Detective Bureau, meeting room.

In front of everyone was a cup of mellow and rich coffee, the atmosphere was relaxed and harmonious, it didn’t feel like a discussion of a criminal case in which four people died, but a regular company meeting.

Well, it’s not that everyone doesn’t respect life or is not serious enough, but that they have seen too much.

It’s like a doctor who chats or makes dirty jokes during surgery, and many patients will feel that they are not taken seriously.

This is really overthinking.

In other words, patients are like products on an assembly line, and you can’t expect production workers to invest their emotions in the products on the assembly line.

And often doctors can chat easily and make dirty jokes with nurses, which means that the operation is already familiar, and patients can sleep at ease.

The cases handled by the Robbery and Murder Division are mainly homicides, so everyone is used to it, so don’t expect the police to put themselves in the emotions of the victims’ families, it’s just work.

Locke naturally won’t have any emotions about the four young lives who died in the case, he has seen more bodies handled.

He has roughly figured out what the case is, but there are still some questions.

After returning to the crime scene, he saw the clean crime scene. He did suspect that he had met a colleague.

But he rejected this idea in an instant, because if he came to deal with the scene, he would not leave these four bodies, and the scene would be cleaner.

This scene was a bit anticlimactic, and the bodies were left at the scene.

If the killer who came to deal with these four people really came, he would not be able to resist shooting at Carter Weeks. This is too unprofessional!

Is it also a special hobby of the person behind the scenes?

“According to statistics from East Los Angeles College, the number of students who participated in Mia Hamm’s party, including Mia Hamm herself, is currently known to be 65, including 45 male students and 20 female students. There have been no accidents before, and they just regard this activity as a normal party where they can be happy and relax…”

“Being invited to the party has become an honor among students, but because of Mia Hamm’s confidentiality requirements, the party is not widely spread and only a few people know about it…”

“Some students have bypassed Mia Hamm and held similar parties on their own…”

“This activity may become a tradition of East Los Angeles College in the future…”

Harry Sawyer After Muna finished his report, he elegantly took a sip of coffee, “After this case was exposed, the number of applicants for East Los Angeles College next year will definitely reach a new high…”

Jack Talbot showed a man’s smile, “If I were given another chance, I would definitely apply for East Los Angeles College…”

Skye Spears looked at him with disdain and said, “I asked Ge Fulin Langley to look at the photos of the room. Ge Fulin Langley said that there was a pyramid ornament at the location where Locke found it. There was a black circle on the pyramid that looked like an eye. Because the shape was very unique, she looked at it a few more times at that time…”

“I also called other students who attended the party and they all claimed that there was this ornament at that location…”

“So Locke’s speculation is most likely correct, that There is a camera at the location. Mia Hamm has been organizing impart to satisfy the fetish of some people. The other party may be watching the live broadcast through this camera…”

“Is it my turn?”

Brian Smith was drinking coffee. Seeing Skye Spears looking at him, he quickly put down the cup, “I checked the villa’s network. The camera should use an independent wireless encryption network and not the villa’s WiFi network, so I didn’t find anything abnormal in the villa’s network…”

“I checked Mia Hamm’s social accounts and didn’t find anything abnormal. However, her bank account receives several transfers of thousands of dollars every month. The payer is Robert Beasley, the owner of the villa…”

Raven Tate also said: “Ro Bert Beasley is a trader who imports and exports olive oil. However, he has retired and is enjoying life. His son is in charge of the company. He has accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars through decades of business. The villa in Green George Community is just one of his properties. He does not live here, but in a mansion in Newport Beach. Neighbors around the villa confirmed that they have not seen Robert Beasley come here. This villa has always been used by Mia Hamm. I contacted Robert Beasley this morning. He claimed that he knew nothing about Mia Hamm’s behavior in his villa and promised to come back as soon as possible after the vacation. But before the meeting started, I contacted him again and found that he had turned off his phone…” Jack Tabot said in a deep voice: “This LSP must be preparing to abscond…” Harry.Sumner also said: “I was wondering why the scene was so clean, it turned out to be a filming…”

After listening to everyone’s feedback, Madeline Hill concluded: “So the case is basically clear. Mia Hamm organized the imprisonment under Robert Beasley’s instructions to satisfy his special sexual fetish. Robert Beasley is the most suspected of the death of Mia Hamm and four others last night. I will report this case to Deputy Director Davis to see if he can be extradited to the United States. But before that, we need to collect more evidence. I will apply for a search warrant for Robert Beasley’s residence…”

She turned her head to look at Tony Gerard, “Deputy Captain, do you have anything to add?”

Tony Gerard said: “I heard that there is a Some people with special fetishes will specifically place orders to have people take photos of this kind of impart and sell it on the dark web…”

Madeline Hill turned to look at Brian Smith, who quickly replied: “My dark web account level is very low, so I can’t see this information, but I will ask the computer data group (COMPSTAT) for help…”


Madeline Hill nodded and said, “Does anyone else have anything to add, Locke?”

Locke expressed his doubts, “Mia Hamm’s impart has been going on for several months. Why did Robert Beasley suddenly want to kill them, and in his own villa?”

The relaxed atmosphere in the conference room stagnated instantly, and everyone showed a thoughtful look.

Harry Sumner said, “Usually, it is not just one person who can do this kind of thing, but a group. Robert Beasley is probably just a figure that has surfaced. Maybe there are higher-level clients who have other requirements, so the simple impart live broadcast has become a live broadcast of killing. As for why the murder happened, it was in Robert Beasley’s villa. Isn’t he already on the run?”

Madeline Hill nodded and said, “Harry’s statement is very likely. There have been live murders of this kind before. But no matter what, Robert Beasley is the key to this case. Let’s start from his residence…”

Then Madeline Hill announced the adjournment of the meeting. Suddenly, she thought of something and clapped her hands and said, “Does anyone want to work overtime this weekend?”

Seeing that everyone was silent, working overtime on the weekend, what a joke?

Madeline Hill shrugged and said, “Okay, it seems that everyone wants to attend Locke’s weekend party, so let’s do it!”

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