Locke and the other man arrived at Beverlywood in a short while. Alyssa Johnson lived in a high-end apartment here.

The patrol officers and forensic department of the West Los Angeles Division had arrived here one step ahead.

As soon as Locke got out of the car, he received a call from Anna Davis, who asked where Locke was.

Locke looked up at the towering apartment building in front of him, “I just arrived at the downstairs of Alyssa Johnson’s apartment. Are there any clues here?”

Anna Davis said vaguely: “I already know about the matter. You do your work first. If the case cannot be advanced, I will classify this case as an unsolved case!”

Locke raised his eyebrows. Anna Davis meant to let them do it first.

He pouted and replied: “Understood, I know what to do!”

Anna Davis comforted: “I know this incident makes you a little disappointed in the concept of LAPD, but this is reality. We are just LAPD. We are powerless in many things. Even if we reach the level of Chief Michael Moen, sometimes we have to compromise…”


After hanging up the phone with Anna Davis, Locke looked calm, but he was a little confused in his heart.

Is he still a passionate and righteous LAPD in Anna Davis’ mind?

At the door of Alyssa Johnson’s apartment, Locke saw two other acquaintances in the West Los Angeles Division, white second-level patrolman David and black second-level patrolman Henry.

“Hi, guys, I just asked Carl and the others why I didn’t see you!”

“Hi, Detective Locke…”

Locke’s promotion speed in the LAPD is legendary, which has further increased his popularity.

After the greetings, Locke asked: “How is it? Is there anything unusual in the room? Has anyone been here?”

White patrolman David shook his head and said: “We asked the administrator to open the room and went in to check, but didn’t find anything unusual…”

Locke bumped fists with the two people, put on gloves and shoe covers, and walked into the room.

Because there was no body here, there were only evidence collectors collecting evidence in the room.

Because this apartment is adjacent to Hollywood, it is not cheap, even though the building is at least 30 years old.

But because the rent is expensive, it has been well maintained.

The room that Alyssa Johnson rented was a two-bedroom, one-living room room with a modern style. The most stuff in the room was clothes.

There was a bedroom dedicated to displaying clothes, which was full of clothes of various styles, and a whole cabinet of all kinds of underwear, which made it feel like walking into a store.

Locke flipped through it casually. Most of the clothes were second-tier brands, and some were second-hand.

Some of the clothes even exuded a strong odor, which was obviously not washed in time.

He did not check the underwear, because he was not a pervert like Teddys.

Locke turned his head and looked at Teddy Martin who was pretending to check, and whispered: “Do you want to pick a few to take away?”

Teddy Martin gave him a middle finger with a cold face, and roared in a low voice: “Fuck, I’m not a pervert!”

Locke returned to the living room and asked the evidence searcher: “Hi, guys, have you found anything?”

A black evidence searcher took off his mask and shook his head and said: “We have found the deceased’s PC, Ipad, iPod and other digital devices. We need to go back and unlock them to know if there are any useful things inside. The deceased does not seem to live here often. The milk in the refrigerator is expired, and the kitchen has not been used for a long time…”

Locke thought to himself that it seems that Alyssa Johnson’s business is very busy, and there should be no shortage of places to sleep.

He looked around the living room again, and then came to Alyssa Johnson’s bedroom, the cabinet, the bottom of the bed, the window sill, the air-conditioning outlet, and touched everywhere.

Teddy Martin also helped him look for it, and asked curiously: “What are you looking for?”

Locke replied: “Alyssa Johnson, an 18th-tier actress who wants to make a name for herself in Hollywood, will often do anything to get a chance. I suspect she might take a video of having sex with the director or producer…”

Teddy Martin frowned and said: “Even if she was being manipulated, it should be those people who arranged the room. She shouldn’t be able to take a sneak shot!”


Locke was stunned. This guy is not easy to fool!

He shrugged and said: “In most cases, it should be like this. But this possibility cannot be ruled out!”

Teddy Martin nodded and said: “That’s right!”

Then the two checked the kitchen, bathroom and other places, but still found nothing.

He even knocked on the tiles in the kitchen and bathroom to see if there was anything hidden.

Locke came to the balcony and frowned subconsciously.

At present, it can be determined that only the index finger joint of the right hand has long-term practice of large-caliber handThe characteristics of the gun, as well as her upper limb bones, show signs of years of fighting practice.

But these cannot be used as evidence to accuse Alyssa Johnson of being a Russian spy.

As for Ukrainian nationality, ballet training, plastic surgery, etc., they can only be used as possible references.

Although these factors add up, the probability that Alyssa Johnson is a Russian spy is very high, but without more effective evidence, this reasoning is still a bit weak.

Although no evidence was found in the room, Locke was not discouraged, and he still believed in his reasoning.

In fact, if Alyssa Johnson is really a Russian spy, then she would not have kept something that could prove her identity at home.

Of course, it would not be placed far away from her.

Locke looked around, his eyes flashed, and he thought of a possibility, which he had done himself.

The distance between the balconies on the left and right is about 5 meters, but there is a 30-centimeter edge on the edge of the wall.

Whether jumping or following this protruding edge, he can get over.

Locke looked down again. This was the eighth floor, about 40 meters from the ground. However, if Alyssa Johnson had good balance, she should be able to climb over.

He turned to Teddy Martin and told him, “Go find out the tenants of the two apartments next door…”

Teddy Martin came back soon with a small notebook in his hand. “A couple lives in the apartment on the left. They just moved here last November. They are also in the film and television industry, but they are engaged in film post-production. The apartment on the right is a 60-year-old divorced grandmother who lives alone. The administrator said that she spends half of the year traveling around the world…”

Locke’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the apartment on the right. He felt that there was a high probability that something was hidden in this apartment.

But he couldn’t go over to check it now, and it was even more impossible to get the key from the administrator.

After returning to the police station, Madeline Hill immediately called Locke to the office and asked him if he had found anything.

Locke shook his head and said, “No…”

Madeline Hill asked again, “What are you going to do? Without solid evidence, your speculation about Alyssa Johnson’s identity is untenable, unless you can convince the FBI…”

Locke said with regret, “Captain, forget about it! Also remind Director Horvath…”

If there is no real evidence, he really doesn’t want to make trouble.

However, even if he finds evidence, he doesn’t want Madeline Hill to get involved.


Madeline Hill looked at him in surprise, not understanding why he changed so quickly, frowned and said, “Did Commander Davis call you?”

Locke nodded.

A trace of sadness flashed in Madeline Hill’s eyes, biting her lip and said coldly, “Okay, Commander Davis also called and said that this case will be classified as an unsolved case, but we need to investigate for a week…”

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