It was rare for him to sleep alone, so he gave Dick a break. Locke got up early in the morning, feeling refreshed and energetic.

He felt relaxed, as if the shackles on his body had been lifted.

Locke knew very well that this change in mood should come from the improvement of his ability and self-confidence.

In other words, he had grown up and become stronger.

The gangster boss who once made him so afraid that he could only kill him was now being played around by him and became his urinal.

With last night’s visit, if he wanted to use Mario Pierce in the future, he only needed to make a phone call.

After washing up, Locke drove the Ferrari F50 directly home. He received a call from the detective bureau yesterday. His administrative leave was over and he had to go to work today.

Back in Beverly Hills, the family was having breakfast, and Jet and Hannah hadn’t left yet.

“Good Morning, Dad, Mum…”

“Hi, my dear brothers and sisters…”

After greeting everyone, Locke went to the kitchen to wash his hands, so as not to be nagged by Marian later.

Hannah stared at Locke’s back with food in her mouth, turned her head and asked, “Do you think he looks familiar?”

Jet took a sip of milk slowly, turned his head and looked at Locke who was washing his hands and humming a song, and replied, “He sings well…”

Hannah swallowed the food in her mouth and said anxiously, “Is this the point?”

Jet frowned and said, “Half a year ago…”

“Yeap, OMG!!!”

Hannah turned her head and shouted to Marian, “Mum, Locke has become the same as before…”

“Shut your mouth…”

Marian also looked at Locke sitting next to her curiously. She hadn’t seen Locke’s frivolous and annoying look for a long time, and she was not used to it.

She asked, “What happened to you that makes you so happy?”

Locke picked up a piece of bread and said while spreading butter, “Isn’t it a happy thing to have breakfast when I get home, and with my family?”

Marianne’s mouth twitched, but she couldn’t hide the smile in the corner of her eyes. Obviously, this flattery was just what she wanted.

She put a piece of bacon on Locke’s plate, “As long as you want, you can come back every morning to have breakfast with us!”

Li Bo handed him a glass of milk, “I plan to register the company under your name in Las Vegas. The tax rate in California is too high…”

Locke was surprised and said, “Will it be inconvenient?”

Li Bo said, “What’s inconvenient? Your company has no entity…”

Locke replied, “Okay, you are a professional, anyway, I don’t understand…”

Jet and Hannah looked at each other, and both saw question marks in each other’s eyes.

Obviously, something happened at home that they didn’t know about?

At this time, Marian urged, “Leave quickly after you finish eating…”

Jet and Hannah showed helpless expressions, picked up the schoolbags beside them and went out.

Locke finished the bread in his hand and was about to talk about transporting money back to Lebec alone. Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the door. Jet ran in again with his schoolbag and asked excitedly: “Locke, did you drive the Ferrari F50 at the door?”

Locke nodded, wiped his hands, and took out the key of the F50 from his pocket.

Ferrari F50 key

Just as he was about to hand it to Jet, Marian said in a deep voice: “Jet Lee, don’t even think about it, go to school!”

Locke shrugged, made a helpless expression, retracted his hand, and put the key on the table.

Jet looked at the key on the table reluctantly and left with a sullen look.

Locke picked up a sandwich, took a bite, and complained: “Mum, you killed the chance of our brotherly relationship to ease!”

Marian was stunned and said stubbornly: “Then I would rather your brotherly relationship not get better!”

Li Bo’s mouth twitched, and he glanced at the Ferrari car key on the table. He guessed that the car was also from Greenberg Manor, and he also scolded: “What do you think, let Jet drive a sports car worth over a million to school, if it crashes…”

Locke said nonchalantly: “Dad, instead of worrying about this car, you might as well worry about when Jet will say goodbye to his virginity. He is already in the 10th grade and has no girlfriend. As a brother, I feel ashamed. If he drives a Ferrari F50 to school, I guarantee that Marcy Davis will sit in the passenger seat this afternoon. Uh, then Hannah will have to take the school bus back…”

Marian glared at him, “Marcy is not as vain as you say!”

She still knew about the ambiguity between Jet and Marcy Davis, but she always took a non-interference attitude.

Locke smiled”You don’t understand, because if Marcy doesn’t sit, other girls will sit…”

Li Bo was also a little helpless, “Jet is indeed too shy, unlike you, who never let us worry about this…”

Marian rolled her eyes, “Have you forgotten that you are worried that you will be a grandfather at the age of 40?”

Locke saw that the fire suddenly burned on his head, and hurriedly told him that he wanted to transport the money back to Lebec alone.

Marian and Li Bo were immediately diverted…

Locke smelled the rich and mellow smell of coffee before he entered the office. It seems that the Kees Speedster coffee machine and La Marzocc grinder he bought have arrived.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at the office, he found that the office had become a coffee shop.

Harry Sumner was operating the coffee machine, and several colleagues from other groups were standing next to him, holding coffee cups in their hands and queuing up.

Seeing him come in, Tony Gerard, Jack Talbot, Raven Tate, Brian Smith and others raised their glasses to him.

“Locke, thank you…”

“Locke, thank you for your coffee…”

“Locke, praise your generosity…”


The other team members standing next to Harry Sumner waiting for coffee also turned to express their gratitude to Locke.

Harry Sumner exclaimed: “Locke, this coffee machine is so cool, I want to change my career to become a barista!”

“Locke, your coffee, I made it for you when I saw you enter the parking lot…”

Skye Spears walked to Locke with coffee, like an administrative assistant, holding his F150 Raptor car keys in her hand.

“Your car is modified, I’ll go get the keys for you…”

Oh my god, it’s finally modified.

“Thank you, Skye, you are so enthusiastic…”

Locke took the key, took a sip of coffee, and nodded, “The taste is indeed different!”

He said, “You can continue to look at the coffee beans when you have time…”

“No problem…”

Skye Spears’s mouth curled up, she had anticipated this question, “By the way, the captain asked you to come and find her…”


Locke walked directly into Madeline Hill’s office with a coffee cup, “Captain, you are looking for me…”

Madeline Hill was also drinking coffee. She took out Locke’s police badge from the drawer, “Your police badge…”

She raised the coffee cup in her hand again, “Thank you for your generosity, but I’m afraid our office will be very lively in the future…”

Locke took the police badge and smiled, “There is a Chinese proverb that you should be grateful to others for eating your food. Coffee is not drunk in vain…”

Drinking their coffee, you naturally owe them a favor.

Madeline Hill pondered Locke’s words and found that they really made sense. She exclaimed, “China is indeed an ancient civilization with a long history!”

For Locke, Madeline Hill no longer had any temper. He was handsome, rich, and had a deep background.

She had already learned from Anna Davis that Locke would soon be promoted to detective chief and become the youngest detective chief in the police department.

“Ding ding ding…”

The phone on the table suddenly rang, and Madeline Hill picked up the phone, “Commander…”

After listening to just two sentences, her face changed instantly, and she put down the phone, “There is a new case, notify everyone to prepare to go to the scene…”

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