The theft here is very simple. Lily Santos woke up at 10 o’clock in the morning and found that the next room was in a mess. So she called Mia Hamm immediately, but the phone was turned off, so she decisively called the police.

Because the person involved was not there, it was unknown what was missing from Mia Hamm’s room.

However, according to Lily Santos, the Apple Macbook Pro and iPad Pro that were previously placed on the desk were gone.

Obviously, there should be something shameful in Mia Hamm’s notebook and tablet, so the murderer wanted to destroy the clues.

Tony Gerard immediately asked Brian Smith to check Mia Hamm’s social account to see if he could find some clues from it.

Although Lily Santos was Mia Hamm’s roommate, she didn’t know much about Mia Hamm’s situation. She only knew that she had many sugar daddies and many dating partners and was a bitch.

However, Lily Santos confirmed that Mia Hamm did not take drugs or have the habit of alcoholism.

Locke and Tony Gerard did not stay here for long, leaving the scene to the forensic department and leaving.

However, they kindly told Lily Santos about Mia Hamm’s death and reminded her not to live here.

After hearing this, Lily Santos was shocked and covered her chest and exclaimed, “OMG…”

She was not stupid. As soon as Mia Hamm died, her room was robbed.

In other words, she was actually in danger last night.

Although Locke and his team did not gain much, Harry Sumner and his team did gain some.

When communicating with the classmates of the three male victims, they found that one boy had an abnormal demeanor. After technical questioning, the boy confessed that he had participated in the impart organized by Mia Hamm before.

With this breakthrough, Pandora’s box was opened instantly, and more and more boys’ names were said, as well as girls.

According to them, Mia Hamm would invite them from time to time. She provided the venue and food, and the number of people was generally controlled at five to six. This activity has been going on for five months.

However, some people don’t like this kind of multiplayer sport very much. After participating once, they never participate again.

According to the information currently exposed, the students who attended the party are very diverse. Not all of them are handsome men and beautiful women, but there are also many ordinary ones.

White, black, yellow, fat, thin, ugly, beautiful, all, Mia Hamm doesn’t seem to be picky.

Mia Hamm is revered by these students as the goddess of sexual desire Aphrodite.

Currently, they are counting the number of people with the help of the school.

In the F150 Raptor, Tony Gerard looked at Locke jokingly and laughed, “It seems that you lost!”

Locke shrugged, “It’s not a big deal, isn’t it just inviting everyone to drink? But haven’t we deduced the information that Harry and the others found long ago?”

Even if Mia Hamm is addicted to sex, there is no need to hold this kind of impart at a specific location every time.

Therefore, this woman must have had other purposes in seducing classmates to have a party.

Tony Gerard suddenly felt bored, damn rich guy!

Fuck, he was expecting to see Locke’s face showing pain because he had to pay the bill.

He shrugged self-deprecatingly: “How is it? Do you still think this case is simple? Hahaha, you want to be Tom Williams’ man! You were actually deceived by a girl in her early twenties…”

Locke looked a little embarrassed, damn, this time he really overturned.

He pursed his lips, “Deputy Captain, you are a senior detective with 20 years of experience, but you still didn’t see it…”

Tony Gerard was very calm, “I’m not God, it’s normal to make mistakes, but you are different, you are the future detective!”


Locke raised his middle finger, his expression became cold, he was going to be serious.

So, he didn’t plan to go back to the detective bureau now, but to the crime scene.

Skye Spears told Locke on the phone that Graveline Langley had given new information. She was supposed to attend the impartment last night, but she didn’t go because she had something to do at midnight.

So this is what this woman has always been afraid of.

If she had attended last night, there would be 5 Ukrainian pigs in the room.

After entering the detective bureau, I don’t know if it made her feel more secure, but Graveline Langley confessed everything to Skye.

Graveline Langley and Carter Weeks are indeed in a relationship. Once Carter Weeks attended Mia Hamm’s party under the leadership of his classmates. When she found out, they had a big fight and evenThey even broke up.

But not long after, they reconciled under Carter Weeks’ sweet words, and began to be interested in Mia Hamm’s party, and even attended it twice.

Mia Hamm arrived at the villa in the morning and found four naked bodies as soon as she entered the house. She was directly shocked. Her first reaction was to escape, but then she realized that she had to call the police.

The people behind her were in fear and fear, and the picture of her becoming a corpse kept appearing in their minds.

After a while, Locke returned to the villa where the crime occurred. The villa had been sealed and guarded by patrolmen. There were also people from the forensic department in the villa collecting traces.

When he was about to get off the car, Locke’s phone rang. It was Tom Williams calling.

He glanced at Tony Gerard. Damn, we just talked about this guy. What a coincidence!

Locke answered the phone, “Captain Tom, what’s the matter?”

Tony Gerard was about to get off the car, but when he heard that the call was from Tom Williams, he sat back and looked at Locke curiously.

Tom Williams said, “Locke, I have an interesting case here. Are you interested in coming to see it?”

Tom Williams was seconded by the CIA to investigate the Malibu murder case…

Locke’s mouth twitched, and a sense of absurdity arose in his heart. He refused without hesitation: “Captain Tom, I’m sorry, I have a case here too, and I can’t get away…”

Tom Williams was such a proud person, he immediately replied: “Okay!”

Hearing the beep on the phone, Locke shrugged at Tony Gerard, “It’s rare that Captain Tom thinks highly of me…”

Tony Gerard said seriously: “He can call you to invite you because he really thinks highly of you…”

In the villa, the bodies on the ground were cleared away, leaving only white lines showing the traces of the bodies falling to the ground, and the air still lingered with a fishy smell.

Tony Gerard rubbed his chin with his hand wearing a blue latex glove, wondering: “Since this party has been going on for 5 months, why did the people behind it suddenly want to silence us?”

Locke stood on the periphery, using his thumb and index finger to form a frame, moving towards the position of the body on the ground, “It should be here…”

He turned his head and saw that there was nothing behind him, no camera. He looked at the cabinet and called the forensic personnel, “See if there was anything placed here before…”

Locke and Tony Gerard discussed that Mia Hamm organized this kind of impart probably to satisfy the special fetish of the Sugar Daddy behind her.

Even her Sugar Daddy should not only be Robert Beasley, but a certain group.

There are many such rewards to satisfy their special fetishes on the dark web.

So what happened last night that made the people behind the scenes suddenly kill them and silence them?

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