In the conference room, after sorting out the known information, Madeline Hill concluded: “This is the general outline of all the current cases. Barbara Coke spied on the murder case across the street, so she was killed…”

“The murder weapon is probably the red YETI stainless steel coffee cup in Edward Clark’s hand…”

“The photo has been sent to the forensic department, and they will compare it with the head trauma of the deceased…”

The projector is showing a photo of Edward Clark, who is holding a huge YETI cold coffee cup in his hand. The cup is all red. This photo was found by Harry Sumner and Jack Talbot at the transportation company.

Brian Smith added: “The capacity of this cup is 1L, the empty bottle weighs 0.8KG, and the full weight is almost 2KG, which is definitely enough as a murder weapon…”

YETI Thermos

Skye Spears bit the pen tip and asked coquettishly: “Why didn’t she run?”

Raven Tate replied: “It should be because of the little girl in the closet!”

Madeline Hill continued: “It has been verified that Barbara Coker’s daughter is still with her ex-husband, so the little girl in the closet is not her daughter!”

Harry Sumner asked: “When will the forensic department have the results? After the DNA information of the little girl in the closet comes out, it can be compared with the missing persons database. I believe the identity of the little girl will be revealed soon. And the gun found by the deputy team, is there any fingerprint information of Barbara Coker on the gun…”

Locke took a sip of coffee. Now they have basically sorted out the logic of the case, and now they are waiting for the forensic results of the forensic department.

Modern criminal investigation relies heavily on forensic science, and the forensic results are often the biggest basis for solving the case.

Especially in Barbara Coker’s room, the forensic department also collected a lot of hair, and they also need to obtain the DNA test results of these hairs.

After looking at the relevant evidence photos of Barbara Coker, Brian Smith switched to the photo of Cindy Clark’s body.

When Jack Talbot, who was drinking coffee, saw Cindy Clark’s gold metal underwear, he instantly sprayed, “Damn, what is this?”

Although Harry Sumner did not drink coffee, he was about to drink it, but Jack moved too much and hit his hand, and the coffee instantly spilled on his pants.

He cursed angrily: “Fuck, my pants are top-grade wool, Jack, you have to pay for dry cleaning!”

Locke and Tony Gerard smiled at each other, both looking at the disaster opposite with gloating. Before, the woman Jane Horvath wanted to see the jokes of him and the deputy captain.

Locke hurriedly looked at Madeline Hill. The captain also went to the scene later. With Jane Horvath’s relationship with her, this woman would definitely tease her.

Sure enough, seeing that Harry and Jack were both frightened by the photo, she also smiled.

Feeling Locke’s gaze, she quickly regained her coolness and said in a cold voice: “There is no doubt that Edward Clark is the biggest suspect in these two murders. We are not sure whether the little girl in the closet is in his hands…”

“The director is also paying attention to this case. We must solve the case quickly!”

Tony Gerard asked: “Is there no sign of Edward Clark in the surveillance systems of airports, railways, and highways?”

Brian Smith replied: “No, and we have also searched all the cameras in Los Ferris, and we haven’t found his figure. This guy seems to have disappeared suddenly!”

Harry Sumner threw away the tissue in his hand and said: “So this guy has an accomplice?”

Locke asked: “What do you think the Clark couple’s identity is?”

Questions about the identities of Edward Clark and Cindy Clark have been discussed before.

Everyone agrees with Locke and Tony Gerard’s views that the identities of these two people are definitely problematic, and their income and living conditions are extremely mismatched.

American whites are not like Chinese people. There is no concept of frugality in their minds. Most people think about spending ahead of time.

Harry Sumner and Jack Talbot learned from the transportation company that Edward Clark’s annual salary was about 150,000 US dollars, but there was no problem with his identity information and social security number.

However, Edward Clark was a loner and liked to take long-distance routes, such as crossing the United States to New York in the east.

Tony Gerard shook his head and said, “They are not necessarily a couple. When Cindy Clark’s DNA results come out, their identities will naturally surface!”

Madeline Hill nodded and said, “I agree with this guess…”

Suddenly, Locke was attracted by a photo on the projector, “Stop!”

ThisThis photo is a close-up of the metal underwear on Cindy Clark. I have to say that this gold metal chastity pants is really exquisite, although it looks a bit funny on Cindy Clark.

Jane Horvath was concerned about that question before, and these photos show the answer. The back part of the metal underwear is not fully covered, but has a window for excretion.

In other words, this pair of pants is mainly locked in the front. Because it is a hollow design, it has no effect on peeing, but it should be flushed every time.

Fuck, I don’t know which genius designed such a thing.

I have to say that most perverts have artistic talents.

Locke called a halt because he found that the keyhole of the metal underwear was worn. He picked up the laser pen on the table and said, “Look here, this lock has been opened by other means…”

Jack Talbot laughed, “So, Cindy Clark still cheated. Is that why Edward Clark killed her?”

Tony Gerard touched his chin and said, “Obviously, Edward Clark is a pervert with a strong desire for control, but what is interesting is that if he is worried about Cindy cheating, why does he like to travel long distances? Also, Cindy Clark should have a history of cheating. By the way, didn’t you find any cameras in the room?”

Madeline Hill shook her head and said, “The Forensic Department didn’t find any cameras!”

Naturally, Locke didn’t find any cameras. He also agreed with the deputy captain’s previous reasoning that this couple is not necessarily a real couple. There are indeed too many suspicious points in the way this couple gets along.

He said, “Perhaps, we can look for the lover who opened Cindy Clark’s chastity pants, or the locksmith. I think that person should know something…” Madeline Hill glanced at her watch and said, “Today’s time is about the same. Let’s do this now. Tomorrow morning, the deputy captain and Locke will go find Cindy Clark’s lover. Harry and Jack, you go visit Barbara Coker’s ex-husband. I want more information about Barbara Coker. Raven, you keep an eye on the forensic department and notify me immediately when the results come out. Brian, I don’t believe Edward Clark will just disappear without a trace…”

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