The dinner atmosphere at Locke’s house tonight was very good, because Li Bo was going to Lebec tomorrow, Marian opened a bottle of red wine, and Locke also drank a glass with her.

Jet and Hannah were attracted by the delicacies on the table and ate happily.

Locke guessed correctly that the sweet and sour fish was the most popular, and everyone liked it except Li Bo.

Li Bo and Marian were discussing the establishment of the Locke Family Foundation, one to formulate the financial rules and regulations of the foundation, and the other to provide legal terms.

Locke shook the red wine glass and shook his head secretly in his heart. His father was still cunning, and he looked like nothing happened, but he couldn’t escape his eyes.

His eyes and facial expressions still revealed a hint of nervousness.

It can be seen that his father should have a shadow in his heart about the CIA.

He was not sure that Marian seemed to see it.

Locke did not take the matter of provoking the CIA too seriously, so he cleared the CIA’s corpse in the space. He had no psychological pressure to kill the CIA.

He was just a little unhappy that he had become someone else’s tool without realizing it. He was sincerely investigating the case, but he didn’t expect that the other party had other purposes.

And by mistake, he actually helped the other party a lot, and he also got himself into trouble.

However, he did not regret killing Steve Chen.

Speaking of his professional field, Li Bo’s expression was full of confidence, “The biggest benefit of a family fund is tax avoidance, whether it is profit tax or inheritance tax. In the past, it was not worth establishing a family fund because of the limited asset size. Jester, Henry, Lacey, Glenn, Sophia, all of us can get our salaries from the foundation in the future…”

“The only trouble is the annual profit donation, but I think we should have no shortage of goals…”

“In fact, to put it bluntly, this kind of donation has become an exchange of interests…”

“Because most charitable organizations are supported by large foundations, such as the Clinton Foundation, which has 11 non-profit charitable organizations focusing on global medical and health, climate change, economic development, etc. Development, promotion of women and children’s welfare…”

“It’s just that, but it was far away from us before!”

Li Bo shrugged and looked at Locke, “After the Locke family foundation is established, you can set up a foundation…”

Locke was stunned: “Me?”

Li Bo said sourly: “The two newly added farms are in your name, and there is Hubble Farm. The assets under your name have exceeded Locke Farm! Imagine how much tax you need to pay? At that time, the office set up for you in Las Vegas can also be incorporated into the name of the foundation, and all expenses will be in the name of the foundation, which can avoid taxes…”

Locke shrugged, “You decide!”

He smiled and said: “Dad, Then I will hire you as the administrator of the foundation. Um, is 1 million a year enough?” He looked at Marian again, “Marian, I will hire you as the lawyer of the foundation. Um, is 1 million… 1.2 million a year okay?” Marian asked suddenly, “How much money do you have?” Locke was startled and hesitated, “Mum, are you asking…” “Ahem… Ahem…” Li Bo interrupted the mother-son conversation and said, “Let’s talk about this topic later when we have time!” With Locke’s aura of not being short of money, Li Bo and Marian had already guessed that the 100 million US dollars in cash he had handed over before was not all. Marian also realized that the occasion was not right, and gave Locke a warning look, “Why are you so extravagant? When the IRS comes to your door, let’s see what you will do?”

At this time, Jet was full and asked, “Locke, why didn’t you drive that DBS today? I was planning to take turns driving with you for a day!”

Marian was angry and snorted, “Aston Martin DB11 can no longer satisfy you, Master Jet!”

Jet’s expression froze, and he laughed at himself, “Just ignore what I said, you guys continue!”

Hannah covered her mouth and burst into laughter. After she recovered, she said to Locke, “Jet has become a celebrity at Troy High School…”

Driving a sports car, having a white girlfriend who is a school beauty, and having fought against campus villains, it is natural for him to become a celebrity.

Locke glanced at Jet and nodded in approval.

Although he still looked like a Chinese nerd, his temperament had become more domineering.

Locke did not stay at home as usual. After dinner, he drove away in his 62 Lincoln Continental.

While driving this powerful old car, he called Jennifer Gray and said in a low voice: “Dr. Gray, I need your help!”

Jennifer Gray was silent for two seconds, and asked in a cold voice: “IIs there anything I can do for you, Inspector Locke!” Locke replied, “I killed a suspect today. He had a gun in his hand, and I had to shoot. I feel guilty now. After all, it was a life. I need psychological counseling…” Jennifer Gray comforted, “Inspector Locke, you just did what you should do. This is your job. You blame yourself, which shows that you are a kind person. God should not let a kind person indulge in self-blame…” Half an hour later, in the top floor apartment of the Ritz-Carlton, the room seemed dark compared to the brightly lit city night view. Two figures overlooked the city night view by the floor-to-ceiling windows… “Dr. Gray, is this how you give psychological counseling to patients? ”

“As a doctor, as long as it is beneficial to the patient’s health, I will meet any request of the patient…”

“You are such a good doctor, kneel down…”


In fact, the Ritz-Carlton apartment has not yet completed the handover procedures, and even some of Ms. Elizabeth Olsen’s personal belongings have not been completely moved out, but the room code has been handed over.

In order to satisfy Jennifer Grey’s special hobby, Locke had to accompany her to go crazy, and they will stay here tonight.

Marian closed the book, took off the mask on her face, turned her head and looked at Li Bo, “Honey, are you not going to tell me yet?”

Li Bo was wearing a pair of glasses on his nose and was also reading a book. He took off his glasses and asked calmly: “About what?”

Marian said firmly: “You looked a little wrong when you were eating…”

Li Bo said frankly: “Okay, I’m just worried about Locke. He told me that he was put on administrative leave again, which means that he killed another person today, but he was like nothing happened. I can’t see any guilt or self-blame in him…”

Marian was stunned and said in astonishment: “Anna didn’t call me! ”

Li Bo spread his hands and said, “Maybe she thinks this is already a very common thing, and there is no need to notify you specifically!”

Marian reached out and grabbed his hand, comforting him: “Don’t worry, Locke has a big heart since he was a child. He is not a cold person. He loves Jet and Hannah and cares about all his family members. Uh, he is also very philanthropic, so he will definitely not become a cold-blooded butcher…”

“Compared to hearing his bad news, I would rather he be put on administrative leave!”

“Okay, I know this is cold-blooded, but this is my true thought!”

Li Bo held Marian’s hand in reverse, “Honey, I think the same as you, I just worry about his psychology…”

He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally dealt with it. There was really no need for Marian to know about this matter.

Marian rested her head on Li Bo’s shoulder, and suddenly raised her head to his ear, “I bought a new set of Victoria’s underwear…”

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