This is the case with Marianne, let alone Li Bo.

He said seriously, “Yes, your mother is right. Since you know about this, why didn’t the LAPD investigate?”

Locke stuffed a cheese baked shrimp ball into the nearest one and said vaguely, “No one reported it!”

Li Bo was stunned, “Why didn’t anyone report it?”

Locke swallowed the food in his mouth and shrugged, “I don’t know! Maybe someone reported it. Well, the Southern Branch also investigated and found nothing abnormal, so the case was not transferred to the Detective Bureau…”

Li Bo frowned and said, “Then can I report it now?”

Locke smiled bitterly and said, “Dad, the Detective Bureau cannot directly accept the case according to the procedure. You need to call 911 first. Uh, maybe a big shot intervened in this matter and designated the Detective Bureau to investigate this matter…”

Li Bo’s expression froze and he said self-deprecatingly, “Okay, it seems that I need to work hard to become a big shot first!”

Marianne interrupted the deadlocked conversation between the father and son at the right time, “Hey, let’s stop this topic. It’s time for dinner now!”

Although this matter sounds a bit unacceptable, it is ultimately someone else’s business.

Locke and Li Bo also stopped talking tacitly, but Li Bo’s expression was a little more heavy, obviously he hadn’t let go of this matter.

The following conversation revolved around Glen Locke’s family.

For example, the school that Olivia and her friends are about to transfer to will be the best private school in Besquefield, which has elementary school, junior high school and high school.

It is very beneficial for Sophia Locke to send them to school, and Sophia will not work in the short term.

However, she will receive a salary from the trading company under the name of the farm.

Glen Locke admitted that he has been learning about the political information of Besquefield during this period. Running for city councilor is not as simple as he imagined, and the difficulty is much greater than he imagined.

He looked at Locke, “I have studied all 11 Republican congressmen in Besquefield, and I can’t see who I can replace…” Locke shrugged and said, “It’s okay. Chairman Sullivan Gray will invite me to dinner next week. I will ask him in person. Maybe I can ask him to introduce a campaign manager to you…” As the biggest political boss to come out of Besquefield, Sullivan Gray has deep connections and influence in Besquefield. Marian and Li Bo were both shocked. Locke and Jennifer Gray were not clear, and Sullivan Gray actually invited him to dinner? Marian suppressed her shock, “Why would Congressman Gray invite you to dinner?” Locke said frankly, “Of course, it’s because he owes me a favor. This meal has been delayed for a long time…” He clicked his tongue twice, “Politicians’ words can’t be trusted!” If Miss Gray hadn’t been silently paying off her father’s debts, Sullivan Gray would have been a negative score in his eyes. Locke looked at Glenn Locke, who was obviously relieved, and joked: “Uncle, don’t get the bad habits of politicians when you become a councilman!” Glenn Locke smiled bitterly and said, “Compared to people, I actually want to deal with account books more.” He looked at Li Bo, “Todd, in fact, you are more suitable for politics than me. The most active Asian in Los Angeles politics is John Lee, who is Korean. You should have heard of him. I think you can completely copy this guy’s route. This guy is likely to run for Los Angeles City Council…” “Yes, I know John Lee, this guy has served as a district representative for City Councilman Joel Wachs, and Smith (Greig Smith) and Englander’s chief of staff, is the most active Asian face in Los Angeles politics…”

Li Bo shrugged, “But, you know, he is Korean. In the United States, Koreans are more united than Chinese, and Korea is a colony of the United States. The US government is more likely to accept Koreans!”

He smiled and said, “By the way, Glenn, when you form a campaign team, I want to join it and experience the American campaign culture!”

After listening to Li Bo’s explanation, Glenn Locke showed a look of realization. When he heard that he wanted to join the campaign team, he hurriedly responded, “Of course, I was planning to invite you to be responsible for the finances of the campaign office…”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

The meal lasted for two hours while they ate and talked, and then they opened two bottles of red wine.

Glenn Locke didn’t plan to drink because he had to drive. Later, Locke said that he could call a designated driver, and he also drank with everyone.

Jet, Hannah, Olivia and others had left the table to play a long time ago.

After sending the Glenn family away, Li Bo said to Locke, “Locke, I have something to consult you about…”

Marianne watched the father and son walk to the swimming pool, turned around and sneered at Jet and Hannah who were about to go upstairs, “You all go up, who will help me clean the table?”Jet and Hannah looked at each other, and then obediently went to clean up the leftovers on the table.

By the swimming pool, Li Bo asked: “Locke, you just said that you need a big shot to push the police department’s investigation. Can the pressure from the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles push your police department to investigate this case?”

Locke was a little surprised. Although Li Bo had always instilled Chinese culture in them before, he had always kept a distance from official or unofficial Chinese groups.

He asked: “Dad, what do you want to do?”

Li Bo said seriously: “Since I know about this, I can’t pretend that I don’t know, otherwise more and more female students will be victimized later…”

Locke was a little helpless, “Dad, in fact, this kind of case is difficult to convict. According to California law, they are all adults and have the freedom to make friends. This is their own choice. Unless, we really find that there is an organization behind these fans…”

These words were just at the table, and he couldn’t say them directly.

Li Bo frowned and said, “Is there nothing we can do?”

Locke thought for a moment and said, “We can only let the overseas student groups expose these incidents, or let the consulate issue a warning…”

Li Bo nodded, “I know what to do, I will call the consulate later!”

He added, “I will let your mother intervene in this case to see if Linda Wang needs legal support…”

Locke smiled and said, “Dad, so kind of you!”

Li Bo showed a nostalgic look and recalled, “When I was studying abroad, I also received help from some predecessors. I encountered good and bad things. Since I know about this, I can only do what I can…”

He added, “The Chinese Chamber of Commerce has signed several contracts with your mother’s law firm in the past few days. We have to respond and release our goodwill…”

Seeing that Locke’s expression became serious, Li Bo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I know my limits. I know the current situation of our family very well. I won’t hold you back. There is no harm in keeping in touch…”

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