Locke smiled at Hei Lu Dan who pushed the door and got out of the car, “Is your FBI so polite to treat me to dinner? You even came to the airport to pick me up…” Hei Lu Dan’s mouth twitched, “Sorry, I’m not here to pick you up, but to inform you that your dinner with Enrique tonight has encountered an incident and has to be cancelled again…” Locke was speechless. What’s this? The last dinner had to be cancelled because the Los Angeles FBI took over the Russian spy case. He shrugged and said, “For this kind of thing, you can just make a phone call, why do you have to make a special trip!” Locke stared at Hei Lu Dan’s face. Unfortunately, this guy is an expert in micro-expressions and is very good at hiding emotions. In addition, his face is as black as ink, and his emotions cannot be read through facial expressions. However, he can probably guess that the Los Angeles FBI should have encountered something again, which can be seen from Hei Lu Dan’s angry eyes. It has to be said that Black Braised Egg is still a bit cunning. He replied: “Enrique is very sorry for breaking the appointment again, so he wants to invite you to visit the FBI. Don’t you want to see the music box that hides the secret of the gold treasure?”

Locke stared at Black Braised Egg with a smile, took a sip of the coffee in his hand, and said leisurely: “If the dinner tonight is cancelled, I have to accompany my girlfriend. I am not very interested in that music box!”

Black Braised Egg’s face froze, and he smiled bitterly: “Okay, my fault, I confess, Locke, I need your help!”

Locke folded his hands in front of his chest and pondered: “Is it related to that music box?”

A strange color flashed across Black Braised Egg’s face, and he nodded: “Yes…”

Locke shrugged and said: “I don’t know much about antiques, and I can’t decipher anything. I shouldn’t be able to help you!”

He has L2 in art appreciation, and he actually has some research on antiques.

This is why his thinking is more flexible than others in the music box case.

Black-Boiled Egg’s face fell, and he took two steps closer, whispering, “The music box was stolen!”

“Are you serious?”

Locke stared at Black-Boiled Egg’s distorted face, full of disbelief. This is ridiculous!

The last time this absurd feeling came to my mind, I heard the CIA call the police.

This is ridiculous!

The last time Black-Boiled Egg said that the music box was placed in the FBI’s safe, not an ordinary evidence room.

Well, even if it is an evidence room, the FBI’s security system is very strict.

Black-Boiled Egg’s face was as gloomy as water, “Laugh if you want to, this is really ridiculous!”


Locke couldn’t help it anymore and laughed out loud.

Black-Boiled Egg’s face became more and more gloomy, and he couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

Fuck, this bastard is too disrespectful, he actually laughed.

Locke wiped his tears and said with great joy: “Inspector Morris, you will become a laughing stock in the United States…” Black-boiled egg said unhappily: “Locke, don’t forget that you are also an advisor to the FBI!” Locke was speechless. Your FBI was robbed, what does it have to do with me? You actually have the nerve to blame him. He thought for a while, “Who do you suspect stole it? Polar bear?” The gold treasure in the music box is in Lake Baikal. If the Russian KGB knew about this music box, they would definitely find ways to get it. Although the gold treasure in the music box should not be comparable to the 1,600 tons that Kolchak sank to the bottom of Lake Baikal, the Tsarist Russia plundered it for decades during the Qing Dynasty. If this gold treasure is real, there should be dozens of tons or hundreds of tons! This is worth billions of dollars! Black-boiled egg said in a deep voice: “It’s not certain yet. Although they are the most suspected, Enrique thinks their reaction cannot be so fast!” There is no doubt that Russia has spies in the United States. There are Russian spies in Los Angeles, and this has been confirmed.

Elsa Johnson, a Hollywood actress who was discovered not long ago, is a Russian swallow.

Enrique Gonzalez thinks that even if the news of the music box reaches the ears of the KGB, it will take time for them to formulate a theft plan and execute it, and it is impossible for them to act so quickly.

The music box was stolen less than two days after it was put into the FBI safe, which is obviously not something the KGB can do.

This is the mainland of the United States!

Locke curled his lips and said, “If there happens to be a Russian spy in your branch, it is not impossible for him to steal from the inside by relying on his understanding of the branch!”

Black Braised Egg frowned, thinking about this possibility, and said, “We have counted all the on-duty and off-duty personnel as soon as possible, and no one is missing or abnormal…”

Locke said again, “How big is the music box? As long as he is confident that he will not be exposed, he can even directlyThis thing is hidden in his desk drawer!”


Black-Boiled Egg’s face changed, and he also realized that this possibility was very high.

He took a deep breath, “These are just your subjective inferences. I still hope you can make your judgment after seeing the scene!”

Locke took another sip of coffee and asked, “What did you find at the scene?”

Black-Boiled Egg said in a deep voice: “Nothing! ”


Locke was startled, and then he understood why Hei Lu Dan was in a hurry to find him to see the scene and wanted to listen to his advice.

If nothing was found at the scene, wouldn’t it be similar to the Malibu CIA massacre and the Peter Turner murder case.

Fuck, is someone imitating him?

Locke drove the Aston Martin DBS behind Hei Lu Dan’s Escalade and headed for the FBI Los Angeles branch.

The reason why he chose this car today was because he saw Jet’s DB11 Volante was really handsome when he went home last night.

Locke held the steering wheel with one hand, with a playful look on his face. In fact, the Russian KGB was not his biggest suspect.

In fact, he had just tested Hei Lu Dan, but he didn’t test it out.

With Hei Lu Dan’s level, it was indeed impossible to know.

At this time, Locke’s mobile phone rang. It was Li Bo who called.

He answered the phone, “Hi, Dad…”

Li Bo asked, “Did you have a good test today?”

“Of course! ”

Locke suppressed the theft of the FBI and said with a smile: “The PPL certificate will be delivered to me within two weeks…”

Li Bo asked again: “How is your coach? If possible, your mother and I can also find him to sign up…”

Locke smiled: “My coach is a good guy, humorous and skilled, but you can do it, but forget about Marian, I’m worried about her…”

Li Bo said unhappily: “I will tell your mother this!”

Locke apologized: “Sorry, dad, it’s fun! I can introduce Daisy’s female coach to Marian…”

It was a joke to say that Daisy Greenberg would continue to find Anthony Campos as a coach. Miss Greenberg would never find a male coach.

After the father and son joked for a few words, Li Bo said seriously: “Locke, I informed the consulate about the matter last night, and they will follow up…”

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