“We need to investigate this. I climbed up from here…” Locke pointed to the courtyard wall. While David was not paying attention, he jumped lightly and grabbed the wall. He exerted force on his hands and lay on it. He took the opportunity to rub his feet on the wall several times, leaving enough footprints. Fortunately, he was still wearing the shoes he wore in the afternoon. The courtyard wall was more than three meters high. It was a high wall and a large courtyard. Most people might not be able to climb it, but it was not difficult for Locke. When he played rugby, he could touch 3.3 meters by jumping on the spot. Now his strength and speed have each added an attribute point, and his jumping ability has been improved to a higher level. Locke lay on the courtyard wall and looked inside. He quickly constructed a plot picture in his mind to further improve his fabricated plot. In the yard, Anna Davis and Captain Jones were talking about something, and their expressions were a little serious. The tool room had been blocked, waiting for the forensic department to come and collect evidence. The two victims were also taken away by ambulance. David raised the flashlight to illuminate Locke and asked, “Are you done?”

Locke let go and jumped down, and asked seriously, “David, do you believe there are ghosts in this world?”

David scolded, “Don’t tell me these messed up things, what’s going on?”

Locke said expressionlessly, “I think I may have encountered a ghost, otherwise it doesn’t make sense at all…”

David gave him a middle finger and said unhappily, “Yes, a naked female ghost!”

When Locke and David returned to the backyard, Captain Jones couldn’t wait to ask, “How is it? Do you remember anything?”

David said speechlessly, “This kid thinks he encountered a ghost…”

Under the cold eyes of Anna Davis and Captain Jones, Locke once again described the scene he saw, this time in more detail and vividly, the man’s standing position, the woman’s crawling position, the crawling direction…

Fortunately, Locke Lee has watched many movies of this type, so he has enough image data in his mind.

He spread his hands and said, “I’m sure I saw something, but that man is not Elvin Marcus, and the women are not two victims. It doesn’t make sense at all. There is only one reason, I saw a ghost…” Anna Davis stared at Locke with a gloomy face, a little angry at his unreliability at the moment, “Do you think you can say this to the judge?” The American judicial system has high requirements for confessions. Now that Locke’s confession has such a big loophole, Elvin Marcus’s lawyer will definitely take advantage of it and hold on tightly. If the police’s confession has loopholes, Elvin Marcus may escape legal sanctions. The famous Simpson murder case was overturned because of a problem with the police’s physical evidence. Captain Jones started to curse directly, “Locke, what nonsense are you talking about!”


Seeing that the two bosses were staring at him with a bad face, Locke pretended to be desperate, “You don’t believe it, right? Then I’ll prove it to you. I remember that woman seemed to be very afraid of this place. I want to see what’s here!”

As he said that, he went to the tool room to get a shovel and started digging the soil.

Anna Davis wanted to scold Locke, but seeing his appearance, she was a little worried and asked David, “What did you say outside just now?”

David also stared at Locke who was digging the soil in a daze, thinking that he was a little weird. He said hesitantly, “He asked me if I believe in ghosts?”


Anna Davis was speechless for a while, turned his head to look at Captain Jones, and signaled Captain Jones to stop Locke.


Locke suddenly threw away the shovel, looked too frightened, and took several steps back.

He turned his head and looked at everyone, and said in a trembling voice: “There is really a body down here. That woman wanted to tell me there is a body here. Fuck, it’s really a ghost!”

Everyone was already frightened by Locke’s scream, and when they heard his words, they just felt cold all over and their hair stood on end.

Captain Jones hurried forward to check and found real bones. He turned his head and said in a deep voice: “It is indeed a corpse. It seems that it is not just illegal detention. I will notify the forensic doctor immediately…”

Anna Davis’s expression became more and more solemn. She walked to Locke and whispered: “Locke, what is going on?”

Locke looked dazed, scratched his hair speechlessly, and frowned: “I don’t know what’s going on. It doesn’t make sense unless it is guided by ghosts! Is it an illusion that I saw in the afternoon?”

He turned his head to look at David, “Did I really meet a ghost?”

Anna Davis looked at Locke worriedly and ordered David: “David, please send Locke home. He may be too tired…”

Locke sat in the co-pilot seat of the G55, pretending to be in shock, which made David throw his head from time to timeThe concerned look almost made him unable to pretend.

After his operation, Anna Davis and Captain Jones should think carefully about whether to use his confession.

It is very likely that they will not use it, after all, his ghost story cannot be brought to court.

As for how to explain why LAPD suddenly wants to search Erwin Marcus’s house, I believe Anna Davis can find an excuse.

Locke pretended for a long time, turned his head and asked David: “David, do you believe…”

David directly swore: “Shut up, don’t talk to me about this topic again!”

Locke turned his head to look out the window, and after his smile was retracted, he murmured: “Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. When the bodies are dug out, I must identify whether they are the two people I saw…”

David looked a little unnatural, “So there are two bodies buried there?”


Five, big brother!

Sure enough, people who have been single for a long time are prone to perversion. Erwin Marcus has been divorced for 15 years, this dog day!

Locke suddenly discovered another bug. According to his ghost, the man and woman he saw were both ghosts.

There should be a male corpse among the five corpses to make sense, but it is more likely that all five corpses are female.

Unless Alvin Marcus once imprisoned a man for fun…

Forget it, never mind, there are bugs, anyway, no matter who asks him in the future, he will say that he encountered a ghost.

Seeing Locke’s changing expression, David couldn’t help but say: “Parker Center once encountered a very strange thing. Ask your Emma or Emily later, they should know…” According to David’s story, Parker Center once received a call for help. Someone said that they were trapped on a cliff by the sea, so the emergency rescue center sent people to rescue them. Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the cliff, they found only a corpse there, and a mobile phone that had run out of power… David said seriously: “Through forensic examination, the corpse has been dead for 7 years. Later, I listened to the recording of the call for help and found that there was only the operator’s voice, and the operator was always talking to himself…” Locke looked at David in horror, brother, I was fake, you actually played it for real!

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