In front of the one-way glass window outside the inquiry room, Madeline Hill, Harry Sanam and others looked at the inquiry room with suspicion.

In the inquiry room, Locke looked at the sad Catherine Lopez in front of him, and his expression became serious.

After listening to Catherine Lopez’s statement, the case was reversed again.

The treasure map in the music box may be real, and the cause of death of the Lopez couple is likely to be this 19th century Russian music box.

Under Brian Smith’s popular science, Locke and others thought that the fact that the music box contained the treasure of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II was just a joke by Thomas Harrison to coax his granddaughter.

After all, according to historical records, Tsar Nicholas II had no chance to hide the treasure.

But according to the treasure map story recounted by Catherine Lopez, the treasure in the music box may be real, and it is indeed related to the last Tsar Nicholas II.

What surprised Locke even more was that this batch of treasures was actually related to China.

The last Tsar Nicholas II is known as the most incompetent and foolish Tsar in Russia.

In Russian history, the only Tsars who can compare with him are probably Paul I and Peter III.

Although Nicholas II was a foolish man, he was definitely one of the most powerful people of that era, relying on Russia’s more than 20 million square kilometers of land and the Romanov family’s more than 300 years of heritage.

Nicholas II suppressed the revolution, experienced the disastrous defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, and participated in World War I. During his reign, he also designated the “Yellow Russia Plan” to swallow up China.

According to Catherine Lopez’s retelling, the treasure in the music box is related to Nicholas II’s ambitious “Yellow Russia Plan”.

Russia has been invading the Qing Dynasty since Alexander II, annexing more than 4 million square kilometers of land, and signing a series of unequal treaties.

During the reign of Nicholas II, he even formulated the “Yellow Russia Plan” to further invade the Qing Dynasty.

The so-called “Yellow Russian Plan” is to draw a straight line on the map from Mount Qomolangma on the Sino-Russian border to Vladivostok, and all the lands north of this line will be annexed by the Russian Empire.

Yellow Russian Plan

So Nicholas II began to further devour the Northeast, not only building the Middle East Railway, but also building Orthodox churches in many cities in the Northeast.

He also created cruel and inhumane massacres such as “Hailapao” and “Jiangdong Sixteen Villages”.

He also participated in the invasion of the Qing Dynasty by the Eight-Power Allied Forces, captured Beijing, and looted countless wealth from the capital of the Qing Dynasty.

In more than ten years of aggression, Nicholas II’s Tsarist Russian army plundered countless wealth in the Qing Dynasty.

Many rare treasures were sent to Moscow via the Siberian Railway as soon as possible.

However, in order to further promote the “Yellow Russian Plan”, Nicholas II left enough military pay for the army and left a batch of gold in the Far East.

In 1916, Russia was deeply mired in the quagmire of World War I, and the country was full of sharp and complex contradictions. Mass struggles continued one after another, and social contradictions were further intensified.

Although Nicholas II was mediocre and incompetent, he was a good fighter against rebellion and was known as the “Bloody Tsar”.

In order to cope with internal and external crises, he immediately ordered the gold left in the Far East to be transported back to St. Petersburg, preparing to increase investment in foreign wars, end the war as soon as possible, and start to solve the domestic revolutionary rebellion.

As a result, when the train carrying the gold was halfway, the February Revolution that shocked Europe occurred in St. Petersburg, and Tsar Nicholas II and his family were placed under house arrest by the revolutionary army.

Major General Lelyushchenko Sheyev, a Russian noble who was responsible for escorting the gold, immediately stopped the train at Slyudyanka.

After receiving the latest instructions from Vladivostok, Lelyushchenko Sheyev recruited hundreds of civilians in Slyudyanka and transported the gold on the train to Lake Baikal 100 kilometers away.

The batch of civilians who were recruited never returned to Slyudyanka, and the soldiers who were responsible for escorting the gold were secretly executed shortly after returning to Vladivostok.

Thaddeus Martin was completely fascinated by the treasure story. He couldn’t help interrupting Catherine Lopez’s story and asked, “What about the general who was in charge of the escort mission? Was he also killed?”

Catherine Lopez shook her head and said, “No, Lelyushchenko Sheyev hid the gold in Lake Baikal under the orders of Yevgeny Alexeev. He was also the son-in-law of Yevgeny Alexeev, the then governor of the Russian Far East. Yevgeny Alexeev was the uncle of Tsar Nicholas II. Yevgeny Alexeev might have hidden the gold for the Tsar…”

Locke immediately captured the key information and asked, “Ms. Lopez, from what you said, you have studied the treasure map in the music box?”

Catherine Lopez lookedHe froze, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: “Yes, I studied it and disassembled it, but I didn’t find anything. It’s just an ordinary antique music box…” Locke asked again: “Did Mr. Thomas Harrison tell you the story about the music box?” Catherine Lopez nodded: “Yes, grandpa not only told me this story, but also told my mother, but in order to avoid causing some unnecessary trouble, he did not tell Jessica and Brandon about it. This music box is his most precious legacy. He hopes that the descendants of the family can find this treasure one day…” Locke raised his eyebrows, stared at Catherine Lopez with burning eyes, and asked: “Ms. Lopez, have you ever told anyone about the treasure?” Catherine Lopez shook her head and said: “No, I haven’t even told my husband about this. Although Thomas’s story is very true, I don’t completely believe it. I just studied it out of curiosity, but soon forgot about it. This matter is too far away from us, and our lives are not bad…” Locke asked again: “What about Ms. Cathy Lopez?” Catherine Lopez continued to shake her head and said: “Cathy is even less interested in this matter. She has always been dissatisfied with Thomas’s immersion in the adventure business and neglect of his family. So, she didn’t take the music box treasure to heart at all…” “Sorry…” Thaddeus Martin suddenly interrupted: “I want to ask about Yev in the story… uh, the story of the two generals later, will they have taken away the hidden gold?” Catherine Lopez replied: “No, Russia was soon ruled by the Bolshevik regime. The Russian aristocracy and the military were purged. Yevgeny Alexeev, as the uncle of Nicholas II, and Lelyushchenko Sheyev, as a young military faction, naturally did not escape the Great Purge…”

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