The room instantly fell into dead silence.

Mario Pierce’s body trembled uncontrollably. The other party’s words seemed to leave him room, but his life and death depended on the other party’s thoughts.

He knew very well that the more casual the killer was, the more perverted and powerful he was.

Mario Pierce took a deep breath and turned around. He knew that if he didn’t see the other party’s face, he might have a better chance of survival.

However, the gangster boss was a gangster boss after all.

Even if he died, Mario Pierce would face the bullet head-on.

And he was very convinced that he had not made enemies with anyone recently.

On the sofa diagonally opposite, sat a middle-aged man in a dark blue casual suit. His face was hidden in the light and dark shadows, but from the outline, it could still be seen that he was a Colombian. His black curly hair was neatly groomed and his leather shoes were shiny.

His eyes were bright, and on his knees were a sheepskin notebook and a customized golden M2000. He looked like a visiting guest.

Mario Pierce’s heart shrank. He thought he would see a killer in night clothes, but he didn’t expect that he would be a gentleman.

Dressed like this, he could sneak into his study quietly.

He gave up all his thoughts in an instant.

Seeing that the other party did not take action, Mario Pierce was relieved, and at the same time, he had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.

He asked in Spanish: “Can you tell me what I did wrong?”

Locke raised his eyebrows and asked: “There is an M1911 under your desk. Why don’t you seize this opportunity…”

Mario Pierce smiled bitterly, “Because I’m old…”

Locke nodded, “You are really a smart man!”

After reading this diary, he knew the true color of Mario Pierce, the largest Latin American gangster in southern Los Angeles, and understood why Mario Pierce could always be safe and sound.

Because of the illegal business under Mario Pierce’s name, there are many forces that have invested, and the interests behind them are entangled.

In addition to the interests involved with the three powerful departments of CIA, FBI, and DEA, he actually saw the shadow of LAPD.

Frankly speaking, this discovery made Locke a little difficult to accept.

However, CIA, FBI, and DEA can all make money, so isn’t it normal for the local snake LAPD to make money with them?

In addition to the violent agencies, Mario Pierce also bet on both the Republican and Democratic parties, providing political donations to congressmen on both sides.

This diary records the network of contacts that Mario Pierce has been operating for thirty years.

And he started investing in young people ten years ago.

The latest page has his name written on it.

Locke tapped the diary at hand, “I really don’t understand, you are obviously a smart person, why do you still write a diary? Don’t you know that this thing will kill you?”

Mario Pierce looked more and more relaxed, sat down directly, and smiled: “Without this thing, I will die faster!”

Locke reacted instantly. It was because of the diary that all parties had concerns.

He already knew that Mario Pierce would not take action after seeing through him, and he didn’t mind.

He asked: “Do you know? These young people you invested in have really become successful, but they may not necessarily repay you…”

Mario Pierce replied calmly: “Of course, I don’t expect them to repay…”

Locke raised his eyebrows and soon understood this old fox.

Mario Pierce did this for others to see. If he hadn’t read the diary, he would have misunderstood before, thinking that Mario Pierce had invested for 30 years, and there were countless people who had been funded by him.

This would make those who wanted to take action against him feel worried.

Locke stood up and walked out of the shadows. He put the diary and the gun in front of Mario Pierce and said calmly: “Mr. Pierce, someone should have told you that you can break the law, but you can’t break the rules, so don’t cross the line. Don’t touch people you shouldn’t touch…”

Mario Pierce was startled and suddenly realized.

A handsome face flashed in his mind, and it was him.

He smiled bitterly, “I’m sorry, I will stay away from him in the future…”

Locke nodded and smiled, “Very good, I’m glad that my mission tonight can be completed so easily. Mr. Pierce, goodbye!”

Mario Pierce subconsciously lowered his head, looked at the golden M2000 on the notebook, listened to the footsteps and slowly walked towards the door, moved his hands, and stopped again.

Suddenly, the footsteps disappeared, and a surprised voice sounded in his ears, “You are really a smart man, no wonder Floyd Ross died, you are still living so well…”

Mario Pierce raised his head suddenly and found that Locke was still standing in front of him, staring at him with regret. He was shocked. He just felt that Locke had walked to the door.

Locke shrugged in disappointment and turned to walk towards the door. This time he really left.

After his language talent was upgraded to L3, he no longer had language problems. Not only did he reach the full level of lip reading, but he also unlocked new skills, such as ventriloquism.

More importantly, no analytical equipment could analyze his voiceprint.

Mario Pierce watched Locke’s figure disappear at the door, and instantly collapsed on the seat as if his spine had been pulled.

He is an old man who is almost 60 years old , What bad luck is this? I was scared twice today…


He hurriedly picked up the diary, turned to the page with only his name, tore off the page, and burned it with a lighter.

I can’t afford to offend, I can’t afford to offend…

After a long while, Mario Pierce stared at the diary on the table absent-mindedly, knowing that the reason he escaped tonight was because of this diary.

The other party had read the diary and knew that he was a useful person.

So, there was a hint of meeting again.

This is also his way of survival, to let others see his value, and valuable people are more useful than worthless people.

Mario Pierce picked up the customized golden M2000, Fortunately, he didn’t act impulsively just now, although his marksmanship is very good…

Uh, he suddenly felt that the weight of the gun in his hand was wrong. He pulled out the magazine, and it was empty. His scalp suddenly numbed.

He took out the M1911 from under the desk again. Sure enough, the magazine was also empty.

Sure enough, he was a bloodthirsty pervert who tempted him again and again.

He rubbed his heart. It was not easy to survive tonight!

Mario Pierce got up tremblingly and poured himself a glass of rum. After drinking a glass of wine, he slowly calmed down.

What is Locke Lee’s identity?

Who can make CI A was so afraid that he sent such a top killer to greet him at night…

Suddenly, a bodyguard stood at the open door, his face flushed, “Boss, Madam, please go down…”

Mario Pierce woke up with a start. He looked at the bodyguard at the door in astonishment, then looked at the notebook on the table. He stood up and said, “Okay, I know, Carl, come and help me find something, it just fell under the table…”

Carl hurriedly walked in and knelt on the ground to search.

Mario Pierce made way, opened the drawer, took out a dagger from it, and stabbed Carl’s throat with a calm face.

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