In the corridor, Locke looked down at Daisy Greenberg and asked helplessly, “Can you?”

Miss Greenberg looked up at him, her ice-blue eyes full of determination, “I am also a lawyer. If it doesn’t work, I will find another lawyer to take over…”

Although Daisy Greenberg got a lawyer’s license, she has always been treated as a patient by Love Hogwarts.

She has a greater symbolic significance in Jeff Markie Law Firm. This is the business founded by her father, and the Greenberg family cannot be without someone.

So she has been responsible for the public welfare affairs of Jeff Markie Law Firm. Every law firm needs to assume certain public welfare responsibilities and provide legal aid to vulnerable groups.

Locke always thought that Miss Greenberg was dealing with this work, but he didn’t expect Daisy really wanted to be a lawyer.

He nodded and said, “OK, I’ll tell you the whole story…”

While speaking, he looked at the Turners and lawyer Garfield Thomas who were whispering in the office from time to time. After recognizing the content of their conversation, he was a little amused.

So, did Daisy Greenberg win by standing here?

After listening to Locke’s statement, Daisy Greenberg asked, “What are you asking for?”

Locke responded to the other party’s lawyer’s suggestion, reconciliation?

What the hell is reconciliation? I have the advantage, why should I reconcile!

But he can’t kill the whole family for such a small matter!

Locke replied: “Clavin Turner needs to apologize to Jet for his racist remarks and compensate for medical expenses and psychological trauma of $200,000!”

“Clavin Turner needs to apologize to Marcy Davis for his humiliating remarks and pay $100,000 in psychological compensation!”

Daisy Greenberg thought seriously and nodded: “OK, I will talk to the other party, but the other party also has injuries on his face. If they have similar demands, they may reach a settlement in the end…”

“But if he really humiliated Ms. Marcy Davis, we can ask him to apologize and pay a certain amount of psychological compensation…”

Locke looked at Miss Greenberg with a serious face. He couldn’t tell whether she was acting for a while, and asked curiously: “Are you acting now?”

Daisy Greenberg frowned and said dissatisfiedly: “I’m serious!”

She hesitated and said in a low voice: “Didn’t you ask me to be myself?”

“So your reactions now are real?”

Locke looked at her in surprise. In this case, doesn’t it mean that Daisy’s personality will become more and more real?

He couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to pinch her face, and said happily: “Great, keep going, I like the real you…”

Daisy Greenberg’s body stiffened, “She will be angry…”

Locke shrugged and spread his hands and said: “OK, let’s continue to talk about this case…”

He smiled and said: “We have a recording of Craven Turner’s racist words, do you still insist on reconciliation?”

Daisy Greenberg’s eyes flashed, and nodded: “Then our chances of winning are very high, can I listen to the recording?”

Locke turned his head and shouted to the office: “Marcie, come out…”

Soon, Marcy Davis and Jet came out together. When Marcy Davis heard Locke say that he wanted to listen to the recording, he took out his mobile phone.

Just as he was about to play it, Locke called him to stop, “Let’s go further away!”

The group came to the stairs, and Marcy Davis turned on the recording, “I started recording in the middle, and didn’t record the previous part…”

In the recording, Craven Turner called Jet a banana, saying that no matter how long he lived in the United States, he was just a yellow monkey, a chiny who could only do match problems, a low-level species, and unworthy of dating a white girl.

Later, Marcy Davis angrily denounced his racial remarks and defended Jet, which further stimulated Craven Turner, and he even scolded her.

Calling Marcy Davis a bitch, so slutty that Asians fucked, and Asian dicks couldn’t…

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
After hearing these words, Jet couldn’t help it anymore and started to have sex with him.

It has to be said that Jet really impressed Locke this time. Craven Turner was taller and stronger than him, but the two of them tied.

Jet heard Craven Turner’s racist remarks again, and he was angry again, saying coldly: “Next time this bastard dares to provoke me, I will definitely smash his mouth…”

Marcy Davis was a little embarrassed, but her expression was calm, “With this recording, we can ask the school to expel Craven Turner…”

Smart enough!

Ruthless enough!

Locke gave her a thumbs up again. She is worthy of the blood of the Thomas family, a daughter of a general!

He glanced at Jet. If this kid doesn’t work harder, he might get kicked out!

ReallyNot worthy!

Locke was very calm when he heard these racial discrimination remarks, because he had experienced these insults before, which were much more violent than Jet’s this time.

He was facing a group of people.

He was very confused when he heard these remarks at first, why did they humiliate and discriminate against him.

At first, he tried to explain to these people, but it didn’t work, so he fought back in a cowboy way.

They discriminated against him, he hit back!

What could be more humiliating than being beaten up by the object of discrimination!

They didn’t let him date white girls, so he specifically looked for white girls as girlfriends.

Locke knew exactly why Jet was experiencing this now. This kid used to just study hard and be his top student, and he had no conflict of interest with white students.

But now, he is robbing white students of their right to choose a spouse, and it’s a white top student like Marcy Davis. How can they tolerate this?

He was attacked for the same reason, but he faced it earlier.

He clearly remembered that when he boasted about sleeping with the prettiest blonde girl in the next class, the expressions of the white classmates who had been playing with him changed instantly…

Jeter said at this time: “I have inquired, and it seems that Craven Turner’s father is engaged in the second-hand car business…”

Locke looked at him with appreciation, not bad, brother, you finally got extra points.

Daisy Greenberg asked, “Do we need to include Ms. Marcy Davis’s appeal?”

Marcy Davis said hurriedly, “Just call me Marcy…”

“Uh, I forgot to introduce you…”

Locke introduced Daisy Greenberg, “This is Jet, my brother, and this is his girlfriend, Marcy Davis, she is the daughter of Commander Anna Davis, uh, the former captain of the Wilshire Police Department, my immediate superior…”

He then said to Jet and Marcy Davis, “Daisy Greenberg, my girlfriend, is also the lawyer I hired for you!”

After introducing the three people, Locke replied to Daisy Greenberg, “No, let’s talk about it according to my request first, Craven Turner will be punished more severely…”

“After this matter is settled, we will negotiate directly with Troy High School. It is precisely because of their indulgence that these discriminatory remarks can be rampant on campus…”

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