Anna Davis said: “The gang organization involved with Peter Turner is called Black Jack, active in Lakewood. I suggest you investigate it. The leader is Jack Williams…” Locke replied: “Captain Hill should have a plan!” Marian said at this time: “We just discussed it and decided to send a lawyer’s letter to Troy High School next Monday, asking the school to apologize to Jet and Marcy and promise to strengthen the management and constraints of racial discrimination…” “We will also let Marcy post the racial discrimination recording on Facebook…” Locke was a little puzzled. Weren’t these agreed long ago? He looked at her mother in confusion. What on earth did she call her over! Marian looked a little embarrassed. She turned her head to look at Nancy O’Hara who was still lying on the sofa and slapped her on the leg. “You thought of it, so you should say it!” Nancy O’Hara smiled and said, “Luckily, Rachel is only 12 years old! But Jet and Marcy’s date is really exciting!” She also sat up straight. “After that audio is sent out, it can be foreseen that Marcy will be under a lot of pressure. She will face attacks from white supremacist groups and groups that discriminate against Asians…” “We just discussed that in order to relieve Marcy’s pressure, we decided not to expose the fact that Marcy and Jet are dating, and only admit that they are friends!” Locke nodded and said, “I understand, this can indeed relieve some pressure!” If it is revealed that Marcy is dating Jet, it can be foreseen that all kinds of dirty words will be attacked at her. Dating an Asian will anger too many groups that discriminate against Asians. But if she just plays a white left girl who bravely stands up against racial discrimination, she will get more support and there will be less dirty abuse. Will also gain greater benefits, love and so on, it is not important, anyway, just concealed for a while.

Anna Davis continued Nancy O’Hara’s words and said: “In order to prevent Jet and Marcy’s love affair from being exposed, we need Marcy to remain chaste. You go over and tell Jet and Marcy clearly that it is best not to have sex before this matter is over, so that we can take out Marcy’s physical examination report at that time…”

As expected of elite lawyers, they think so far, even thinking of this loophole.

A white left girl who sticks to her faith and maintains chastity.

OMG, this is to give Marcy Davis a holy light!

This matter has completely gone off the track, he just wanted to train Jet at first.

But now, it is obvious that everyone’s attention is on Marcy Davis.

Locke looked at Marian and Anna speechlessly, you mothers don’t go out about this kind of thing, but you want me to say it.

Is this appropriate?

Marian said, “It would be too formal for Anna and I to tell them. We don’t want to put pressure on them. You have been rebellious before. We are worried that if we tell them, they will try to eat the forbidden fruit during this period to prove their steadfast love, which will be counterproductive!” Although Locke did not think that Marcy Davis would do such a rebellious act, he admitted that it was indeed too formal for Marian and Anna Davis to tell them. He nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll tell them now…” Locke stood up and suddenly thought of something. He asked Anna Davis, “Are you sure Marcy is still, uh, a virgin?” Anna Davis hesitated and said, “She has never dated before. Jeff and I were worried about her sexual orientation!” Locke’s mouth twitched. It’s not necessary to have sex to break it! … Walking into the villa, Locke subconsciously quickened his pace. He couldn’t help but worry that he would come too late. What if these two guys had already had sex during this time alone! “Knock… knock…”

At the entrance of the cinema, Locke knocked on the door and waited for more than ten seconds before pushing the door open and walking in. He had to leave some time for them to sort out their clothes and so on.

The door was not locked. Did he think too much?

When he walked in, Locke was shocked. They were actually watching a movie and sitting on two sofas.


What a shame!

The screen was playing “Twilight”, a vulgar and lousy movie about a love triangle between vampires, werewolves and humans. The two academic masters were actually enjoying it.

Jet frowned at Locke who came in, “Is there something wrong?”

I’m just interrupting you to watch a movie, not to interrupt your intimacy. You actually have the nerve to frown?

Locke said in a deep voice: “Pause for a moment and tell you two something!”

Although Jet was unhappy, he still listened to Locke’s words and immediately paused.

Locke sat on the sofa next to him and told the two mothers what they had entrusted him to do.

He turned his head to look at Marcy Davis, “Of course, the key to this matter depends on whether you are still pure now,If not, then there is no need…”

After hearing this, Jet was stunned. He had been looking forward to that for a long time, and he was still asked to wait.

However, he was also curious about whether Marcy Davis was the one, and stared at his girlfriend with burning eyes.

Under the light and shadow of the screen, Marcy Davis’s cheeks were a little rosy. It was not known whether it was because of Locke’s problem or other reasons.

She replied hesitantly: “I know what to do!”

Locke understood immediately and was very surprised. The Davis family was not a devout church family.

Marcy Davis could actually remain chaste until the age of 18. This is indeed a bit rare. No wonder Anna just said that they had been worried about Marcy’s sexual orientation!

It seems that Jet has picked up a treasure.

“OK, you continue to watch you…”

Locke got up and left. As he walked out, he took out his mobile phone to edit the message. When he closed the door and went out, he clicked send.

Jet used the remote control to click the movie play button and complained: “Why did Locke tell us this? We are not children. Tell us directly…”

“Ding! ”

He took out his phone and found that Locke had sent him a message on WhatsApp.

After opening the message, his face instantly felt hot.


Marcy Davis turned her head and looked over curiously, “What are you looking at?”

Jet put away his phone guiltily and moved to the side, “Marcy, you can sit back! “… After imparting some extracurricular knowledge to Jet, Locke came to the balcony on the third floor. He found that he had nowhere to go except here. He didn’t want to be a friend of women, nor did he want to play with those 6, uh, 8 children. Alice Locke, who was already a freshman, could actually play with those 6 children and Hannah. It was really strange. However, this might also be the reason why Joanna Perez, who had an extraordinary status, would be friends with her. In most cases, when ordinary people deal with the descendants of elites, they will be impressed by their cultivation, but once you want to be friends with them, that’s another matter. Most of Jennifer Gray’s friends are like Elizabeth Koch. Under normal circumstances, Sarah Mendes will never appear in her circle of friends. Class is everywhere! As soon as Locke came up, Andrew O’Hara waved the cigar in his hand and praised: “Locke, I have to say that your party today was great! ”

Locke was about to walk over when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Black Sauce Egg, whom he hadn’t contacted for a long time.

He paused, smiled apologetically at Andrew O’Hara, walked aside, and answered the phone.

“Manager Hunter, what can I do for you?”

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