Locke originally wanted to keep the matter of Jet from Marian. Anyway, she would know it tomorrow, and knowing it tonight would affect her mood.

But during dinner, Marian sent a video call, and he had to answer it.

In the camera, Marian was very excited. She was wearing a sexy red evening dress, and Li Bo was also wearing a black suit. They were in the hotel, preparing to go to the banquet address.

“Hi, Locke, how are you doing today?”

“Very good, congratulations, Commissioner Marian, you are really beautiful now, uh, Mum, we are having dinner, let’s talk later…”

“Okay, where are you? You are dining outside tonight…”

Locke could only confess: “Daisy invited Jet and Hannah to Greenberg Manor…”

At this time, Hannah ran over and squeezed into the camera, “Mum, Congratulations, Wow, your evening dress is so beautiful, Dad, you are also handsome…”

Locke simply gave her the phone, and then Hannah chatted with Marian and Li Bo for a few words, showing her skills in holding water.

After Hannah finished speaking, Locke saw Daisy Greenberg looking at him, so he handed the phone over, and then Daisy also said a few words of congratulations to Marian, and the words were very formal.

When the phone returned to Locke, he was ready to end the call, but Marian took the initiative to ask about Jet.

“Where is Jet, why doesn’t he talk to us!”

Locke looked at Jet with gloating, “I tried my best…”

Jet took the phone with a tingling scalp. He was so fierce in the fight before, but now he was so weak. He had been a good boy for more than ten years, and he had no idea how to deal with his parents in this kind of thing.

He waved to the camera and said hello, “Hi Mum, congratulations, Hi, Dad…”


Marianne suddenly saw the wound on Jet’s face, and was stunned for a moment, and exclaimed: “Jesus, what happened? Did Locke beat you up?”

Locke’s face turned black when he heard it, and he shouted dissatisfiedly: “Mum…”

Jet honestly told Marian what happened in the afternoon, and defended himself: “It was Craven who insulted me first, and he also insulted Marcy, so I took action…”

Marianne asked: “Are you sure your injury is okay?”

After getting a positive answer, she said: “Give the phone to Locke!”

The phone returned to Locke’s hand again, and he immediately said: “Mum, The reason why I didn’t tell you right away is that I didn’t want to worry you and dad. It’s just a superficial injury, it’s really nothing…”

Marianne said: “Locke, you handled it well this time. But revealing the Turner family’s privacy in public is considered to have completely offended them. Let’s go home and find out what they are up to…”

Locke glanced at Daisy Greenberg and replied: “Daisy has asked the investigators of Jeff Markie Law Firm to search for information about the Turner family!”

“Good, the car has arrived, let’s talk when we get home!”

After the call ended, the atmosphere at the table became more relaxed, and Jet became more active.

No longer worried that the fight and injury would be known by Marian and Li Bo.

After dinner, Locke stayed alone with Deborah for a while, and then took Jet and Hannah home.

As soon as he got home, Jet asked the question that he had been hiding in his heart, “Locke, did you become a jerk because you were discriminated against?”

Locke shrugged and said, “It’s all in the past…”

He didn’t really want to talk about his past, but seeing the wound on Jet’s face, he added, “You did the right thing today. Jet will be very happy to see the wound on your face. Keep it up. In America, if you want to gain respect from others, it’s not enough to just study well…”

Compared to the dinner at Greenberg Manor, the dinner at Thomas’s house lasted longer. While eating, everyone talked about their recent situation.

Steve Thomas complained about the trivial matters in the lower division during the meal, which made him very uncomfortable.

Anna Davis asked a few questions and found that they were all insignificant matters. She had to remind him: “Steve, the division captain is a management position. Your mentality has not been adjusted yet. It is completely different from the way you work in the anti-black group…” Steve Thomas muttered: “I prefer the work of the anti-black group…” Harry Thomas pretended not to hear it. He asked Jeff Davis: “I just heard from Anna that Marian Locke held a party in San Francisco tonight. It was very grand…” Jeff Davis took a sip of red wine and nodded: “Yes, Locke has confirmed his relationship with the daughter of the Greenberg family, so this party is the Greenberg family to build momentum for Marian. Many people went…” Under the lights, Harry Thomas’s expression becameA little gloomy, he smiled and said: “Speaking of Marian Locke’s election as a member of the California Bar Association, Anna proposed it to me at the beginning, but I didn’t expect it to be really done by her. It turns out that her family has quietly hooked up with the Democratic Party’s financial sponsor…”

At Harry Thomas’ level, the political map behind the political situation in Los Angeles and even California is clear.

He asked Anna Davis again: “You will go to Lebec Farm with the Locke family for vacation this week, right?”

Anna Davis nodded and said: “Yes, it was agreed a long time ago!”

Harry Thomas smiled and said: “Then count me in. I haven’t ridden a horse for a long time. They shouldn’t mind that there is suddenly an old man!”

“Of course…”

Anna Davis looked at her father in surprise. He was preparing to deepen his relationship with the Locke family.

She hesitated for a moment and said, “Marcie is dating Anna’s second son Jet…”


Harry Thomas looked at the graceful Marcy Davis in surprise and said with a smile, “This is definitely the happiest news tonight. Our little Marcy finally has a boyfriend…”

Then Anna Davis told him about Jet’s fight with someone for Marcy Davis this afternoon.

Steve Thomas praised immediately, “Cool, no wonder our Marcy chose him, he’s a man!”

“I propose a toast to our boy Jet…”

Jeff Davis raised the wine in his glass. He was really happy. Anyone who has a troublemaker at home can understand his feelings at the moment.

He doesn’t care whether Jet is good or not. He cares about Jet’s gender.

“For Jet…”


Marcie Davis also raised the juice and smiled brightly, without any shyness of being teased.

Anna Davis saw this scene and couldn’t help but feel a headache. Jet is really a good boy. She really doesn’t want him to be hurt.

On the way back, Jeff Davis was placed in the back seat because he was drunk. He was a good drinker and would only sleep when drunk.

Anna was driving. She looked at Marcy Davis in the passenger seat from time to time, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Marcy Davis was messaging Jet. She looked up and asked, “Mum. What do you want to say?”

Anna Davis said, “Marcy, I just want to remind you that Jet is a good kid. Even if you want to break up, don’t hurt him…”

Marcy Davis was speechless, “Why do you think I will hurt him? I’ve already told you that Jet and I are serious. It’s not because of the fight today. I know he likes me. I’ve been observing him for a long time…”

Anna Davis asked curiously, “What do you like about him? From childhood to adulthood, you have always been precocious, even more sensible than Henry. I really can’t imagine you I will choose Jet!”

“So, do you think Locke is more suitable for me?”

Marcy Davis rolled her eyes and said speechlessly: “You also said that I always know what I want, so I was with Jet after careful consideration. Why do you think I am a scumbag? Compared with your relationship with Dad, I prefer the relationship between Aunt Marian and Uncle Todd. I hope that Jet and I will be like this in the future…”

Anna Davis was stunned and said: “Sweet, are you thinking too far!”

Marcy Davis showed a trace of confusion and shrugged: “I don’t know, maybe! But this is what I think…”

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