Jet looked at Locke in disbelief and said in a lost voice: “Sue the school?”

Marcie Davis also looked suspicious, not understanding why Locke wanted to make a big deal out of it.

Locke said calmly: “Don’t rush this matter, let’s discuss it with Marian and Anna before making a decision.”

He stared at Jet meaningfully, “It’s rare to have solid evidence, don’t you want to do something? You dare to resist racial discrimination, but many people can only swallow their anger. Even Troy High School is like this, let alone other schools…”

“The purpose of our lawsuit is to make the school pay more attention to this matter and prevent similar incidents from happening. You will become a hero…”

The reason why Locke said this is naturally not because he had experienced racial discrimination before, so he wanted to retaliate against the school.

There is no such saintly idea that he wants to hold an umbrella for others just because he has been caught in the rain.

Racial discrimination is everywhere in the United States and the world, and it cannot be eliminated at all.

He simply wants to do something for Jet to accelerate his growth so that he will not be kicked by Marie Davis.

Becoming the focus of public opinion will inevitably be under great pressure.

Being a youth opinion leader can give him extra points, a lot of points…

As for whether he will be harassed and suppressed after suing the school, it’s too much to think about it. White leftists are prevalent among school faculty and staff across the United States. Anti-racial discrimination is definitely politically correct. He will really become a hero.

Well, of course, more importantly, the Locke family has the strength to back him up.

If he is really targeted, the worst that can happen is that he can change to a private high school.

While Jet was still hesitating, Marcy Davis was the first to react.

There was a light in her eyes, “I think this is a cool idea. We should stand up and speak for students who suffer from racial discrimination across the United States, calling on them to dare to say no to racial discrimination. Craven Turner is not only a racist, but also discriminates against women. His vulgar words are full of disrespect for women. Our bodies are decided by ourselves, not the private property of certain groups. We have the freedom to make friends…”

Looking at the awakened Marcy Davis, Locke seemed to see Jet being kicked out.

Well, perhaps, becoming Marcy Davis’ boyfriend is the most glorious moment in Jet’s life.

In the office, Locke and his family sat at opposite ends of the Turner family again, forming a standoff.

The lawyers on both sides stated the claims of their respective clients, and Miss Burton from Troy High School, who sat in the middle, seemed to have become a judge.

When Peter Turner heard Daisy Greenberg’s claim, his face immediately turned gloomy. He didn’t expect that he would lose more than he gained. He had already decided to settle, but the other party demanded compensation.

Although Garfield Thomas was afraid of Daisy Greenberg’s identity, he was professional.

He immediately retorted: “Ms. Greenberg, uh, the other lawyer, please note that my client was also injured, and we can also apply for the same amount of compensation. But since both parties are classmates, we are willing to reconcile based on the principle of mutual respect and mutual understanding. Both parties apologized to each other and showed our sincerity…” Daisy Greenberg’s face was calm. She picked up Marcy Davis’s mobile phone, “I have a recording of Craven Turner saying racial discrimination to my client Jet Lee, and a recording of him using insulting words to Ms. Marcy Davis…” “If you don’t agree with our request, I will submit these recordings to the court. In order to convince you of the authenticity of the recordings, I can play some of them for you to listen to, so that you can listen to Craven Turner’s racial discrimination and insulting words. I have reason to believe that this is not the first time…” After she played a sentence, she quickly pressed pause. Peter Turner heard Craven Turner’s discriminatory words in the recording, his face instantly turned pale, and he stared fiercely at his dejected son. The blond hair that made him proud before was inexplicably particularly dazzling. Garfield Thomas whispered in his ear: “Mr. Turner, I suggest you agree to them. The evidence is solid and we have no chance of winning. If we go to court, we will definitely lose more!”

Peter Turner said in a deep voice: “I can agree to them, but their promise to destroy the recording…”

Locke saw their conversation and sneered. Destroying the recording, what a joke!

There is no way. He wants to be a civilized person now, so he has to get used to solving problems in a civilized way.

So, when Garfield Thomas told Peter Turner’s request, Locke rejected it outright.

Locke said: “It is impossible to destroy the recording, but I can promise that after this incident, we will no longer use this recording against Craven Turner…”

Peter Turner stared at Locke coldly and said: “I need to write this into the settlement agreement.”The agreement…” Locke nodded and said, “OK!” So Garfield Thomas immediately used the template in his computer to modify a settlement agreement. After Daisy Greenberg checked it, she printed it out with the printer in Evelya Burton’s office. Evelya Burton looked at Locke and Peter Turner and both signed the settlement agreement, and smiled, “I am very happy to see that you have reached a settlement…” Peter Turner ignored her, but immediately signed two checks and handed them to Garfield Thomas, and then asked Craven Turner to apologize to Jeter and Marcy Davis. After doing all this, he made a call, “Lawyer Schroeder, you can come up!” Garfield Thomas had just handed the check to Locke, and when he heard what Peter Turner said, he asked in surprise, “Mr. Turner, what do you mean? ”

Peter Turner said calmly: “Lawyer Thomas, thank you for your previous service. This will be your last service to me. You are fired!”

Garfield Thomas was surprised and said: “Why?”

Peter Turner replied: “Lawyer Thomas, I pay you to protect my interests, not to tell me that I should give up. As a client, I can’t stand my lawyer giving up before me. I admit that Jeff Markie Law Firm is very powerful. Since you have raised the white flag, I will hire a lawyer who is not afraid of them. Although it is expensive, I think it is worth it…”

He is a billionaire!

As Peter Turner spoke, a middle-aged man in a suit and tie walked in. He stretched out his hand to Peter Turner, “Mr. Turner, thank you for giving the Meimais Law Firm this opportunity. I will never let you down…”

Peter Turner nodded and said: “Lawyer Schroeder, I have said everything I should say in the message. It’s up to you next!”

Garfield Thomas stared at Lawyer Schroeder angrily, “Paul Schroeder, you actually stole my client! ”

Paul Schroeder sneered, “Garfield, no wonder you were fired. Does O’Melveny need to steal clients?”

O’Melveny was founded in 1885 and is the largest law firm in California. After Steve Greenberg and Love Hogwarts founded the Jeff Markey Law Firm, O’Melveny’s position was impacted.

Paul Schroeder quickly moved his eyes away from Garfield Thomas, glanced at Daisy Greenberg, and finally stopped at Locke, “Mr. Locke Lee, I am now making a solemn representation to you on behalf of my client. You just slandered and defamed my client’s family. Your words implied that Mr. Craven Turner is not my client’s son. This sentence seriously hurts the feelings of my client’s family…”


Locke interrupted the lawyer, “I’m not slandering, I’m just reminding you in good faith…”

He stared at Peter Turner, who had a gloomy face, and asked with a smile, “Mr. Turner, don’t you watch Game of Thrones? King Robert has black hair and Prince Joffrey has golden hair, but Robert’s family has never had golden hair, so Ned, the King of the North, discovered that Joffrey was not Robert’s biological son. Uh, you have black hair and Mrs. Turner has brown hair, how could you two have golden hair? ”

The office was instantly silent, and everyone looked at the Turner family’s… hair!

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