Half an hour later, everyone searched the villa inside and out, but found nothing. Captain Jones looked at Locke questioningly and shook his head, “Nothing was found…” Anna Davis was not frustrated, because she had just been observing Elvin Marcus and found some clues. Although this man kept shouting, he was indeed timid and looked guilty. She looked at Locke, whose face was still calm, “Take us to where you found them…” Locke took everyone to the back garden according to the three-dimensional map memory in the afternoon and whispered, “It’s here…” Elvin Marcus’s face changed instantly, and then Captain Jones and the others also found his abnormality. Captain Jones said loudly: “Next is here, continue to search, search carefully, and don’t miss any place…” The lights in the villa were turned on, and everyone took out flashlights. Locke led David directly to the tool room. After turning on the lights, they knocked around. David asked, “What is going on?”

Locke repeated the fabricated scene. There was no other way. He could only maintain this statement now and see how to make up for the rest later.

“Dong… Dong…”

According to his memory, Locke stood on the carpet in the middle of the tool room and stepped on it twice. He immediately found that the sound was wrong. After lifting the carpet, the entrance to the basement appeared in front of him.

He shouted loudly: “Captain, we found a basement…”

Soon, everyone rushed in. Anna Davis and Captain Jones came in to confirm and drove some people out.

The two walked to Elvin Marcus together. Captain Jones said: “Mr. Marcus, please hand over the key to this basement…”

Elvin Marcus’ face was pale. If it weren’t for the two policemen holding him, he would have collapsed to the ground. He trembled his lips, “I want to see my lawyer…”


Anna Davis and Captain Jones looked at each other tacitly. Elvin Marcus looked like this, so what Locke saw was basically true, and he was completely relieved.

Captain Jones returned to the tool room with a gloomy face and ordered: “Open the basement door!”

Randy got there first before Locke could make a move. He lay on the ground and struggled for a few minutes. With a click, the entrance door was opened.

Locke was speechless. This was probably only at the level of L0, but it seemed that all black people had this unique skill.

After the door was opened, there was a staircase going down inside. It was a bit narrow, and there was an iron door below.

So Randy and Elsa went down. Randy opened the door, and Elsa stood guard with a gun behind her. Soon Randy opened the door below again. The light came out instantly, and a woman’s scream was heard.

Randy screamed, “What a gift! LAPD, we are here to rescue you, you are saved…”

Amid the women’s crying, Elsa also reported loudly, “We found two female victims, naked, in need of blankets, and need female police officers to support…”


Soon, Superintendent Mona took another female police officer down, and Captain Jones patted Locke’s shoulder vigorously and praised, “Locke, well done!”

After a while, two terrified women were escorted out by Superintendent Mona and Elsa, wearing blankets. They all had chokers around their necks, and Locke made up the dog-crawling women with this thing.

When the two women saw Elvin Marcus, they were so scared that they hid behind Mona and Elsa.

Locke hurriedly suggested that Elvin Marcus be escorted back to the police station first. In fact, he didn’t want Elvin Marcus to be here, otherwise, he couldn’t say anything nonsense.

Anna Davis agreed and immediately arranged for Randy and Teddy to escort Alvin Marcus back to the police station.

Anna Davis led Locke to the two victims and comforted them: “The ambulance will be here soon. This is Officer Locke. It’s him…”

She found that Locke looked different and asked hurriedly: “What’s wrong?”

Locke’s face was uncertain and confused. He led Anna Davis to him and said in disbelief: “They are not the woman I saw in the afternoon…”


Anna Davis’s expression froze and she immediately called Captain Jones.

She asked: “Richard, are there other victims in the basement?”

Captain Jones looked at Locke in confusion and shook his head: “There are only two victims. We have confirmed with the victims that there are no other victims. The forensic department and the ambulance are on the way…”

Anna Davis said in a deep voice: “Locke said that the woman he saw in the afternoon was not these two victims!”

Captain Jones lost his voice and said: “That means there areA victim! ”

At this time, Superintendent Mona came over, looked at Locke suspiciously, and reported: “I showed them the photo of Erwin Marcus, and they said that the person who abused them has always been Erwin Marcus, and there is no one else…”

Captain Jones was confused and stared at Locke, “What is going on? “Anna Davis was also startled, and looked at Locke inquiringly. “…” Facing the questioning eyes of the three people, Locke remained silent. There was no trace of guilt on his face, but he looked very confused. His brain was working frantically, thinking about the response plan. This time, he was definitely doing good things but doing bad things, and he even got himself involved. Lies will never come true. Why did he make up such a lie when he was hot-headed! A lie often requires countless lies to make up for it. Locke stared absent-mindedly at the lawn where the body was buried. The turf of Erwin Marshall’s house was trimmed regularly and neatly. This time, he couldn’t use the long grass on the grave to lead to the burial site. The body should have been buried for a long time, and there was no trace of digging and burying on the turf. It would be a problem to point out the burial site later. Locke’s mind suddenly flashed, damn, since he couldn’t make up any more, then there was no need to make up. He had had enough, what’s the point of making up, just give it to the dead, Anyway, the dead can’t talk.

Locke had a plan in his mind instantly. He glanced at the three people and said gloomily: “Captain, can I go out and take a look?”

He pointed to the wall on the right side of the backyard, “I was lying there observing in the afternoon. I want to go over to confirm one thing…”

Anna Davis and Captain Jones looked at each other, both a little surprised and doubtful. Now the case is real. If there is a problem with Locke’s confession, it will be troublesome.

Anna Davis pondered for a while and called David, “David, you go with Locke…”

Captain Jones also said: “I will talk to the two victims again…”

Soon, Locke led David to the wall outside the villa. He observed the terrain and looked for a suitable observation point. He wanted to fill the loophole here.

David asked: “What’s the situation?”

Locke frowned and wondered: “The two rescued female victims were not the ones I saw in the afternoon, and the man was not Elvin Marshall. I now doubt whether I saw it wrong…”

David blurted out: “Are there other suspects and victims?”

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