East Los Angeles, Green George Community.

The scene had been cordoned off by patrolmen from the Hollenbeck Area (#4) of the Central Precinct. As soon as the patrolmen from the Hollenbeck Area arrived at the crime scene, they reported the case.

Four people died at once, and this case was no longer something they could handle.

When Locke and his team arrived at the scene, the forensic department had already arrived before them and had started working.


There were continuous sounds of doors closing. Tony Gerard got off the co-pilot seat of the F150 Raptor and couldn’t help shaking his shoulder blades, “This car is still comfortable to sleep in!”

If it were before, Locke would have given him a middle finger without hesitation. The deputy captain just slept so soundly in the co-pilot seat that he even snored.

But after hearing the deputy captain’s story, he couldn’t help but feel a little sympathetic. His situation was that he had been on night watch near his ex-wife’s house again last night.

As soon as Locke and his team came, the patrolmen pulled up the cordon and let them in.

Locke looked at the villa in front of him and estimated that the value of this villa was about 1.2-1.5 million US dollars. The Green George community is a high-end community, a standard white community.

“Captain Hill…”

“Hi, deputy captain…”

“Harry, you are still so handsome…”


The female detective in the Hollenbeck district is a black woman in her thirties with short hair and a very capable spirit. Her name is Riley Habby.

Riley Habby

Her partner is a young white detective.

When it was Locke’s turn, Riley Habby shook his hand, “Detective Locke, I’ve heard of you, wow, you’re so handsome…” She turned to Harry Sumner and smiled, “Harry, it seems you’re no longer the first gentleman in the detective department!” After the greetings, Madeline Hill asked, “Riley, has the identity of the deceased been revealed? We want to talk to the witness…” Riley Habby shrugged, turned and pointed to the ambulance next to her, and said, “The witness, Miss Graveline Langley, broke down emotionally because one of the four dead was her boyfriend. We tried to take a statement from her, but we couldn’t get anything out…” “Given that Miss Graveline Langley is from East Los Angeles College (east Los Angeles angle College) and the four dead are most likely also. I have contacted the school teachers to come and identify the bodies. Only after the identities are confirmed can their parents be contacted…”

“The owner of this villa is Robert Beasley. Robert Beasley is registered as single. We don’t know why the four dead appeared in his villa. We are contacting…”


After learning the preliminary information, everyone received shoe covers and gloves and walked into the villa. Although so many people rushed in at once, the living room did not seem crowded at all.

Even though they already knew the general situation of the case, Locke and others were still a little shocked when they entered the living room, because the scene was indeed a bit lewd.

No wonder the witness Miss Graveline Langley collapsed!

The four white bodies, like four Ukrainian white pigs, did not see the clothes or mobile phones of the dead.

The bodies were lying naked on the carpet in the living room, one woman and three men, neatly arranged on the ground…

They didn’t look old, in their twenties, and should be students.

There was still a fishy smell in the air. Judging from the marks on the bodies, the four people were doing something indescribable before they died.

So, this is an impartyx scene?

The four bodies were all smiling, which was consistent with the characteristics of nitrite poisoning.

The forensic personnel and forensic doctors, who were tightly covered in white protective clothing, were working beside the bodies. Some were scanning the scene for traces, some were extracting genetic material from the bodies, and another forensic doctor was checking the back of a male corpse…

From the curve of the back and buttocks, Locke found that the forensic doctor who was spinning with a cotton swab was Catherine Murphy. This…

Or let’s forget about the dinner!

He suddenly felt a little sympathetic to David. It was a pity that David was always worried that he would miss his daughter…

Locke and the others were just standing by, observing the scene and getting preliminary information.

Harry Sumner said, “I heard that this case was originally assigned to Team 1, but Captain Tom Williams seems to have been temporarily seconded by the CIA to assist in a case…”

Locke’s eyes flashed, and the only case that the Los Angeles CIA wanted to borrow Tom Williams for was the Malibu case.

Fuck, Tom Williams, this psychopath, is still quite capable.

But he was not afraid at all, even Tom Williams, this genius, would not be able to catch him.

Locke thought that if he were to do the Malibu case now, it would be more foolproof., it will be even more bizarre, because there may be no need to shoot.

Tony Gerard asked curiously: “What cases can the CIA have in the country? Is it the Carter Silvio shooting case?”

Harry Sumner was surprised and said: “It shouldn’t be, isn’t that case being investigated by the FBI?”

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Madeline Hill.

Madeline Hill shook her head and said: “How would I know? You might as well ask Locke instead of asking me. He has more information than me…”


Locke really wanted to give Madeline Hill a middle finger.

Captain, thank you.

But seeing that everyone was staring at him, he said to Tony Gerard: “Remember the helicopter and warship in Malibu the day before yesterday? A CIA base was taken down without anyone noticing, and the murderer did not leave any clues. It was probably this case. I don’t know anything more…”

“I got this information from the FBI. I heard that the case has been ordered to be kept secret, so you just listen to it…”

Jack Talbot exclaimed: “Cool, Mission Impossible? Russian agents invaded the United States?”

Harry Sumner said: “CIA was taken down in the United States. This time it’s a big shame!”

Tony Gerard stared at Locke in astonishment, “You know this information. You are really well-informed!”


Madeline Hill’s mouth twitched. Tony Gerard also said what was in her heart. She just said it casually to poke Locke’s deep background. She didn’t expect Locke to really know.

Having such a powerful subordinate is not a pleasant thing.

Madeline Hill suppressed her emotions and said, “Okay, focus on this case. You should have some ideas. Let’s go out and discuss it…”

Everyone walked out of the villa one by one, and breathed in as soon as they came out. The smell in the room was really disgusting.

Locke’s eyes swept over Tony Gerard. He just talked about the CIA Malibu base. Everyone was surprised about this case, including Madeline Hill.

Tony Gerard was also surprised, but his emotions were different.

He was surprised why he knew it, so he added the source of the information.

It seems that the deputy captain still has a secret!

Not to mention Madeline Hill, even Anna Davis may not know about this, but the deputy captain knows it.

On the grass outside the villa, Harry Sumner said with a firm tone: “The four bodies all had smiles on their faces. They were probably poisoned by nitrite…”

Jack Talbot stared at the direction of the ambulance, “Miss Langley is the most suspicious. She must have found out that her boyfriend was having a party here, so she poisoned everyone in anger…”

Locke gave him a thumbs up. It was a pity that no one understood Chinese, otherwise he would have said something.

Where there is a crouching dragon, there must be a phoenix chick.

One said something that everyone knew, and the other said the most unlikely suspect.

Tony Gerard touched his chin and said lightly: “There may be another man at the scene. He is more likely to be the murderer…”

Locke naturally found it, but he didn’t want to say it.

This case is really eye-catching.

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