After Locke finished speaking, everyone had different expressions, all showing a thoughtful look.

According to Locke, Steve Jiang obviously had other choices, so why did he choose to be a homeless person!

If there were other reasons, then the cause of his death might not be that simple.

Jack Tabot exclaimed: “Tsk, why don’t I have such an alumni association?”

Raven Tate shrugged and said: “This should be a manifestation of Chinese culture! Although we Mexicans will help each other, this kind of help will only occur between relatives with blood ties. As for classmates, sorry, unless you are already friends…”


Locke’s mouth twitched. In fact, when his father Li Bo told him about this, he specifically explained to the three of them the real reason for the help between alumni.

First, providing help to alumni in need is one of the purposes of the establishment of the alumni association.

Second, helping alumni in need can improve their reputation in the alumni association.

Third, if an alumnus fails or goes bankrupt, it will affect the reputation of himself or the school.

He naturally wouldn’t explain this relationship so thoroughly. As far as he knew, Li Bo rarely participated in hometown associations or alumni associations of Chinese universities.

Harry Sanam touched his chin and pondered: “In fact, American universities also have alumni associations, such as the Skull and Bones Society of Yale…”

“Harry, the Skull and Bones Society is not the same as the alumni association, okay?”

Madeline Hill interrupted him and looked at Locke, “So Steve Jiang doesn’t need to be a homeless person at all. We need to find out why he would rather choose to be a homeless person when he has other options…”

“Locke, when you take the statement of Steve Jiang’s family tomorrow, try to figure this out as much as possible. If necessary, we may need to go to Seattle to ask his former colleagues and friends…”

“Sorry, Sam Diaz from LASD is calling…”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

At this time, Harry Sanam’s mobile phone rang. After taking a look, he immediately answered it, “Hi, Sam, what’s the good news? Good, it is really good news, thanks ,man! Keep an eye on him, we’ll be here soon. I’ll buy you a drink tonight, no problem…”

After hanging up the phone, Harry Sanam immediately said: “The LASD found that teacher Tony. This guy actually went to the San Gabriel Valley…”

The law enforcement scope of the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) is limited to the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles, with a population of more than 3.8 million.

The law enforcement scope of the LASD (Los Angeles County Police Department) is even wider, providing police services to 37 of the 88 cities under its jurisdiction and 130 autonomous communities. There are more than 10 million residents in the 10,359 square kilometers of area under its jurisdiction.

Many cities around Los Angeles are under the jurisdiction of the LASD, such as Santa Monica, Long Beach, Glendale, San Gabriel, Malibu, Pasadena, etc.

LASD is the fourth largest local police agency in the United States after the New York City Police Department (NYPD), the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and the Chicago Police Department (CPD).

Madeline Hill’s expression became serious, “Perfect, you go and bring him back! This guy had contact with Steve Jiang before he died. We need to learn everything he knows from him…” She looked at Locke and Thaddeus Martin again, “Locke, you and Thaddeus go together…” “Raven, Brian, continue to check the surveillance around you. I don’t believe Steve Jiang will stay in the tent all the time…” … An hour and a half later, Locke and his team arrived at the San Gabriel Valley and met up with the LASD police officers. The person in charge was the second-level superintendent Sam Diaz who had called Harry Sanam before. Harry Sumner introduced Locke and Thaddeus Martin to him, “This is Detective Locke Lee, this is Detective Thaddeus Martin…” Sam Diaz is a Mexican in his thirties with black curly hair and dark skin. He looked at Locke in surprise, obviously shocked by his youth and handsomeness. After some pleasantries, Sam Diaz introduced: “The suspect is queuing up to get free food. Our people have been keeping an eye on him. He has no weapons, but he seems to be live streaming, which may cause some trouble for the arrest later…” Harry Sumner and Locke immediately took out their mobile phones, opened Tik Tok, and found Teacher Tony’s account. This guy was indeed live streaming, and he looked very happy.”Hey, guys, I’m begging again, hahaha…”

“There’s no way, I’m really tired of the hamburgers in South Gate. Let me tell you the truth, American food is really like pig food, there are only three things every day, hamburgers, fries, and vegetable salads, can you stand it? This is a real food desert…”

“I’m telling you, I’m not exaggerating, the 15-dollar box lunch you have in China, with two meats and one vegetable, is definitely better than what Americans eat…”

“Why did I come to the San Gabriel Valley? Because there are many Chinese people here, and the free food includes Chinese food. This place has long surpassed Monterey Park and has become the place with the most Chinese in Los Angeles Fang…”

“Let me see what to eat today, damn, there’s rice, I’m here for the right thing, hahaha…”

“Jiang Wenming? I’m not familiar with him, we’re both Chinese, uh, I just helped, we Chinese people value a good grave, I didn’t expect my video to attract so much attention, I saw that cop has intervened…”

“How did he die? How do I know, anyway, the last time I saw him, I didn’t think he had any disease…”

“But it’s normal for someone to die on the streets of the United States, I won’t say anymore, it’s my turn…”


Harry Sanam stared at his phone in confusion, turned his head and asked Locke: “What This guy is talking? “” Harry Sanam’s expression condensed, and said to Sam Diaz: “Sam, you can let your people execute the arrest!” This degree of arrest is naturally allowed to perform the LASD patrol police. Locke saw Sam Diaz picked up the intercom and sent a instruction. Sam Diaz immediately looked at Harry Sanam, shrugging, “I have no problem, it depends on you!” Harry Sanam glanced at the Omega watch on his hand and nodded: “Good IDEA, so as not to bring him back and be responsible for his lunch!” Locke’s expression, do I mean this?

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