“Professor Goodman…”

Professor Goodman frowned and looked at Locke, his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: “I remember your handsome face. You were the 4-pointer of the Bruins. I remember the game where you defeated USC (Southern California) and sounded the victory. I also remember that you slept with the cheerleaders of USC (Southern California). You are a hero of UCLA. I once thought that you would become another sports superstar of UCLA like Jackie Robinson (Jack Roosevelt Robinso). What a pity. Sorry, what is your name?”

UCLA and USC are mortal enemies in the University of Los Angeles. Whether it is school rankings or various sports events, the two schools are very fierce.

The grievances between the two schools have lasted for nearly a hundred years.

UCLA Bruins VS USC Tommy Trojan


Victory Bell

USC Cheerleaders

Locke glanced awkwardly at Jennifer Gray next to him and replied: “Locke Lee, I’m sorry, professor, I disappoint you. Also, I need to clarify that I didn’t sleep with all the members of the Tommy Trojan cheerleaders…”

His glory in the football team came to an abrupt end in his sophomore year because the team introduced a more versatile black player than him, and he was reduced to a substitute and began his career as a cannon king.

“Hahaha, despite this, it is still an amazing achievement…”

Professor Goodman smiled like a man and shrugged, “When God closes a road for you, he will definitely show you a new road…”

He looked at Locke and instantly got a lot of information, and smiled, “What’s more, you are definitely the kind of person who can have many roads!”

Locke took the initiative to say, “Professor, I am now a detective in the LAPD Detective Bureau…”

Professor Goodman showed a surprised expression, “Wow, the former football quarterback has become a detective protecting Los Angeles. This sounds cool. I think ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation) should shoot a TV series about LAPD based on your story. The handsome detective breaks the law. “I have won countless cases…”

“Professor, this is my girlfriend, Jennifer Gray, she is a thoracic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center…”

After introducing Jennifer Gray, Locke said, “Professor, I came here tonight to consult a psychology question. I didn’t expect to meet you. I wonder if it’s convenient for you…”

Professor Goodman nodded and said, “No problem. Anyway, these guys are not really interested in my research. Do they need to sign any confidentiality agreement?”

Locke subconsciously glanced around and shook his head, “No…”

Anyway, the case is about to be closed, and it will be announced at that time. He is taking the opportunity to consult the master now. If he makes it so troublesome, people may not pay attention to him.

Professor Goodman noticed Locke’s reaction and pointed to the cigar room next to him, “Let’s go over there and talk!”

In the cigar room, Locke recounted the details of the Topanga State University Park Dismemberment Case, “Based on our research on the suspect Panao Sangis’s resume, no matter his IQ or logical thinking, he can’t plan such a complicated case. Moreover, Panao Sangis’s parents are divorced, which makes him very cowardly and has a long history of drug abuse…”

“This case has a great impact in UCLA. Many students are afraid to go to Topanga for a date recently…”

Professor Goodman didn’t expect that the case Locke was talking about was the Topanga State University Park Dismemberment Case, which is currently attracting a lot of attention. After listening, he showed a thoughtful look.

“I see. If he loses control of his emotions, he might kill and dismember people. However, he shouldn’t be so careful. He asked Chinese people to play his wife and mother-in-law to leave the country, and used drones to fly through Topanga Park to dump the bodies into the Pacific Ocean…” He stared at Locke and asked, “So, what do you want to consult?” Locke said, “Professor, do you think that Pan Ao Sanjis’s crimes were induced by someone, such as hypnosis…” Goodman shook his head and said, “No, it’s impossible. Hypnosis is not as magical as you think, and hypnosis can only be implemented in a specific environment and requires the cooperation of the hypnotized. Don’t be deceived by movies and TV shows!” Even the authority of psychology said so, so the idea of ​​hypnosis can be completely abandoned. Locke and Jennifer Gray looked at each other and thought of Carter Silvio’s brain consciousness storage project at the same time, which increased their suspicion. “Thank you, professor!” Locke couldn’t help asking, “Professor, do you think there are any psychological methods other than hypnosis that can induce Pan Ao Sanjis to commit crimes?” Professor Goodman pondered.After a moment, he finally shook his head and said, “No, I don’t know. This case is very interesting, Locke. I hope you can tell me the truth after you solve the case. I believe this is a good psychology case…” Locke nodded and said, “I will, professor. This case is still in the investigation stage, so…” Professor Goodman made a gesture of sealing his mouth and smiled, “Don’t worry, my mouth is very tight, otherwise, the client will not be willing to pay such a high fee!” He is a professor of psychology and naturally a well-known psychology expert. Seeing Locke’s embarrassed expression, he hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, you are free this time…” After getting the answer they wanted, Locke and Jennifer Gray said goodbye to Professor Goodman and prepared to find Jane Horvath to learn more information. At the front desk, Jane Horvath saw Locke and Jennifer Gray coming out and hurriedly greeted them, “Dr. Gray, Mr. Li, are you ready to leave?”

Locke said: “Well, I benefited a lot from Professor Goodman’s speech. Miss Horvath, can I ask you something?”

Jane Horvath smiled: “Of course…”

Locke asked: “I want to know the donation process of the club. Can I specify a research project?”

Jane Horvath’s eyes lit up and smiled more eagerly, “Mr. Li, please go to my office to talk!”

Jane Horvath’s office was next to it. She served Locke and Jennifer Gray two cups of coffee and asked: “Mr. Li, what kind of research do you want to focus on?”

Locke looked around the office. It was good. There was no camera. He replied: “My girlfriend has autism and depression…”

Jane Horvath subconsciously looked at Jennifer Gray. Seeing that she looked calm, she began to introduce the donation process of the club.

After Locke understood the donation process, he asked again: “Can I conveniently know which companies or organizations have donated to the club?”

Jane Horvath was embarrassed and shook her head: “Sorry, I can’t disclose this information to you now!”

Locke said frankly: “You misunderstood, I just want to confirm whether my girlfriend or her family has donated to you. Can you help me check if there are any projects donated by the Greenberg family?”

Jane Horvath looked at Locke in shock, checked on the computer, and her tone became gentler, “There are already!”

Locke asked again: “Is this donation from San Francisco or Los Angeles?”

Jane Horvath replied: “Los Angeles…”

“Wait a minute, I’ll call and ask…”

Locke immediately called Daisy Greenberg and asked: “Have you donated to the Spirit Realm Club? When did you donate, and have you achieved any results?”

Jennifer Gray stared at Locke who was talking on the phone with complicated eyes. This was the first time Locke called Daisy Greenberg in front of her. Seeing him so casual, you can imagine that their relationship is also very harmonious.

But she still remembered Locke’s words, and said to Jane Horvath, who looked more and more serious, “Jane, can you take me to find Professor Carter Silvio?”

Jane Horvath hesitated for a moment, but probably guessed Jennifer Gray’s role, and didn’t want to embarrass her, so she nodded and said, “Of course!”

After Jennifer Gray and Jane Horvath left, Locke walked to Jane Horvath’s computer and said to Daisy Greenberg, “I’m going to be busy for a while, don’t hang up, you can tell me what you did today…”

As he said that, he had a pair of new human-like leather gloves on his hands, and after inserting a USB flash drive into the computer, his fingers began to operate the computer quickly, and his L3 master-level computer skills were instantly fully activated.

He was obviously just a policeman, but he even had to do the work of an agent.

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