
The Barrett M107A1 is worthy of the title of “silenced cannon”. The bullet passed through the silencer and fired with only a slight sound.

Locke saw the bullets opened a hole in the chests of Will Lewis and Carter Silvio, turning them into two corpses. The two corpses fell to the ground one after another, like two broken sugarcanes, without a trace of fluctuation in their expressions, and immediately picked up the shells on the ground.

Yes, he did not meet Jennifer Gray’s request to smash Carter Silvio’s handsome face.

Although Locke was very confident in his shooting skills, the shooting distance was beyond the effective distance of the M107A1, so it was naturally more reliable to shoot the torso.

Anyway, a shot fired out, hitting the torso has the same effect as a headshot, and it is absolutely dead.

Locke stood up and put away his gun, and said to Jennifer Gray, who was still staring at the mountain and tense, “Let’s go!”

Jennifer Gray put down her night vision goggles and asked with a pale face, “You kill the CIA director too, is that okay?”

She saw two living people being shot through, and even though she was used to seeing corpses, she still felt some physical discomfort and her bladder contracted.

Locke pulled her up and said quickly, “Anyway, we don’t know if it was us who did it. Don’t forget that the two gunmen tonight were from the CIA. Maybe this guy ordered them…”

The reason why he killed Will Lewis was mainly because he didn’t like this guy. He was too arrogant.

Spike was like this that time. He didn’t take the LAPD seriously. With this arrogant and domineering character, he killed two CIA agents tonight, and this guy might cause trouble for him.

Although Sullivan Gray said he would help him, why rely on others if he could solve the problem himself.

Locke pulled Jennifer Gray down the mountain, but she didn’t move after he pulled her.

He turned his head and saw Jennifer Gray holding her legs together, looking embarrassed. She was obviously holding her urine to the extreme and didn’t dare to move too much.

Locke said unhappily: “I said I wouldn’t bring you here, but you insisted on following me. Take it!”

He stuffed the M107A1 in his hand towards Jennifer Gray, then picked her up by the waist and ran down the mountain.

Yes, he ran at full speed, and the hundred pounds in his arms were nothing to him.

“Remember to call later!”

“Ah, what?”




Suddenly, seeing Will Lewis and Carter Silvio’s chests suddenly have basketball-sized holes, and then the can was opened and made a puff sound, Inspector Hunter was stunned for a moment, then reacted and shouted a warning.

Now it was a chaotic situation, whether it was the FBI or the CIA, they all bent down in panic to find cover.

Especially the two FBI agents who were holding Carter Silvio, they felt a gust of wind passing by, and there was a hole in Carter Silvio’s chest, and his face was covered with blood mist.

They hurriedly threw away the bodies, and were so scared that they rolled and crawled, and ran to the side of the Escalade to avoid it.

Will Lewis’s body fell to the ground first, and then Carter Silvio’s, and the two bodies were intertwined.

Both of them had the expressions they had before they died, one was arrogant and fierce, and the other was feminine and elegant.

After a while, the bright red blood spread from under the two people, as if a blood-red flower of death had bloomed, and the two intertwined bodies were like flower buds.

A disgusting fishy smell instantly floated in the air. Except for the violent gasps of the crowd, the whole community suddenly became silent, and everyone looked around in horror, fearing that someone’s chest had opened another hole.

Two minutes later, Inspector Hunter slowly stood up. He stared at the two bodies on the ground with a complicated expression. Various emotions surged in his heart, fear, anger, confusion, emptiness…

No matter how important, prominent, or arrogant you were in life, you are just a corpse after death.

He turned his head and saw CIA agent Jamie Howard next to another Escalade. This guy was staring at the body of Will Lewis on the ground in disbelief. It was obvious that he couldn’t believe that his young and promising boss with a deep background died like this.

Inspector Hunter took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. “Agent Jamie, since you CIA won’t let him go, I’ll leave him to you!”

“FBI, retreat!!!”

Jamie Howard looked at Agent Hunter in astonishment, and then his face was full of anger. He seemed to want to curse, but he didn’t curse in the end. Instead, he took out his mobile phone to report the situation.

Carter Silvio is dead, and Will Lewis is also dead.

He can already imagine his end.

Is he going to Somalia or Burkina Faso?

In less than five minutes, Locke arrived at the foot of the mountain. After getting in the car, he panted and said, “You are the one who said you couldn’t hold it in, and you are also the one who said you couldn’t hold it in. Don’t ask me to stop halfway.I need to pee…”

Jennifer Gray said speechlessly: “I don’t know what happened. I think you shook me all the way down and I lost my urge to pee!”

Locke was about to start the car when his cell phone rang. He looked at the incoming call and sneered.

Damn, this bastard, he really guessed it.

He didn’t answer the phone immediately. Instead, he stretched out his evil hand to Jennifer Gray in her stunned expression, and directly touched her vital point, reminding her: “Remember to call…”

In fact, he didn’t need to remind her. Jennifer Gray had no resistance to him and entered the state instantly.

Locke answered the phone, panting, and asked angrily: “What’s the matter again?”

Inspector Hunter suppressed his anger and asked: “Is it you?”



Locke seemed to hear the anger in Hei Lu Dan’s tone, calmed his breathing, stopped the movement of his hands, and asked: “What happened? ”

Detective Hunter also heard that Locke was doing something, his anger subsided, and he said calmly: “Carter Silvio is dead, shot by a long-range sniper rifle, with a hole in his chest…”

Locke asked in shock: “Who did it? Damn, this guy got it easy. I want to ask him how he managed to control Pan Ao Sanjis’s crimes! Are you FBI reliable or not!”


There was a silence on the phone.

Locke asked again: “Was he silenced? CIA or Sullivan Gray? Fuck, you peed on my hand! ”


Hearing that Black Sauce Egg had hung up, Locke let out a cold smile, then turned off the phone directly and put it into his space while Jennifer wasn’t paying attention.

This bastard will definitely locate him later.

He turned around and looked at Jennifer Gray, whose face was flushed. He didn’t expect that this woman would suddenly collapse.

Looking at the liquid dripping from the seat to the floor, he looked helpless. It was too difficult to clean it up. It seemed that the car couldn’t be kept!

Jennifer Gray looked like she had no hope in life. She was ashamed, satisfied, embarrassed, relieved, and all kinds of emotions flashed across her face.

She turned her head to look at Locke, spread her hands and said frankly: “I don’t know what happened. I suddenly lost control of my blaming my father. How could he kill someone for me? Jesus, this is the most embarrassing moment in my life. Honey, you won’t hate me, will you?”

Locke wiped his hand on her chest again and shook his head: “No, it’s not the first time! ”

He started the car and drove it very fast. He just wanted to get away from this fancy car as soon as possible.

Black Chevrolet Trailblazer


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