Under the guidance of Benjamin Morris, Locke moored the yacht in the sea 100 meters away from Catalila Island, and walked to the bow to lower the anchor chain.

Benjamin Morris immediately complained to David: “You should have introduced Locke to us earlier!”

Carlos Miller echoed: “Yes, Locke even did my job, great!”

David rolled his eyes at the two of them, ignored them, and began to take out fishing gear from his bag.

Locke followed suit, but he had only flown lures at Lebeck Farm before, and knew nothing about sea fishing. Even installing the reel required David’s guidance, and he also taught him how to bait.

They didn’t plan to catch giants this time, so they used dead bait prepared by Carlos Miller.

The main fish near Catalila Island are groupers, stone nines, flounders, etc.

David also told Locke some precautions, such as not throwing garbage casually, be careful not to fall into the sea, and catch small fish 10 inches of young fish need to be released, etc.

Soon the preparations were ready. Benjamin Morris clapped his hands, “Come on, it’s still 10 US dollars. Who do you think is the jackpot today?”

Carlos Miller shrugged and said, “Need I say that? Of course it’s me!”

David said, “I think it’s Locke. You know, the novice buff!”

Although Locke participated in this game for the first time, he understood it immediately. This should be guessing who caught the most fish today.

He smiled and said, “I can’t let David lose, so I can only choose myself!”

Benjamin Morris pondered for a moment and nodded, “Well, I think what David said makes sense. I also choose Locke!”

Carlos Miller was stunned for a moment, but in a moment he was still confident and said, “I don’t believe I will lose to Locke, a rookie!”

Locke exhaled and smiled, “I suddenly feel a lot of pressure now!”

Soon the four of them found their positions. David and Benjamin Morris occupied the stern respectively, and Locke and Carlos Miller occupied both sides of the bow.

Frankly speaking, Locke was a little uncomfortable after the boat stopped.

This fishing boat was too small, and it was up and down in the waves. If you want to fish in such an environment, you need some time to adapt.

Fortunately, Locke has an extraordinary physique, and he quickly adapted to the center of gravity and stood steadily.

Carlos Miller was originally planning to laugh at Locke, but when he saw that Locke had adapted so quickly, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said: “Locke, if there are any clues about drugs, don’t forget to tell me, DEA has informant fees for drug clues!”

“Okay, no problem!”

Locke agreed immediately, and told Carlos Miller that some insignificant drug clues didn’t matter.

But the DEA can never be as generous as the FBI.

Frankly speaking, he has quite a few drug clues here. He took out the information about Guzman Solomon’s base and exchanged it for a sea view villa in Malibu from the FBI.

“Wow, I’m the first to open the business. I should bet on myself!” Benjamin Morris’s excited voice came from behind. It seems that he has caught a fish. Locke turned his head and saw that he was reeling in the line. However, when the fish was pulled out of the sea, the other three laughed. Benjamin Morris skillfully threw the less than 10-inch flounder into the sea, hung the bait, and swung the rod again. His movements were very graceful. An evil idea suddenly popped up in Locke’s mind. If this guy died, the system would definitely burst out fishing skills. He threw this idea out of his mind in an instant and began to stare at the float and the floating fishing line in the distance. According to David, this place is close to Katakurila Island and belongs to the offshore. The fish are all on the seabed, so the lead weight with the bait on the hook has to be hung to the seabed until the fishing line is no longer stretched, and then the reel is retracted two turns to make the fishing line straight, so that there is a chance to catch fish. “Yes, is it my turn?”

Carlos Miller behind him suddenly exclaimed. When Locke turned his head to look over, he found that he had already put the fishing rod against his waist. The fishing rod had been bent and the fishing line was stretched straight.

Carlos half-bent his body, staring at the sea with sharp eyes, while reeling in the line, he followed and walked a few steps.

David and Benjamin Morris both leaned over to check, and David shouted: “Do you need help?”

Carlos Miller said with ease: “No, this guy should be only about 50 pounds, I can still handle it…”

He turned his head to Locke and said: “Hey, help me with the net!”

At 3 pm, the Merry Fisher 1095 fishing boat cut through the waves and returned to the Meisha Pier.

Carlos Miller proudly took his catch and got off the boat first. He was holding a 60-pound three-quarter

This is the biggest fish they caught, and also their first fish today.

Locke and his three friends also had some gains, but none of them were as amazing as this fish.

In almost four hours, the four of them caught 3 salmon, 10 pike, and more than 30 blue catfish, a total of 200 kilograms.

Among them, the salmon caught by Carlos Miller was the largest.

He also won the first prize today, earning Locke and his friends thirty dollars.

Locke was not selected by the newcomer halo, and his catch today ranked third, with Benjamin Morris at the bottom.

Although so many fish were caught, no one would take them home. The greatest pleasure of fishermen is fishing, and dealing with the catch is often a trouble.

However, everyone would choose one or two to take home.

Locke chose a salmon and took it back to make sashimi, and the rest were handed over to David.

After a few hours of getting along, Locke’s relationship with Benjamin Morris and Carlos Miller improved greatly, so they became casual when they parted.

For Locke, today was a special experience, but he felt that he had not yet fallen into the trap.

After waving goodbye, they each got into their own cars.

Locke’s car had just left the Mesa Pier when his cell phone rang.

After taking a look, he hurriedly answered the phone, “Butler Buffy, hello, what’s the matter?”

Butler Buffy smiled and said, “Just want to tell you that the Hubble Farm matter has been settled. The signed documents will arrive in Los Angeles next week. You can just sign them then!”

It was so fast!

After expressing his gratitude, Locke didn’t know what to say for a while. The farm worth hundreds of millions, although it was his dividend, was still a heavy gift.

After all, he didn’t expect any dividends at first.

Locke pondered for a moment, pulled the car to the side, and said, “Butler Buffy, there have been two cases in Los Angeles recently involving big figures in Washington. I think Mr. Greenberg may be interested…”

The other end of the phone paused, and Henry Greenberg’s voice came, “Locke, I just happen to be free, just tell me directly!”

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