An hour later, Locke arrived at Mario Pierce’s estate in Palos Forte.

He had just been to this place two days ago, but he went to Rancho Patis, went to the sea from Rancho Patis, crossed the coastal waters, and went directly to Malibu.

He was familiar with the route. He changed two cars and disguised himself twice along the way.

At this moment, he was a Colombian man with obvious features, black curly hair, in his 40s, and 1.85 meters tall. He parked his car near the community and walked into the community leisurely.

His disguise was based on the faces of several bodyguards that Mario Pierce brought today, so even if he met someone, he would give people a sense of recognition.

With the innate skills of the shadowless man, he easily avoided all kinds of surveillance and crowds along the way, and approached Mario Pierce’s estate leisurely.

Compared with the strict security of Floyd Ross’s estate, although Mario Pierce’s estate did not deploy so many gunmen, it was actually safer.

Because this community was developed by Mario Pierce himself, most of the residents in the community are Colombians who speak Spanish.

Mario Pierce’s most trusted bodyguards are also basically Colombians, and they all live here.

Any other face of skin color or ethnicity that appears in the community will attract attention immediately.

Mario Pierce’s hand is much better than Floyd Ross, which may be why Floyd Ross died and he is still alive and well.

The community looks quiet and peaceful, and ordinary people would never think that this is the nest of the largest Latino gang in Los Angeles.

Locke did not use the tracking card to locate Mario Pierce, because the information of the Los Angeles gang boss is in the LAPD’s internal database, and Mario Pierce is not worth wasting a tracking card.

Although according to his observation, Mario Pierce did not show hostility, but Locke would not completely rely on the feeling of the spiritual mentor, so he planned to verify it with Mario Pierce in person.

After successfully sneaking into Mario Pierce’s manor, Locke stood in the shadow by the window of the study on the second floor, looking at the garden, and was amazed.

This time he sneaked in, he felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and the bodyguards on duty in the manor were useless to him.

The talent of the shadowless man was a bit against the sky, giving him the illusion that he was the king of the dark night.

With the attributes of disguise, breakthrough, stealth and tracelessness, it is too suitable for killing, uh, at night.

If he wants to change his career to become a killer, he can definitely become the king of killers.

If he sneaks into Floyd Ross’s manor again, it will be much easier.

With the assistance of this talent skill, Locke felt that his ability had increased by at least 30%, and his self-confidence suddenly increased, and his mentality changed accordingly, becoming more calm and calm.

He walked around the study and soon figured out the room.

At this moment, the garden of the manor downstairs was brightly lit, with laughter and joy. The two sides of the dining table were filled with Mario Pierce’s family and friends. The bodyguards on duty also came to have a drink from time to time. The atmosphere was harmonious and relaxed.

If you don’t know Mario Pierce’s identity, you will definitely think that this is a big family that loves each other.

According to the LAPD data, Mario Pierce attaches great importance to family affection, is willing to help Colombians, is keen on charity, and his greatest pleasure is to have dinner with family and friends.

Among the people at the table, Locke found that three of them were bodyguards he had seen during the day. They didn’t look restrained. Obviously, such dinners often happen.

Through lip reading recognition, tonight’s dinner is to celebrate a young man named Craven in the community who was admitted to Yale Law School. This young man has been sponsored by Mario Pierce for a long time.

Mario Pierce is over 60 years old. How much has he sponsored young people like this?

Locke looked down at the young man named Craven and toasted Mario Pierce with respect, while Mario Pierce laughed like an elder.

He knew it in his heart. This should be the reason why Mario Pierce could dominate the southern part of Los Angeles for 30 years.

However, why did he feel that this plot was somewhat familiar!

It seemed that this guy really wanted to win him over today and really wanted to invest in him!

Suddenly, Mario Pierce and today’s protagonist left the table and walked into the villa. Locke immediately left from the window.

After a while, footsteps were heard getting closer and closer, and then the door of the study was pushed open.

Mario Pierce walked straight to the desk, took out a checkbook from the drawer, wrote the number, tore off the check, and smiled: “Kraven, congratulations, this is my reward for you. I said that the only goal of you with good brains is to study hard. You did it, this is what you deserve…””Thank you, Godfather…”

Kraven took the check happily, and was startled when he saw the six zeros, “Godfather, isn’t this too much!”

Mario Pierce shook his head and said, “Not much. Yale is a social place for the upper class. If you are too shabby, how can you make friends? You are not a person without self-control, so I am very relieved to give you such a large sum of money at once. When the money is used up, call me…”

Kraven said gratefully, “Godfather, I won’t let you down!”

Mario Pierce threw another car key to Craven, “You should change your car. Take it, the latest BMW M3. I believe that with this car, you won’t be too lonely in Yale!”


Kraven was not hypocritical and happily took the car key.

Mario Pierce took out the treasured rum from the wine cabinet and poured a glass for Craven. After clinking the glasses, he smiled and said, “Come on, future congressman!”


Both of them drank the wine in their glasses. Mario Pierce encouraged Kraven a few more times and then let him go.

Mario Pierce returned to the desk and opened a painting on the wall. Behind the painting was a safe. He opened the safe and reached in. His face changed instantly. The notebook was gone!

“Mr. Pierce, are you looking for this? I didn’t expect you to have the habit of keeping a diary!”

The sudden voice exploded in Mario Pierce like thunder.

This was authentic Colombian Spanish. If it were normal, he would definitely feel very familiar.

But suddenly hearing this voice in his study, he was so scared that he went cold all over. He subconsciously tried to touch the gun in the safe, but naturally he didn’t touch anything. His heart sank immediately.

It’s over!!!

Someone actually found his way into his home and hid in the study for so long!

This is definitely a top killer!

Mario Pierce calmed down quickly. Since the other party didn’t shoot immediately, there was still a chance…

He didn’t mean to shout for help. He knew very well that in front of a killer of this level, even if the bodyguards below came up, it would be useless.

His mind was working quickly. Did he offend anyone recently?

“Mr. Pierce, you make me very embarrassed. Can you tell me a reason not to kill you?”

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