After finishing the transcript of Catherine Lopez, the second team was summoned into the conference room by Madeline Hill again.

Madeline Hill crossed her arms in front of her chest, stood next to the curtain with a stern face, and asked: “What do you think of Catherine Lopez’s confession?”

Harry Sanam turned his head to look at Brian Smith who was busy on his notebook, and urged: “Brian…”

They all knew nothing about Russian history and could not judge whether Catherine Lopez’s confession was logically reasonable.

For example, at first they thought it was a treasure hidden by Tsar Nicholas II, and they almost made a fool of themselves.

Brian Smith replied without looking up: “I searched on Google. Russia did plunder a lot of land and wealth from China, uh, the Qing Dynasty. Russia once occupied Northeast China for a long time, and also joined forces with seven other countries to invade the capital of the Qing Dynasty and plundered. So, Russia did rob a lot of wealth from China, uh, the Qing Dynasty…” “The Governor-General of the Russian Far East at that time was indeed Yevgeny Alexeev, who was also the uncle of Tsar Nicholas II…” “Major General Lelyushchenko Sheyev was a young member of the Far East Army and an aristocrat. He married Alexandra, the daughter of Duke Yevgeny Alexeev. Alexeyev…”

“Google didn’t find any information about the music box treasure…”

“Maybe we need to consult Russia, uh, experts in Tsarist Russian history to know the authenticity of this treasure…”

“However, there is nothing wrong with the logic of Catherine Lopez’s confession!”

Harry Sanam nodded and said, “Then we can basically determine the cause of death of Carl Lopez and Casey Lopez!”

Raven Tate frowned and said, “I have heard of the Soviet purge, which was an inhumane massacre in human history. According to Catherine Lopez’s confession, Alexandra. Alexiev and her children escaped the catastrophe and fled Russia, uh, the Soviet Union. She also brought out the music box that contained the secret of the treasure…” “I’m curious about how she did it. After all, the Soviet anti-counterrevolutionary agency dared to kill even Nicholas II’s family, so how could they let the Duke’s daughter escape?” Madeline Hill asked, “So, do you think this treasure story is fictional?” Raven Tate shrugged and said, “It’s not impossible, but it can’t be verified anyway. Catherine Lopez has disassembled this music box and found nothing. As far as I know, many antiques, In order to raise the value, they would make up a story for antiques!” Jack Talbot showed an amazed expression and said in surprise: “If this is really just a story made up by Thomas Harrison, if he knew that the story he made up would kill his daughter and son-in-law, I don’t know what he would think…” “Well, this case reminds me of the previous Judy Simpson case. This poor woman died because of her husband’s bragging…” Madeline Hill glanced at him coldly, “Jack, what do you think of this case?” Jack Talbot’s neck shrank and he quickly replied: “No, my mind is a mess now…” Madeline Hill directly skipped him and looked at Locke, “Locke, what do you want to say?” Locke did have some new ideas, but now he wanted to go to the scene again. The murderer’s performance was like a professional thief gang, but also like a novice. So, even if the murderer did a lot of preparation, such as protective clothing and gloves and hoods… He felt that there would definitely be clues left at the scene, but they had ignored it before. Locke leaned back and said calmly, “I think we have overlooked one person, Thomas Harrison!” Seeing that everyone’s eyes were looking at him, he continued, “Everyone has seen the “Indiana Jones” series starring Harrison Ford. Professor Indiana Jones said he was an archaeologist, but he was actually working as a tomb robber. So, we have reason to believe that Mr. Thomas Harrison might have also worked as a tomb robber…” “Then it can explain why Catherine Lopez didn’t know the source of the music box, because Thomas Harrison couldn’t tell his granddaughter the source of the music box honestly. For example, it might be from a lady’s grave…” “So, there is another possibility. The murderer who stole the music box may be a so-called explorer or collector like Thomas Harrison…” “This explains why they are both professional and unfamiliar!” After Locke finished speaking, the conference room fell silent in an instant. Jack Talbot was stunned and said, “OneIt started with “National Treasure” and now it’s “Indiana Jones”. I think if the case continues, it might turn into “Tomb Raider”…”

Raven Tate rolled his eyes, “Jack, I’m looking forward to your script!”

Teddys Martin also echoed, “This case itself is no less than any Hollywood script!”


Madeline Hill clapped her hands and ordered, “Harry, report the current progress of the case to me as soon as possible. I need to report the progress of the case to Cole. There is a congressman living in the Wrightwood community. He called the director and the congressman is very concerned about this case…”

“If this case really involves the treasure of Tsar Nicholas II, then I think this case should be submitted to the FBI…”


Locke raised his eyebrows. He has experienced too many cases that started well but ended badly during this period. He really has had enough.

He said seriously, “I want to continue investigating this case! ”

Wrightwood community.

Because the case is still under investigation, Carl Lopez’s villa was blocked, and a patrol car from the North Hollywood Area (#15) was parked at the door.

“Hi, guys, is there anything unusual?”

“No, it’s just that the HOA people don’t seem to want us to be here…”

When Locke and Thaddeus Martin got out of the car, two patrolmen also got out to greet them, a man and a woman, a white man and a black woman.

The woman was a third-level police officer, and the male police officer was a second-level police officer.

Teddeus Martin shrugged and said, “Because if we are here for a day, we will remind them that a murder has happened here! ”

Locke looked around. It was impossible for the murderer to disappear out of thin air. The surveillance did not capture any abnormality.

He looked up at the sky. The helicopter was making a lot of noise. It was impossible for the neighbors not to hear the noise.

So it was impossible for him to leave from the air.

Locke looked down again. His eyes froze instantly. He stared at the manhole cover pressed by the patrol car wheels not far away.

Fuck, he actually ignored this…

Locke suddenly seemed to sense something. He turned his head sharply and immediately saw a black Chevrolet Suburban slowly driving towards him.

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