Soon, Locke and his group were the only ones left in the office. Locke asked Evelya Burton, “Miss Burton, can we leave now?” Evelya Burton looked at Locke with a complicated expression, “Of course…” This guy is not only more handsome and more charming than in high school, but also more capable of causing trouble. However, how could he become a policeman? She always thought Locke would become a football star. Evelya Burton got up and sent Locke and his group to the door, and took the initiative to extend her hand to Locke, “Locke, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I didn’t expect you to become a policeman!” Locke extended his hand to shake her and smiled, “I didn’t expect you to return to Troy High School to be the academic affairs lady. Didn’t you always want to be a fashion designer?” Evelya Burton smiled and said, “People’s ideals always change with age, don’t they?” Locke nodded and thanked, “Evelya, thank you for rejecting Peter Turner just now…” Jet had just told Locke outside that Evelya Burton rejected Peter Turner’s request to testify. Evelya Burton shrugged, glanced at Daisy Greenberg, and chuckled, “We are friends, aren’t we? But Locke, I have to remind you that according to Craven Turner’s family information, Mr. Turner runs a used car chain called Derek, which ranks second in the Los Angeles used car industry. Peter Turner is a billionaire with assets of over 100 million. You shouldn’t offend him…” “Wow, it seems that Mr. Turner’s business is really big!” Locke made a surprised expression, but it can be seen that he was not worried at all, “Evelya, thank you for your reminder!” Evelya Burton watched Locke and his group leave, her eyes flashing. Perhaps, Jet Lee should update his family information. On the way to the parking lot, Jet asked curiously, “Locke, I didn’t expect you to know Miss Burton!”

Locke said frankly, “Evreya Burton used to be a member of the Troy High School football cheerleading team…”


Jet Lee instantly understood what the relationship was, glanced at Daisy Greenberg, and then whispered the information he guessed to Marcy Davis.

Marcy Davis had naturally heard about Locke’s legendary experience at Troy High School. The personalities of these two brothers were really one in the sky and one in the ground.

She suddenly realized that, except for the hair color, Locke and Jet’s appearance and personality were different.

Based on what happened at the Turner family just now, she couldn’t help but think wildly, but she threw this absurd idea behind her in an instant.

In the parking lot, Hannah had been waiting here for a long time. She looked at the wound on Jet’s face and wanted to say something, but soon found that Marcy Davis was holding Jet’s hand.

“You guys…” Before she finished her words, she found Locke holding Daisy Greenberg’s hand, “Locke, this is…” Locke felt that the expression on her little face was almost unchangeable, and turned to introduce Daisy: “Hannah, my sister!” He then introduced Hannah: “Daisy Greenberg, my girlfriend!” After a brief introduction, Locke asked Marcy Davis: “Marcy, are you free tonight? Do you want to have dinner with us? If necessary, I can call Anna…” Jet also looked at Marcy Davis expectantly. They had just established a relationship, and he was eager to stay with his girlfriend for a while. Marcy Davis apologized: “Sorry, we have an appointment to go to grandpa’s house in the evening. Today is Family Day!” Without waiting for Locke to speak, Jet immediately replied: “Then you should go quickly. Family Day is the most important!” Marcy Davis said goodbye to everyone gracefully. Her car was a red Audi A4, which was parked not far away. After watching Marcy Davis leave, Locke smiled at Daisy and said, “Lawyer Greenberg, to thank you for helping us win this lawsuit, I will treat you to dinner…”

In the F150 Raptor, Daisy Greenberg sat in the co-pilot seat, followed by Jet’s BMW 3 Series, and behind that was the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Although Hannah wanted to know more about Daisy Greenberg, she still consciously sat in the BMW and did not act as a light bulb, and she also had many questions to ask Jet.

For example, fighting,

For example, with Marcy Davis…

Locke’s proposal to go out for dinner was rejected, because Daisy Greenberg invited Jet and Hannah to visit Greenberg Manor, and they agreed unanimously, so the group went straight to Greenberg Manor.

Thinking of the two hidden dangers of Peter Turner and Ms. Theresa, Locke said to Daisy Greenberg: “Let the investigators of Jeff Markie Law Firm investigate Peter Turner’s family and Derek’s used car chain…”

Daisy GreenbergWithout saying anything, he immediately called Juliet and explained the matter.

Locke suddenly felt that this woman was really useful, and stretched out his hand. Daisy Greenberg was stunned for a moment and put her hand on his.

He held the woman’s hand, his mind was up and down, and unconsciously, his way of dealing with problems had also changed.

If it was before, he would only think of physically removing the hidden danger of Peter Turner.

But now, he would think a lot.

For example, Peter Turner is a billionaire, and he also owns a second-ranked used car chain in Los Angeles.

If it is just physical removal, it would be a pity.

Well, of course, the premise of this matter is that Peter Turner made trouble first, and he is now a civilized person.

Greenberg Manor.

When Daisy Greenberg took Jet and Hannah to visit the manor, Locke called Victor Mendes next to the fountain.

“Victor, have you heard of Derek’s used car chain?”

He would not rely solely on the information from Jeff Markie’s law firm. Victor Mendes runs a repair shop and should have some knowledge of the used car industry in Los Angeles.

In a Mercedes-Benz BMW 730, Marcy Davis told Jeff Davis and Anna Davis what happened in the afternoon.

Anna Davis turned her head to look at her daughter in the back seat, her face full of surprise, “So, you are dating Jeter?”

Jeff Davis was driving, looked at the rearview mirror, and smiled: “Wow~ ⊙o⊙, our Marcy has finally grown up, this news is really exciting…”

“I have been worried about this problem since you were 16 years old, but I have never found that you have dated any boys. OMG, at this time, I can’t help but start to worry about your sexual orientation. Thank God, you like men…”

“Uh, honey, I am not against homosexuality, I just…”

Marcy Davis hurriedly said: “Dad, I understand, don’t explain, I know you are not against homosexuality, otherwise, you will not support Henry…”

Anna Davis wanted to say something else, but when she heard them talking about Henry Davis, she suddenly felt that the news was not so bad.

She smiled and said, “Jet actually fought for you, which is really unexpected. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured, otherwise I don’t know how to explain to Marian. Locke handled the problem calmly this time, but exposing someone’s family scandal in person, this matter…”

Jeff Davis took over the topic and said in an amazed tone: “I heard that Marian’s dinner in San Francisco tonight, in addition to California lawyers, many people from the judicial system in San Francisco and California attended. The Greenberg family is building momentum for Marian. Marian will soar to the sky after tonight…”


Anna Davis’ mood became a little complicated for some reason. She was happy for her best friend, but also had some other emotions.

Uh, and suddenly heard that Marcy Davis was dating Jet.

Anna Davis suddenly thought of something, and she asked seriously: “Honey, you agreed to date Jet, didn’t it because he fought for you?”

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