guys, and turned to Locke and asked: “What happened?”

Locke’s mouth twitched, “We may have been rubbed…”

The other party is a screenwriter from Hollywood, so this clue is debatable.

What kind of place is Hollywood? It is the place in the world that is best at marketing hype, full of lies and vanity.

There are thousands of frustrated screenwriters there, and there are also thousands of screenwriters who rack their brains to make a fortune.

The discovery of the body parts in Topanga State Park is known to the whole United States.

LAPD is now using helicopters to drop bags for testing, which has also been seen by many media.

The Coast Guard has also been reported to be searching the waters of Santa Monica with great fanfare.

With so much public information, any qualified screenwriter can come up with a script based on this information.

The case is so popular now. If a screenwriter’s script is highly consistent with the case, you can imagine what will happen next.

All major production companies will scramble for this script and then make it into a movie.

This is a project involving tens of millions of dollars.

It is enough to drive any frustrated screenwriter crazy, so the probability of riding on the popularity is very high.

Even if there is no script, an outline of hundreds or thousands of words is not a matter of tens of minutes or an hour for those who make a living by writing.

Therefore, whether this clue is true or false, LAPD cannot easily contact this screenwriter.

Otherwise, any action of LAPD may be to help the other party improve the script, create popularity, and raise the price.

Of course, the most important thing is that they are not short of clues now.

The case is not at a stalemate, and they are not without cards in their hands.

If any of the three lines that are being advanced now has a breakthrough, the case will basically be solved, and there is no need to pay attention to the screenwriter at all.

In addition, even if what the screenwriter said is true, his clue is useless.

How many production companies has he submitted his script to?

How many people in the production company have read it?

In this way, at least hundreds or thousands of people need to be screened.

Unless, he has never submitted a script…

Madeline Hill frowned her red eyebrows tightly and quickly made a decision, “Skye, just record it, and put this clue aside for now…”


Skye Spears also reacted at this time, his face flushed, and he complained: “No wonder he is so enthusiastic and took the initiative to come to the police station to provide more clues! Fuck!!!”

Harry Sumner said coldly: “Skye, record his information, and when this case is over, I will go to him to talk about his script…”

After Skye Spears left, Locke and the others continued to discuss the seven suspects in Topanga Canyon.

After some discussion, two suspects stood out, namely 35-year-old white Pan-O Sangis and 45-year-old black Kress Miller.

Pan-O Sangis graduated from the University of Southern California with a major in film. His father is Hollywood producer Matthew Sangis, who knows Hollywood stars like Tom Cruise.

Pan-O Sangis was an actor when he was young, but he had no talent. After playing supporting roles for a few years, he found that he was very talented in photography, so he became a film photographer.

He stood out because he was good at flying drones.

The aerial short film he shot with a drone was nominated for the best short film at the Toronto Film Festival.

He also had a history of taking drugs, speeding while taking drugs, and was caught by the LAPD.

Kress Miller was selected because he had a criminal record.

This former psychology professor at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), his wife disappeared five years ago, and he was the biggest suspect.

But because of insufficient evidence, he was eventually acquitted, but his life also changed dramatically.

He was fired by UCLA because he was involved in a lawsuit for murdering his wife.

However, he did not sink into despair, but wrote an autobiographical novel about his experience.

Unexpectedly, it became a best-selling book, making him a best-selling author. I heard that a Hollywood production company wanted to adapt his novel.

The villas of the two were within the range of the drone.

And the two people happened to be the two people selected by Locke before.Madeline Hill immediately ordered: “Deputy Captain, Harry, you two take one each. Deputy Captain, you and Locke are responsible for investigating Kress Miller, Harry, you and Jack are responsible for investigating Pano Sangis.” She then said to Raven Tate: “Raven, go to the forensic department to get the autopsy report of Murphy…” Raven Tate joked: “Shouldn’t Locke be asked to do this?” Everyone laughed immediately, and Locke raised two middle fingers and walked out of the meeting room first.

Tony Gerard may have been hurt by the discrimination of the Indian woman in the morning. When he arrived at the parking lot, he stood directly next to the Land Rover Defender, but in fact Locke wanted to drive his Ford Explorer more. In the co-pilot seat, Tony Gerard was flipping through the information of Cress Miller, saying, “Pan O Sangis is on the set, Harry and Jack are going to the set to question him, I heard that Elizabeth Olsen is in this movie…”

Locke turned his head and looked at him, “Wow, Scarlet Witch? Deputy Captain, are you also a fan?”

Tony Gerard shook his head and said, “How could I like this little girl? Yes, uh, my goodness, Cress Miller actually got more than 5 million royalties from this book…”

Locke saw that he changed the subject and probably guessed who liked Elizabeth Olsen.

He continued, “Otherwise, he wouldn’t live in Topanga Canyon!”

Tony Gerard immediately remembered the unpleasant experience in the morning, turned his head and looked at Locke, and asked curiously, “How did you manage to make that woman change her face instantly this morning? Is it because you are handsome?”

It’s not that he can’t afford ARC’ TERYX clothes and Scarpa shoes.

Locke raised his left hand from the steering wheel and smiled, “Maybe, maybe, it’s because of this watch!”

This watch is naturally Sam Brown. In a different environment, he can create his rich persona.

This way, he doesn’t need to hide when spending money in the future.

Tony Gerard asked, “How much?”

Locke had just checked and replied, “Not expensive, about 150,000 dollars…”

Tony Gerard instantly shut himself up. After a moment of silence, he sighed, “It seems that you are really rich!”

Locke said again, “Deputy Captain, I told you that money is not a problem for me. If you need anything, feel free to contact me…”

Tony Gerard hesitated, but he calmed down in an instant and asked, “Locke, who do you think is the murderer, Kress Miller or Pan O Sangis?”

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