
The sound of the Escalade’s door closing shocked everyone, and the CIA agents all got off the car with unfriendly faces.

Will Lewis’ sharp eyes swept over the LAPD and FBI, and finally fell on Inspector Hunter, and smiled: “Hunter, is there any misunderstanding? Professor Silvio has been working for the CIA. If the FBI needs his cooperation in any case, please give us a report first…”

He waved his hand, and Jamie Howard next to him immediately led the CIA agents to pick up Carter Silvio, but was blocked by the FBI agents.

The smile on Will Lewis’ face disappeared instantly, and he stared at Inspector Hunter coldly, and the atmosphere suddenly condensed.

Of course, he didn’t pass by after receiving Carter Silvio’s call. He heard that the FBI would intervene in this case, so he set off immediately, and received another call from Carter Silvio on the way.

He stared coldly at Carter Silvio, this self-righteous fool, it was all his fault.

Inspector Hunter said calmly: “Will, there is no misunderstanding. The White House personally called Director James Comey and asked the FBI to thoroughly investigate the assassination of the daughter of Congressman Sullivan Gray, the leader of the Republican Party of the House of Representatives. There is evidence that Carter Silvio is the mastermind behind the scenes. Since he works for the CIA, could it be that the CIA also participated in the assassination…”

Will Lewis’ heart sank, but he did not change his expression and said coldly: “Hunter, if there is no evidence, you’d better not talk nonsense!”

He turned his head to look at Madeline Hill and the others, and said in a deep voice: “What we are going to talk about next involves the national security and interests of the United States. Are you sure you LAPD want to stay here?”

Fuck, these bastards always say this.

Madeline Hill raised her red hair and said coldly: “Everyone, pack up…” Harry Sumner whispered to Jack Talbot next to him: “It seems that we can’t continue to watch the show! Let’s go!” Before getting in the car, Tony Gerard reluctantly glanced at Carter Silvio, who was still gentle and calm, and felt a little regretful that he didn’t fuck in the end even though he took off all his clothes. The FBI and CIA took turns to appear on the scene, the water is so deep! Two minutes later, the LAPD cars including the detective bureau, patrol, SWAT, etc. all drove away, and the entrance of the villa became empty in an instant. Carter Silvio’s beautiful wife Elena saw that the LAPD had all left, and ran out of the villa in her pajamas, shouting softly: “Carter…” “Madam, please don’t come close, don’t interfere with our official duties…” Two FBI agents immediately stopped her. Carter Silvio turned his head to look at his wife, and said in a magnetic voice: “Elena, go back to the room, okay?”

Elena seemed to have received some instructions, and she became quiet in an instant, turned around and walked into the house with a wooden expression.

Everyone present was shocked by this weird scene. Inspector Hunter’s eyes shrank, and he looked at Carter Silvio with caution, and said to Liv next to him: “Notify the guys, be careful of this guy!”

Will Lewis walked past the FBI agent with a gloomy face. The FBI agent wanted to stop him, but intimidated by his majesty, he could only let him go.

He walked straight to Carter Silvio and asked, “So Gavin is also controlled by you in this way? That’s why he obeys you…”

Carter Silvio replied calmly, “Director Lewis, I don’t know what you are talking about!”

Will Lewis snorted coldly and turned to the unfriendly Detective Hunter and said, “Hunter, let’s talk!”

Locke on the mountain was relieved when he saw Madeline Hill leaving with the LAPD, but he didn’t shoot immediately. He wanted to see what this CIA director he had met before would say to Hei Lu Dan.

He turned to Jennifer Gray and asked, “Can you still hold it in?”

Jennifer Gray nodded and said nothing.

Locke said again: “See, Carter Silvio’s wife was controlled by him, so this guy is very good at psychological hypnosis. You must have been seen through by him when you met him before, uh…”

Jennifer Gray guessed what he was thinking, and said with a pale face: “Jane Horvath, that bitch, is with me! And we have only been in contact for less than a minute. He can’t hypnotize me without my cooperation, but I underestimated him after all…”

She bit her lip and said: “Elena is not his wife, Elena is his assistant, graduated from Harvard Psychology Department, I always thought they were lovers, but I didn’t expect her to be controlled by Carter Silvio, this bastard, this pervert…”

“So that’s why this woman looks so much younger!” Seeing that Jennifer Gray was having a hard time holding back, Locke advised, “If you can’t hold back, go down first!” Jennifer Gray said firmly, “No, I can still do it. I want to see this disgusting face blown up with my own eyes!” … Will Lewis stared at Inspector Hunter expressionlessly, “Hunter, do you know how much money the CIA has invested in Carter Silvio? Three years, a full 200 million US dollars. Don’t think I don’t know what you FBI are thinking? Isn’t it just that you are eyeing the brain consciousness storage technology that he leads…” Inspector Hunter said sincerely, “Will, you think too much. We just want to learn the whole story of this assassination from Carter Silvio. The order came from the White House, and the FBI is the executor. If you don’t believe it, you can ask your boss to call and ask. The White House is very concerned about the safety of Congressman Sullivan Gray’s family…” Will Lewis stared at Inspector Hunter fiercely, “Are you threatening me? ”

Detective Hunter still had a calm face, “Will, I have to remind you that the CIA does not have the power to enforce the law in the United States. Don’t think that you can enforce the law by pretending to be the FBI. The FBI is investigating the case now, please don’t interfere with our investigation!”

The two stared at each other for thirty seconds, Will Lewis looked away, and asked, “How much does the FBI know about Carter Silvio? How much do you know about this project?”

Detective Hunter still had a calm face, “No comment, Will, I remind you again, don’t hinder my investigation…”

Seeing that Hunter was about to leave, Will Lewis said anxiously, “Carter Silvio deceived us. The research he led is not as magical as he said. The CIA has begun to investigate him, but he noticed it, so he created this murder and dismemberment case to prove that his research is effective. This is a highly intelligent, scheming and extremely cunning guy. I even suspect that he left the loopholes in this case on purpose. He just wanted to get attention and bring in a third party, such as you…”

Inspector Hunter’s eyes shrank, “Will, I still say that, we don’t care about Carter Silvio’s research, we just want to figure out this assassination…”

Seeing that Inspector Hunter was unmoved, Will Lewis directly opened his hands to block Carter Silvio, and shouted fiercely: “I want to see who can take Carter Silvio away from me today! The FBI is really going to go to war with the CIA…”


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