Locke didn’t expect Henry Greenberg to answer the phone in person. After a moment of surprise, he said, “The Detective Bureau raided the den of Los Angeles pimp Beach Water on Wednesday. Dozens of illegally detained illegal immigrants were found in the den. Because he was caught with evidence, Beach Water was arrested on the spot…” “But Beach Water was killed that night…” Locke also frankly described his role in the case. He tracked Beach Water and found the den. The LAPD top brass approved the attack plan. He added, “Beach Water has been serving Epstein. This is not a secret within the LAPD!” Locke described the case, trying to state the facts as much as possible without adding his speculation. He believed that Henry Greenberg knew much more than he did. Henry Greenberg chuckled and said, “I didn’t expect that you, an LAPD, would be exposed to these things. I know about this. Don’t worry, it won’t involve you. Someone in the Democratic Party wants to suppress the influence of the Clintons. Everyone knows the relationship between Bill and Epstein…”

“Recently, Ms. Hillary has been very popular. She seems to want to run again with the one in the White House…”

“So, this should be a warning!”

Locke suddenly realized that this is the case.

No wonder, he said that Epstein is a close friend of the Clintons, and he has also donated a lot of political donations to the Democratic Party. He is definitely one of them!

As the base camp of the Democratic Party, why would the LAPD suddenly beat Epstein’s dog, Beech Water!

Isn’t this giving face to the former president and former secretary of state?

It turned out to be an internal conflict of the Democratic Party!

Indeed, after Ms. Hillary lost to Trump in the last election, she was quiet for a while. Seeing that the midterm election of the White House is coming, this woman does not seem to give up.

Recently, there have been many calls for Ms. Hillary to run for president again, and many media are promoting her.

The Democratic Party obviously does not support Ms. Hillary.

So, Locke’s report was submitted, and the bigwigs above immediately seized this opportunity. After all, the relationship between Beach Water and Epstein is not a secret in the eyes of the LAPD upper echelons.

Maybe they have long planned to take action against Beach Water.

This is to start with Beach Water and deal with Epstein, so the Clintons behind Epstein will naturally be involved.

Epstein’s private plane ticket is a symbol of status in the upper class.

What happened on St. James Island is not a secret to the American upper class.

Epstein can’t afford to be investigated. As long as he breaks through the interference and lets the victims speak, he can immediately open the Pandora’s box.

What kind of character Bill Clinton has, the whole of America knows.

Has he been on Epstein’s private plane?

He must have been!

Has he been to St. James Island?

He must have been!

Imagine if Bill Clinton’s scandal broke out before Hillary Clinton ran for the election, would she still have the face to run for the election?

So, this is a warning to the Clintons!

Although Beech Water is dead, as long as his relationship with Epstein is linked, whether to continue investigating Epstein next depends on the decision of the LAPD!

After Henry Greenberg revealed the answer, Locke instantly figured out the whole story of the case.

In the internal struggle of the Democratic Party, they all became tools.

Locke sighed and said, “There is another case involving political bigwigs in Washington…”

He briefly introduced the last spy case again, but this time he did not mention his role in it, but only told what he knew.

After all, the Greenberg family is a Democratic Party, and he naturally cannot tell Sullivan Gray about this case.


After listening to this, Henry Greenberg was silent for two seconds, “I know this case. It turns out that you are also involved in it. Tsk, tsk, I feel like you are doing the work of the FBI!”

He added: “By the way, Jacob Spielberg is our man…”

Locke’s scalp tingled. Jacob Spielberg, a Jewish Hollywood tycoon, has many Jewish tycoons behind him. He also knew this.

But he didn’t expect that he was from the Greenberg family.

So, he pitted his own people this time?

Locke hesitated for a moment, but still asked: “Will Mr. Jacob Spielberg be in danger?”

Henry Greenberg laughed out loud when he heard Locke’s question, “Are you worried that he will be silenced by Benny Sanders? He is a Jew!”


Locke pursed his lips. Henry Greenberg’s tone made him a little unhappy.

However, he also knew that the other party was talking about the matterReal.

It is very difficult to silence a Jewish billionaire with a deep background, even for a big shot like Benny Sanders.

Jacob Spielberg is definitely not comparable to a little Karami like Beech Water.

He is a Tianlong who controls the United States! ! !

Henry Greenberg said: “Jacob will be out soon, and Benny Sanders will soon reach a settlement with the White House. He will support the White House’s Mexican border wall plan. Uh, don’t tell anyone this information!”

Locke was shocked and hurriedly replied: “Understood!”

After hanging up the phone, he couldn’t help but curse, “Damn it, politics is really disgusting, so this is Trump’s real purpose!”

The ultimate goal of stirring up public opinion and launching MAGA is just to encourage Benny Sanders to support his Mexican border wall plan.

Yes, even if it is confirmed that Alyssa Johnson is a Russian spy, it is not easy to tie her to Benny Sanders.

Not to mention the difficulty of the investigation, the body of Alyssa Johnson had been cleaned inside and out, and Benny Sanders’ DNA could not be found on her.

Although there was no physical evidence, there was still a witness,

that is Jacob Spielberg.

But it can be foreseen that it will be difficult to obtain evidence and the process will be long.

As long as it can be proved that Benny Sanders and Alyssa Johnson have an intersection, and that Alyssa Johnson’s death is related to Benny Johnson.

Then Benny Sanders’ political career is basically over.

However, for Trump, he only needs to put pressure on this case, which is enough to make Benny Sanders anxious.

This case is a sword of Damocles hanging over Benny Sanders’ head.

Tsk tsk, for politicians, everything can be traded.

Locke collected his mood and warned himself in his heart that he would never get involved in politics in the future if he could, because it was too dirty!

He stepped on the gas and drove away quickly, heading towards Beverly Hills.

Hillsborough, San Francisco.

After handing the phone to Butler Buffy, Henry Greenberg hesitated for a moment and asked, “Is the opening reception of Marian Locke’s law firm next week?”

Butler Buffy replied, “Yes, Ms. Marian sent you an invitation, but I declined it for you. I asked Lev to bring your congratulations…”

Henry Greenberg said, “Please arrange it. We will return to Los Angeles next week and attend Ms. Marian’s reception…”

He smiled, “Buffy, Locke is more interesting than we thought. This is amazing. He is just an LAPD, but he has been involved in stirring up political events in Washington…”

Is this preparing to increase support for the Locke family?

Butler Buffy’s eyes flashed. Since the accident of Steve Greenberg and his wife, the Greenberg family in California has fallen into silence, so the Newsom family has risen.

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