When Peter Turner heard that the Locke family didn’t sign a dedicated lawyer, his fear was gone. It seemed that they were just a wealthy new immigrant family.

He glanced at the wound on Craven Turner’s face. At this level, it seemed that he could only change a car.

Mrs. Turner’s contempt was fully revealed. She stared at Locke and the other two with a sneer. Then she thought of her son who was too quiet, frowned and asked: “Crven, what’s wrong with you?”

Craven Turner looked at Locke with fear and replied in a muffled voice: “It’s okay…”

Not only the Turners, but Evelya Burton was also confused when she heard Locke’s call.

She remembered that Locke’s mother seemed to be a lawyer. Why would he call a lawyer? Shouldn’t he call his mother directly?

Did the family fall into poverty?

It didn’t seem like it. His younger brothers and sisters were still studying at Troy Middle School.

And the watch in his hand looked very valuable. She immediately made up her mind that if Locke really couldn’t handle it, she would come forward to help ease the relationship.

I don’t know if this bastard has a girlfriend now, uh, how many girlfriends does he have?

Marcy Davis waited for Locke to finish the call, then whispered to him through Jet: “Do you want me to call Jeff?”

In terms of personal connections, as a star judge in Los Angeles, Jeff Davis is still very capable, while Anna Davis, as a law enforcer, is not so effective.

Because Jeff Davis has a more promising future.

Locke shook his head and said, “No, there’s no need to bother Jeff with such a small matter…”

Marcie Davis shrugged and said, “Okay!”

Jet felt his cheeks getting hot because of Marcy Davis’ sudden closeness, and said hurriedly, “Daisy is Locke’s girlfriend and a lawyer, don’t worry, he can handle it…”


Marcie Davis suddenly hooked Jet’s neck, hid behind him, and whispered again, “Locke, I recorded when Craven insulted us!”

Locke looked at her in astonishment and gave her a thumbs up, “Cool, you are worthy of being Anna Davis’ daughter, so now it’s even better!”

He looked at Jet, who was tense because of being hugged by Marcy Davis, and had a complete virgin reaction. He was speechless, ashamed to have such a brother, who was almost 18 years old and still a virgin.

I suddenly thought that Jet was not worthy of Marcy Davis.

But during adolescence, girls do mature faster than boys.

Half an hour later, Peter Turner’s lawyer arrived. He was a white lawyer in his forties, dressed in a suit and tie. It was a high-end custom-made suit, full of elite style.

Peter Turner didn’t even talk to his lawyer alone, and directly stated his demands in front of Locke.

Jet needs to apologize to Craven Turner and compensate for medical expenses and psychological trauma of 200,000 US dollars.

Locke needs to apologize for insulting their reputation and compensate their family for mental damage of 300,000 US dollars.

Locke couldn’t help laughing when he heard Peter Turner’s demands. It must be said that none of the rich people are fools.

Peter Turner didn’t ask for millions of dollars, but hundreds of thousands of dollars, because the judge would most likely support this amount.

The American judicial system should be regarded as the most sound in the world. As long as there is a lawyer, it will not take too much time because of the lawsuit. As long as you can win, you just need to wait for the money. Anyway, the lawyer will handle everything.

Then in the end, you only get 200,000 or 300,000, which is also money.

Peter Turner’s lawyer stood up and walked towards Locke. He handed over a business card, “Hello, Mr. Li, I am Garfield Thomas, my client requested that I come to Craven…”


Locke raised his hand, “In order to avoid you wasting your breath, wait for my lawyer to arrive, then you can talk…”

He was still very confident in the lawyers of Jeff Markie Law Firm, after all, he was one of the leading lawyers in Los Angeles.

As soon as Locke finished speaking, Daisy Greenberg walked in with a briefcase. Her flawless appearance and cold temperament instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

After Locke glanced at her, he calmly looked behind her and found that only Juliet was standing at the door.

He was surprised and said, “Why are you the only one here?”

Peter Turner was amazed at the young female lawyer’s face. He couldn’t help laughing when he heard Locke’s words. It was obvious that she was an intern lawyer!

Evelya Burton looked at Daisy Greenberg with jealousy, and her eyes turned resentful when she looked at Locke. This bastard was still using his cerebellum to decide his brain, and he actually found such a young lawyer.

Unlike the reactions of others, Garfield Thomas recognized Daisy Greenberg at a glance, and his face was immediately filled with disbelief. He had seen Daisy Greenberg at the reception dinner of Jeff Markie Law Firm.Berg.

He took a deep breath and asked tentatively: “Miss Greenberg?”

Daisy Greenberg just glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

Garfield Thomas immediately confirmed that this was the eldest lady of Jeff Markey Law Firm, and hurriedly handed out her business card and introduced herself: “I am Garfield Thomas, from Delin Law Firm…”

Daisy Greenberg looked at the business card in front of her, hesitant, she didn’t want to take it.

Garfield Thomas was embarrassed immediately, and had heard that Miss Greenberg had mysophobia.

At this time, Menlock stood up and walked over, took his business card, and then pulled Daisy Greenberg out of the office.

Garfield Thomas was about to thank Locke, but his mouth opened but couldn’t close. What did he see?

He instantly guessed the relationship between the two, and was shocked in his heart. After calming down, he hurriedly retreated to the side of the Turners.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in a hurry: “Mr. Turner, I suggest a settlement, don’t go to court…”

Peter Turner saw everything just now, and asked: “Who is this female lawyer?”

Garfield Thomas replied: “Ms. Greenberg is the eldest daughter of Jeff Markie Law Firm. You have seen that she has a close relationship with the other party. She can easily pull out a luxurious lawyer team. We have no chance of winning in court, unless you are willing to pay a sky-high price to form a top lawyer team, but it is not worth it for such a thing…”

He glanced at the wound on Jet’s face opposite, “The other party’s injury is almost the same as Craven’s. When the other party pays the high lawyer fees, the amount of compensation will definitely be sky-high!”

Jeff Markie Law Firm is a large law firm ranked in the forefront of Los Angeles. Peter Turner naturally knows that Locke’s previous words reappeared in his mind.

He needs a lawyer!

So this is what he meant!

The reason why the other party did not sign an exclusive lawyer is because there are hundreds of lawyers to choose from.

Fuck! ! !

Peter Turner’s face suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice: “I can agree to reconcile, but Mr. Li must apologize to me and my family. He just insulted us, and Miss Burton from Troy High School also heard it…” He turned to Evelya Burton and asked: “Miss Burton, are you willing to testify for me?”

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