After get off work, Locke and Tony Gerard walked to the parking lot together. The deputy captain asked, “What do you think of this case?” Locke shrugged, “Although I have guessed the general beginning and end of the case, this case gives me a very confusing feeling. I don’t have any opinion for the time being…” Tony Gerard opened the car door and exclaimed, “Wow, it seems that the magical Dick is slowly becoming mediocre!” Locke gave him a middle finger back. After getting in the car, he started the car. Seeing the deputy captain lowering the window, he also lowered the window and turned his head and said, “Deputy captain, say hello to Xirui for me. She is my goddess!” “…” The smile on Tony Gerard’s face froze instantly, and he opened his mouth to spray him, but Locke did not give him this opportunity and left first. Looking at the deputy captain’s middle finger in the rearview mirror, Locke couldn’t help laughing. He really couldn’t understand the mentality of David and the deputy captain. Since you have a daughter, there will be such a day sooner or later. What can you do if you protect her well? After leaving the police station, Locke drove towards Beverly Hills. He couldn’t help but sort out the case in his mind again, but found that he couldn’t find any new clues.

There was not enough information, and he was distracted today and couldn’t focus on the case.

Although it was just a false alarm today, he was really scared.

His eyes were cold, Peter Turner, and the black detective…

When he arrived in Beverly Hills, Locke didn’t go home, but went to Greenberg Manor first.

Juliet seemed to be waiting for him. As soon as Locke arrived, she gave him the information of Peter Turner and Derek’s used car chain group.

“So much!”

The information added up to dozens of pages. Locke flipped through it roughly. He didn’t expect Peter Turner’s resume to be so inspiring.

Peter Turner was born in Elmont and graduated from community college. After graduation, he entered a car repair shop. After having professional knowledge of cars, he was not satisfied with being a mechanic. He then entered a car sales company and later a used car sales company.

Ten years ago, he co-founded Derek Used Car Sales Company. Six years ago, his partner withdrew, and Peter Turner bought the other party’s shares and became the company’s largest shareholder.

Flipping through the investigation materials, Locke found that Peter Turner was involved in a car smuggling case two years ago, but in the end, he got out of it smoothly due to insufficient evidence.

Locke put away the materials and asked, “Where is Daisy?”

He was going to say hello to Daisy and leave. Anna Davis and her family were visiting his home tonight, so he had to go back.

Juliet replied, “The lady is swimming…”


Locke was stunned. He seemed to have never seen Daisy Greenberg wearing a swimsuit!

He immediately put down the materials and walked towards the swimming pool. As soon as he arrived at the pool, he saw a figure swimming underwater.

Looking closely, Daisy Greenberg was not wearing a swimsuit, but swimming in a black long skirt, without a swimming cap. Her hair was flowing, and the hem of her skirt was rippling with the waves, like a mermaid.

After a while, the mermaid swam back. She surfaced, her flawless face shimmering with water, and asked in a steady breath: “Do you need me to get up and have dinner with you?”

Locke had already discovered that it was Deborah in the swimming pool, and shook his head and said: “The Davis family will be visiting my house tonight, I want to go back…”

Deborah replied: “I know…”

After that, she was ready to dive into the water again.

“Wait a minute…”

For some reason, Locke saw Deborah in the water, who was clear and pure, and felt a little palpitated. He squatted by the pool, stretched out his hand, and motioned Deborah to come closer.

Deborah frowned, but still came to the water, staring at Locke with inquiring eyes.

Locke hooked her wet chin, leaned down and kissed her cold lips, “Honey, you are so beautiful at this moment!”

Deborah’s body froze instantly, then her chin moved away from Locke’s hand, sank into the water like a fugitive, and swam away quickly.

Locke stared at the figure in the water. If he saw it right, he seemed to see panic in Deborah’s eyes. This discovery made him ecstatic. He waited by the pool for a while, but Deborah didn’t seem to want to float up. He didn’t know if she was shy. Locke thought about it and got up and left. If he didn’t leave, he was afraid that Deborah would suffocate to death. However, if Locke stayed here, he would find that he thought too much, because after another minute, Deborah floated out of the water, and this time her breathing was a little rapid. After dinner, Locke, Marian, and the Davis couple came to the swimming pool in the garden. While drinking coffee, they continued to discuss the lawsuit against Troy High School. Marian was followed today.This accelerated the matter.

Because once Troy High School is sued, Clavin Turner’s racial discrimination and insulting remarks against women will be exposed, and Peter Turner and Derek’s used car chain will inevitably be affected.

This is also a counterattack against Peter Turner’s hiring of a private detective to track Marian.

This case will be the first case of Marian’s law firm, but she will not be responsible for this case, but will be handed over to Nancy O’Hara.

Their strategy is that Marcy Davis will post this recording on her personal social media and express her political stance, taking the first step in her political life.

Marian will contact her media relations to pay attention to this matter, and the ultimate goal is to let the female left-wing groups pay attention to this matter.

Then, Clavin Turner’s identity will be exposed to further spread the topic.

After the incident has a certain topic, Jet will stand up and sue Troy High School. The mental compensation claimed in the lawsuit will be promised to be donated to charity organizations. The main purpose of this lawsuit is to ask Troy High School to apologize and promise to strengthen attention to racial discrimination on campus to prevent similar racial discrimination incidents from happening again.

Marian said: “After the exposure of Craven Turner’s racial discrimination, it will inevitably affect Peter Turner and his business. Although Peter Turner is ready for a divorce, this incident will still anger him. We must take precautions this time…” Anna Davis said: “I looked through Peter Turner’s information today. In the smuggling case two years ago, although he escaped the trial of the law due to insufficient evidence, I have planned to restart the investigation of this case. I will arrange for detectives to visit the arrested gang leader in prison…” “I believe that with this case holding him back, he has no intention of making small moves…” As long as a decision is made on this matter, both Marian and Anna are more experienced than Locke, so he did not express his opinion casually, and he also has his own calculations. However, he has not figured out how to plunder Peter Turner’s wealth. After all, it is the first time and he has no experience. He plans to consult Jennifer Gray. After all, she is a top student, and this matter is likely to use Sullivan Gray’s relationship. Locke’s eyes would look at a window on the second floor from time to time. That is Jet’s room. The top students are awesome. They can have a date at home openly. This is a privilege he has never had before.

What is even more speechless is that the girl’s family is downstairs, but based on his understanding of Jeter, they are at most at second base.

When Locke looked away, he found that Jeff Davis was doing the same thing as him. The old father’s eyes were a little complicated, and he couldn’t help but feel a little sympathetic.

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