Locke did not look at the introduction of Jiang Wenming on the projector, but looked thoughtful. He felt that this matter was strange.

This information was all public information collected by him and Thaddeus yesterday. After confirming the identity of the deceased, he handed this information to Brian Smith for sorting.

Steve Jiang’s annual salary at Boeing was over one million. Even after tax deduction, he was a high-income person.

It is impossible for more than ten years of savings to be ruined by unemployment and divorce.

In the United States, families with an income of more than 200,000 basically have a dedicated financial investment consultant, not to mention Steve Jiang’s level.

In theory, his lawyer and financial consultant could not make his financial situation worse to bankruptcy.

Also, how could a technical management talent who has worked for Boeing for more than ten years not be able to find a job after unemployment?

However, the judge rejected Steve Jiang’s application to reduce child support and alimony, which is not a problem.

Because this is very common in the United States. Many people will reduce child support by reducing their income after divorce, because child support is linked to salary income.

A mother with a master’s degree, working as a cashier in a supermarket…

Obviously, Steve Jiang’s unemployment also made the judge feel that he was evading responsibility.

After Thaddeus Martin introduced Steve Jiang’s resume, Madeline Hill asked, “What do you think?”

Harry Sumner shrugged and said, “What does marriage bring to men?”

Madeline Hill glared at him coldly and sneered, “Harry, do you think you are qualified to say this? I’m really worried that you will be shot to death by your lover’s husband that day!”

“OMG, Harry, how can you do such an immoral thing!”

“Fuck, Harry, I will never invite you to my house for dinner again…”

“Hahaha, how could the captain know!”


Seeing that Locke had joined the people who laughed at Harry Sumner, Madeline Hill’s chest swelled for no reason, and she immediately sarcastically said, “Locke, you are so embarrassed to laugh at Harry, how are you better than him?”

Everyone’s smile froze, and they looked at Locke in disbelief. After all, they all knew that he had a girlfriend from an old money family.

Locke’s expression was restrained, he glanced at Madeline Hill, and said unhappily: “Captain, we are familiar with each other, but if you talk nonsense, I will still sue you for defamation. Do you have any evidence?”

Madeline Hill noticed Locke’s warning, and her heart trembled inexplicably. She turned her head away from him and asked Raven Tate: “Raven, what do you think?”

Raven Tate replied: “I don’t think there is enough information about Steve Jiang. We’d better take a transcript of his ex-wife and colleagues, and find out how he came to Los Angeles from Seattle…”

Madeline Hill restrained her expression and said: “Steve Jiang’s family will come to identify the body tomorrow. We will make a statement for them at that time. As for whether to go to Seattle, we will wait until we collect their statements!” She looked at Locke again, “Locke, you are responsible for this matter!” Locke replied calmly: “No problem!” Madeline Hill asked Harry Sumner again: “Harry, have you found the teacher Tony who filmed the video?” Harry Sumner shook his head and said: “This guy seems to have disappeared suddenly. I have asked the 911 call center to pay attention to his whereabouts. I have also sent the search information to LASD and asked them to help pay attention…” “According to some information we have learned, this teacher Tony is not an illegal immigrant. He entered the United States through formal channels, but his visa has expired, so he is illegally staying…” “He has been active in the Ding Pangzi Square in Monterey Park. There is a gathering point for Chinese illegal immigrants. He gained attention by filming videos of illegal immigrants…” “Well, his videos are not aimed at American audiences, but China. Tik Tok has another version in China…”

“However, because some of his videos exposed the exploitation and oppression of illegal workers, he was ostracized by the local Chinese community, so he drifted to Southgate…”

“It is not clear what his relationship with the deceased Steve Jiang is…”


Madeline Hill frowned slightly and looked at Raven Tate again, “Did you find anything in the nearby surveillance?”

Raven Tate shrugged and said, “Brian and I checked the nearby surveillance yesterday, and most of the surveillance in that area is broken…”


Madeline Hill knew that Tony Gerard was not there, but she still glanced at the position on her left hand side and frowned again.He frowned, glanced at Locke, and asked, “What do you think of this case?”

Harry Sumner picked up his coffee and was about to drink it. When he heard Madeline Hill’s words, he put down the cup again, “It seems that Steve Jiang’s wallet and mobile phone have not been found…”

In America, even homeless people have a wallet.

Maybe there is no money in it, but there must be various coupons.

Uh, there may also be a photo of family members.

As for mobile phones, some homeless people may not have them, but for Steve Jiang, there should be some.

Madeline Hill immediately understood what he meant, “You mean Steve Jiang died of robbery?”

Raven Tate immediately expressed a different view, “Homeless people will not kill each other if it’s just because of robbery…”

Madeline Hill obviously did not agree with Harry Sumner’s idea, and had to look at Locke, “Locke, what do you think?”

Locke leaned back and said slowly, “The reason you have no clue is because you don’t know enough about Chinese people. There are many doubts in this case!”

Madeline Hill’s expression froze, “You said…”

Locke recalled some things his father had told him, “Although Chinese in the United States are not united, there are many small circles. For example, Steve Jiang, he came from the top 2 university in China. This school has many alumni in the United States, and there are also Chinese, uh, Chinese students who graduated from MIT, and there will also be alumni associations, and even in Seattle, there will be Chinese circles…”

“Well, there are indeed some bad things in many Chinese circles, but for Steve For someone of Jiang’s level, the circle he hangs out in is almost the top circle of Chinese Americans in the United States…”

“My father doesn’t even know him. After hearing about his story, he called me to collect his body…”

Locke saw that Madeline Hill and the others were a little confused, and obviously didn’t understand what he meant.

He spread his hands and said, “OK, I’ll get to the conclusion directly. What I mean is that Steve Jiang has a wide network of contacts in the Chinese American circle. Even if he loses his job, gets divorced and goes bankrupt, he won’t end up being a homeless person…”

“He can’t make it in the United States. As long as he asks, his alumni should be able to buy him a ticket back to China…”

“Then why is he wandering the streets of Los Angeles?”

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