Locke withdrew his gaze from the sparkling sea. He did not ask Daisy Greenberg to come over. After all, the people attending the party today were all elders, and it was not easy for him to go over to play with Daisy.

And if Nancy and Anna knew about it, it would not be good either. They would think Miss Greenberg was too arrogant and looked down on them.

He looked at his aunt Sophia and shook his head, “Not familiar, what is it about?”

Sophia Locke held a red wine glass, looking a little worried, “I have a new client, introduced by a previous Chinese client, the other party is a Chinese real estate developer, they want to invest in real estate projects in Los Angeles…”

“I helped them contact Romande Chen, the Chinese deputy mayor of Los Angeles in charge of land development. Because of this, I missed last week’s family gathering.”

“They are all Chinese. During the last meeting, they kept speaking Chinese. I couldn’t understand what they were saying.”

“If it was a pure business behavior, they actually didn’t need to meet with government officials in private, and they also booked such a luxurious restaurant and opened expensive red wine.”

“I have seen many reports on the relationship between Chinese businessmen and the government. I am not sure whether this business is risky and will cause me trouble…”

Sophia Locke’s consulting company mainly provides business consulting, project investigation, and public relations lobbying to clients.

It also provides private services to clients.

For example, travel planning, real estate investment, medical services, etc.

Locke really didn’t understand what Aunt Sophia said, “Sorry, maybe you can consult Todd!”

Sophia Locke shrugged and said, “Okay, I’ll call Todd tonight. I’m not sure if I think too much, so I didn’t consult him directly, thinking you would understand China…”

She praised again, “This sea view villa is really beautiful, it’s worth buying, and today’s party is also very good. If you need to hold a cocktail party in the future, maybe you can directly rent your sea view villa…”

When the villas, yachts, and private jets of American tycoons are idle, they will be entrusted to rental companies for management to save maintenance costs.

Of course, the top tycoons will naturally not care about these costs.

Locke will naturally not care about these, but it’s not easy to offend Aunt Sophia’s face, so he smiled and said, “That’s great!”

“Locke, come here!”

Anna Davis suddenly waved and called him over.

Locke waved his hand in response and walked to the swimming pool. Sophia Locke also walked back and asked casually: “Did Jester tell you that he wanted Glenn to return to Baskfield?”

Locke was surprised and shook his head: “No, does he want Uncle Glenn to return to Baskfield?”

Sophia Locke nodded and said: “Well, we haven’t made a final decision yet!”

It is not Glenn alone who will go back, but their whole family.

Locke instantly understood his grandfather’s intention. With the purchase of two plots of land in Bakersfield and Hubble Farm, the area of ​​Locke Farm has increased by 7 times, and it has become a large farm that ranks among the best in Baskfield.

Uncle Henry and Aunt Lacey only managed more than 750 hectares of farms before. Now the farm area has expanded to 5,500 hectares. The farm needs to change its management model, and the two of them are a bit struggling.

In addition, the economic strength of the Locke family has increased, and it also needs to obtain corresponding political status.

As the chairman of the Lebec Livestock Association, Jester will automatically become a director of the Beskfield Farmers and Livestock Association, but this is only an association position after all, and he is old.

Uncle Henry’s position as the Lebec Livestock Sheriff is not very impressive in Bakersfield.

Therefore, the Locke family needs someone to enter the Bakersfield political arena.

Although Locke also thinks that Uncle Glenn and Aunt Sophia returning to Bakersfield would be the best choice, this is their life, and he can’t say anything.

Only Marian, Anna Davis, and Nancy O’Hara were on the sofa by the swimming pool. They were all lying on the sofa in a relaxed posture, holding wine glasses in their hands and laughing wantonly.

Jeff Davis, Andrew O’Hara and Glenn Locke had already gone to the terrace on the roof of the third floor.

The reason why Locke walked away just now was because the four middle-aged women sitting together were too noisy.

You know, they usually have a high-knowledge and aloof image in front of others. When they get together privately, the contrast is so great that you can’t even look at them directly.

So he didn’t sit down, but asked directly: “What’s the matter?”

Anna Davis restrained the smile on her face, sat up, and asked: “Have you paid attention to the Peter Turner case? Is there any progress…”

She paused, turned her head and smiled at Marian and the others: “LockeI invited my colleagues to eat authentic Chinese hot pot. As a result, the next day, three of the seven people in the team, plus a forensic doctor, asked for leave, and one went to the hospital directly that night…”

Locke was speechless. Can he be blamed for this?

He clearly ordered a shuangyang hot pot, and a non-spicy tomato base, but he had to eat red oil. Isn’t it normal to have diarrhea?

And that idiot Jack Talbot, his lips were swollen from the spiciness, but he kept eating. He just had diarrhea. Is it necessary to go to the hospital?

Chinese people who eat red oil hot pot on the Chinese forum will also have diarrhea the next day!

Nancy O’Hara was shocked and said: “Food poisoning? ”

This aunt has brown hair and delicate features. When she was young, she was a typical American sweet girl, a bit like Jennifer Aniston, so she fascinated Andrew O’Hara so much that he was willing to undergo a complete transformation to win her heart.

Because she is less than 40 years old, her demeanor and behavior are still quite charming.

Locke hurriedly explained: “It’s just because it’s too spicy, which causes intestinal disorders…”

The reputation of Chinese food is spread by foreigners in this way.

He added: “At first, we thought that Peter Turner’s wife Teresa Turner was the most suspicious. We found that she called strange numbers and was suspected of giving money away, but there was no evidence, not enough to initiate criminal prosecution…”

“The autopsy report from the forensic department has come out. Peter Turner died of drowning, and water was found in his lungs. However, the deputy captain suspected that he died of a punishment called waterboarding, which is used to torture and extract confessions. Later, the forensic department returned to the scene and found Peter Turner’s nasal secretions on the bathroom towel, and deduced that Peter Turner was drowned by the wet towel…”

“If Peter Turner was tortured, the murderer might be someone else, because his company is suspected of being involved in smuggling, and 22% of his company’s shares are held by offshore companies…”

“I have to make up a confession when I go to work next week…”

Anna Davis said: “You are lazy this time. With the little conflict between you and Peter Trang, there is no need to use the avoidance principle. By the way, the FBI is very interested in this case and wants to participate in the investigation…”

Locke raised his eyebrows. Why didn’t he hear that the FBI was paying attention to this case.

He was calm in his heart. With the talent of the shadowless man, he is now top-notch in both infiltration and killing.

Even if it is the FBI, he doesn’t think they will find out anything.

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