At night, Greenberg Manor.

Locke stared at the paintings on the dome. He could see the patterns clearly now. They were all stories from the Old Testament of the Bible.

His hand gently stroked Daisy Greenberg’s naked back. The soft touch made him love it.

It must be said that although Jennifer Gray also did skin care regularly, her skin was much worse than Miss Greenberg’s. This should be related to her physique.

Well, Elizabeth Koch’s skin was very good, but this woman was too thin and had no fleshy feeling.

Locke retracted his gaze from the dome and asked, “William Koch will have a party next week, and he sent an invitation…”

Daisy Greenberg slowly opened her eyes, still with a bit of moisture in her eyes, and replied lazily, “Ask Juliet tomorrow…”

Locke moved his hand down, pinched it, and asked, “Do you want to go over and take a look?”

Miss Greenberg frowned, raised her head and said, “Do you need me to go?”


Locke pressed her head back and lay down, “I thought you would be curious, after all, no one has ever accompanied you to such a party before…”


Daisy Greenberg remained silent directly, clearly expressing her thoughts.

Locke smiled helplessly, this woman is not pretending now, and no one can say anything about things she doesn’t want to do.

In the past, when Daisy’s personality was there, she would still act.

Locke suddenly thought of something, and a blue diamond of at least 10 carats appeared between his fingers.

He put the diamond high and let it roll on Miss Greenberg’s back. The cold touch made the woman open her eyes again.

Locke held the diamond in front of Miss Greenberg, “Do you like it? I haven’t given you a gift for a long time. This blue diamond is the same color as your eyes…” Daisy Greenberg stared at the diamond, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, as if she was curious about how Locke suddenly conjured up a diamond, after all, both of them were naked now. She asked back, “Shouldn’t it be a ring?” Locke looked embarrassed. Did this woman think he was proposing? He said in surprise, “Then I’ll find a suitable jewelry designer and make a ring for you…” Daisy Greenberg closed her eyes again, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. Although Locke didn’t see the smugness at the corners of Miss Greenberg’s mouth, he knew that he had just been generaled. This young lady is getting harder and harder to serve! … “Santa Monica Tower, this is SR22 G5 9732, I’m on the right runway 22, preparing to take off in the southeast direction, weather code A…” In the morning, after Locke had breakfast with the young lady, he drove to Santa Monica Airport to take the PPL exam. He had already completed the PPL (Private Pilot License) computer test. There are 60 questions. If you get 70% right, you will pass. His correct rate is 100%.

Today’s test is actually the second part, which is mainly facing the examiner. It is divided into oral test and practical checkride.

The oral test is actually an interview. The examiner will ask many questions and ask them in detail.

For example, some problems encountered during night flights and how to deal with different weather conditions.

The examiner assigned to Locke today is Robert Carlos, a middle-aged black man in his 40s, with a cold expression and meticulousness.

Even if he got full marks in the written test, he was still tortured for almost an hour before he was let go.

Locke understands this very well. He has seen the PPL test process. Many people will be asked for at least 2 hours.

Learning to fly in the United States seems to be relaxed and easy, but the test is extremely strict, because flying an airplane is different from driving a car. If the test is not rigorous, it will be very harmful.

After the oral test, Robert Carlos smiled. “Inspector Locke, I can see that although you have only 40 hours of flying time, your knowledge is very comprehensive. No wonder you scored full marks in the written test!”

“Next, let’s move on to the next step. I hope your driving skills are not inferior to your theoretical knowledge!”

“Ok, I can’t wait!”

Locke smiled confidently. Just kidding, his helicopter driving has reached the L3 master level.

For practical operation, Locke still chose the Xirui SR22 G5, which is a point-and-shoot aircraft among fixed-wing aircraft.

After Locke applied to the tower for takeoff, the tower’s instructions came immediately in the headset.

“SR22 G5 9732, take off from the right side of runway 26, cross runway 24…”

“SR22 G5 9732, runway 26Take off on the right, cross runway 24…”

Locke repeated it immediately, and the tower immediately replied, “read back correct!”

Locke then operated the plane to the right runway of runway 26, and reported again: “SR22 G5 9732, waiting for takeoff on the right side of runway 26, takeoff from the southeast…”

The tower replied: “SR22 G5 9732, turn right after takeoff, maintain Class C airspace, and takeoff from the right runway 26 is approved!”

Locke repeated it again, and after getting confirmation, he accelerated and glided, and took off immediately.

When the plane reached the flight altitude, Robert Carlos wrote two strokes on the test list in his hand and smiled: “Almost perfect, you look very skilled, I can’t see any nervousness from you…”

Locke smiled and said: “I’m already considering whether to change my career to become a pilot! ”

After the joke, Robert Carlos issued some new instructions, requiring altitude climbing, slow flight, or turning and increasing altitude at the same time.

After these routine operations were completed, Robert Carlos suddenly asked Locke to find a suitable place to land and execute it.

Locke had long understood that the examiner would indeed request an emergency landing, because this was a possible emergency situation when flying the plane.

But in the end, basically they would ask for a go-around at the last minute, but there were also real forced landings.

While Locke slowed down and observed the ground situation, he found that only the San Diego Expressway below was the most suitable, so he slowly lowered the altitude, let the engine enter idle speed, and prepared to land on the highway.

He never looked at the examiner Robert Carlos from beginning to end, and he looked like he was really going to land on the San Diego Expressway.

As the plane flew lower and lower, the cars on the ground could be clearly seen, and the altimeter showed that it had dropped below 100 meters.

Robert Carlos then said: “Go around! ”

Locke immediately pulled the plane upwards, and the S22 flew over the cars on the San Diego highway and climbed up again.

Robert Carlos then told the landing airport for the test, “Landing at San Diego Airport!”

He turned his head and looked at Locke, “Detective Locke, I saw you looking for a gap between cars, are you really going to land?”

Locke smiled and said, “Of course, our disciplined forces have always strictly followed orders!”

Robert Carlos shrugged and said, “Maybe you should really change your career and become a pilot!”

In the United States, pilots earn much more than police officers, so this is a good suggestion.

At 3 pm, Locke successfully completed his PPL test. After getting off the plane, he invited Robert Carlos to have a cup of coffee at the Starbucks at the airport.

When he came to the parking lot with a cup of iced Americano, he immediately saw a familiar Cadillac Escalade parked next to his Aston Martin DBS.

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