At 8 o’clock in the evening, Locke disguised himself, avoided the security and surveillance on the first floor, and climbed the stairs without taking the elevator. He came to the 8th floor with ease.

Because he had been here once during the day, he was familiar with the surveillance system of this apartment.

On the 8th floor, Locke passed Alyssa Johnson’s room and went straight to the door of the room of the old lady next door who liked to travel around the world.

There was a warning seal on the door of Alyssa Johnson’s room, but because it was not the crime scene, there was no patrolman left here.

Locke did not stop at the door, and unlocked the room easily and naturally.

Because there was no one in the room, the air was turbid and there was a stale smell.

Locke stood in the dark for a long time before adapting to the dim light in the room. The structure of this room was exactly the same as Alyssa Johnson.

Instead of searching the bedroom, Locke went straight to the kitchen, took out a flashlight from the space, and after checking it, he found nothing unusual.

He went to the bathroom again and continued to check the partitions in the bathroom, but still found nothing.

Fuck, did he really make a mistake?

Locke stood in the bathroom, closed his eyes and thought for a while, if he was Alyssa Johnson, where would he hide the things?

Soon he returned to the kitchen. He had just checked all the cabinets and ceilings, and now he began to knock on the tiles.

This old lady is often not at home, and Alyssa Johnson has enough time to hide things.

For example, take apart the tiles and put the things in, and re-apply the caulking glue.

“Dong… Dong…”

Locke’s eyes lit up, it should be here, the echo inside this piece is different.

He took out the OKC-3S dagger from the space, knocked the tiles open, and immediately saw the transparent waterproof bag inside.

There was a small backpack inside, he opened it and saw that the things inside were very mixed.

There was a French passport, a Kingston USB flash drive, and a Nokia 2g mobile phone, the battery was separated.

There was also a Glock G19, a stack of US dollars, at least 10,000, a wig and a makeup box.

It’s basically confirmed!

Seeing these things, Locke’s first reaction was that Russia was too shabby for agents.

He took out an Apple computer from the space and plugged the USB drive into it.

Fortunately, this Kingston USB drive was not encrypted, and the content inside was only 19G.

Half an hour later, the backup was finally completed. Locke used the software he designed to clear the copy record.

Without bothering to check the information of the USB drive, he took out the USB drive and threw it into the bag, then put it into the waterproof bag, stuffed the package into the gap in the wall, and pasted the tiles on it.

Looking at the tiles that could fall off at any time, Locke shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, he would uncover them later, so he did not clear his traces and left the room.

After leaving the apartment building calmly, Locke returned to the car, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The call was quickly connected, and Henry Morris asked: “Inspector Locke, what can I do for you?”

Locke heard the sound of playfulness from the phone, but it disappeared quickly. It seemed that Black Braised Egg was enjoying family happiness at home at this time.

He asked, “Regarding tomorrow’s dinner, I want to ask Director Gonzalez about his inclination…”

Locke believed that the Los Angeles FBI should have investigated his situation very clearly, such as his relationship with Jennifer Gray and Daisy Greenberg.

Enrique Gonzalez has already bet on him, and this dinner should be a reward.

He also guessed that Enrique Gonzalez should want him to act as a matchmaker. He had previously guessed that he wanted to get in touch with Sullivan Gray through him.

However, compared to Sullivan Gray, the Greenberg family has a deeper foundation.

He guessed that it should be Sullivan Gray.

If it weren’t for this incident, he wouldn’t have asked at all, and would have just waited for Enrique Gonzalez to say it himself.

Black stewed egg smiled and said, “I thought you wouldn’t make this call?”

Locke said unhappily, “No matter who it is, I need to say hello in advance…”

Black stewed egg said seriously, “Enrique wants to meet with Congressman Sullivan Gray…”

Locke showed a look of understanding, “I see!”

He added, “Don’t go to bed so quickly, wait for my call!”

He stewed egg said in astonishment, “What else…”


Locke hung up the phone with a smirk on his face. Since Enrique Gonzalez chose to join the Republican bigwigs, the case would 100% fall to the FBI.

Sullivan Gray would definitely ask him to submit a letter of surrender.

Locke took out Doug Stamp’s phone again. The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. This guy should be attending a cocktail party. He asked frivolously, “Inspector Locke, what’s the matter?”

Locke said:”There are two things. The first is that FBI Los Angeles Director Enrique Gonzalez wants to meet with Congressman Gray. He will soon be transferred to the FBI headquarters as Assistant Director…”


Doug Stamp seemed to wake up instantly. He was silent for two seconds before replying: “I will tell Congressman Gray. What is the other thing?”

Locke briefly talked about the case of Alyssa Johnson. “LAPD has faced unprecedented resistance in this case. It seems that someone doesn’t want us to investigate it ourselves…”


Doug Stampe was silent for another two seconds and said: “I will mention this to Congressman Gray, but if you don’t have solid evidence, it will be difficult for him to intervene in this case!”

Locke curled his lips. He had guessed that this would be the result.

For politicians, justice and fairness are shit.

Although Doug also knew that this case involved the Democratic Party, it was the Democratic Party that was interfering with the judiciary and the LAPD’s investigation.

But without any benefits and substantial evidence, Sullivan Gray would not jump out because it was useless.

He suddenly said, “What if Alyssa Johnson is a Russian spy?”

“What? What did you say?”

Doug Stamp was instantly excited, “Are you serious? Locke, are you sure?”

Locke replied, “Sure…”

He repeated his reasoning about Alyssa Johnson, “I have found conclusive evidence from Alyssa Johnson…”

Doug Stamp’s breathing became heavier, and he took two deep breaths, “Locke, I’ll call you back in ten minutes!”

As soon as Locke hung up the phone, Black Stewed Egg called in. This guy had called twice when he was talking to Doug Stamp in Mandarin just now.

He asked, “Fuck, what else do you want?”

Locke replied, “I’m not sure whether to contact you yet, I’m waiting for your call too!”

Black Stewed Egg understood immediately and didn’t ask any more questions, “OK, I’ll wait for your call!”

While waiting for Doug Stamp’s call, Locke suddenly thought of another possibility.

That is, Sullivan Gray might sell him to the Democratic Party.


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