The large bedroom with a 270-degree city view was in a mess, with clothes scattered all over the floor.

The room was still dark, and through the moonlight, two bodies could be seen intertwined on the bed, one of which was as white as a corpse.

Jennifer Grey was not like other white women, who preferred to tan their skin black.

Among the women, except Sarah Mendes, who was a Hispanic and a colored person, the others were white.

So it was not unfounded to say that Locke discriminated against black people. He could accept Hispanics at most.

Jennifer Grey snuggled up to Locke with a look of enjoyment, and suddenly asked, “Will that female star call the police?”

Locke said speechlessly, “You just thought of this now!”

Jennifer Grey squirmed a little, and said embarrassedly, “Actually, it’s just like that. You’re not too excited. It seems that you are really not interested in Scarlet Witch!”


Locke slapped her towering buttocks, “Tomorrow night, Elizabeth Koch shouldn’t make trouble!”

Daisy Greenberg will attend William Koch’s dinner with him tomorrow night. He is a little worried that Miss Koch, that crazy bitch, will mess up.

Jennifer Grey raised her head, staring at him with sparkling eyes, and said innocently, “What makes you think I can control Miss Koch?”

Locke rubbed the place where he had just been hit, “I don’t care, you keep an eye on her tomorrow. Daisy finally decided to go to the social event, and I don’t want any accidents…”

No matter what purpose Daisy Greenberg has for attending tomorrow’s dinner, it is definitely a big improvement for her.

After the previous histrionic personality disappeared, Daisy Greenberg’s lonely and autistic personality was directly revealed.

She is more real now, but also more sensitive.

Jennifer Gray put her head on his chest again and said in a depressed tone: “Don’t worry, Liz shouldn’t do anything wrong. After all, their two families are relatives, and she knows Miss Greenberg’s status very well. In fact, if you really want her to be obedient, you shouldn’t ignore her… Hahaha…”

She raised her head again, stared at Locke playfully, rubbed her deliberately, and teased: “Do you need me to call her? If you sleep with her tonight, she will definitely be as obedient as a Persian cat tomorrow…”


Locke is also a face-saving person. This is just a physiological reaction and does not prove anything.

He immediately got up, picked up Jennifer Gray from the bed, came to the window again, and directly propped the woman’s hands on the glass. This woman is just asking for sex.

He said affectionately: “Tonight, I hope it’s just you and me!”

Jennifer Gray moaned with enjoyment and smiled foolishly: “If this glass is not strong, the two of us will become the laughing stock of the whole country tomorrow…”

Locke had no intention of reducing the strength, and smiled: “Don’t worry, as long as you hold it tightly enough, you won’t fall down. Besides, if you really fall down, you will be smashed into a pulp, and no one will recognize us…”

Jennifer Gray tightened her muscles, obviously frightened by Locke’s answer.

She said again: “By the way, do you want to attend Ivanka’s dinner? If you want to attend, I will add your name!”

Suddenly, there was a “puff”.

Locke stopped and raised his eyebrows, “Why should I go? The Locke family should not be qualified to attend such a party!”

Although the farm area of ​​the Locke family has increased several times, the total assets of the family are only about 200-300 million US dollars. This amount of money is definitely not enough in California and even in the West where tycoons are everywhere, and they will still be regarded as country bumpkins.

Jennifer Gray tempted, “Don’t you want to get close to Ivanka? I heard from Tiffany that Ivanka’s husband is sick, most likely CA, and she is in a depressed and hungry stage, hahaha…” She felt Locke’s change again and laughed very wantonly. Locke could only output retaliatory, snorting, “Although I don’t understand politics, from the current situation, the second term of the president does not seem optimistic. The Democratic Party has almost completed the integration, and the effect of the first lady’s dinner party should be limited…” The president lacks foundation and likes to use unconventional routines. Although he has brought together the lower-level rednecks and blue-collar workers, it has also led to dissatisfaction with him in the party, not to mention the Democratic Party, which is eager to send him to prison. His strong style has also caused dissatisfaction among the military-industrial complex and Wall Street financial groups. Although he is trying his best to please Israel, American Jews are not a monolithic group, and not all American Jews support Israel. Therefore, Locke feels that the second term of the president is a bit shaky. Too many people oppose him.Internal and external troubles.

Neither the enemy nor his own people want him to continue in office.

According to American tradition, under such circumstances, even if he is really re-elected, he may be rejected.

Jennifer Gray looked at Locke’s handsome face. Compared with usual, this face was a little more ferocious and cold, full of sexual tension.

She bit her lip and said, “Your political sensitivity is really good. Your feeling is right. My father also thinks that there may be variables in the midterm elections. He is making second-hand preparations for himself…”

Locke stared at the beautiful face in front of him and said sarcastically, “This is a politician…”

He vented his disgust for politicians on his daughter.

The next morning, Locke was awakened by Madeline Hill’s call. The woman asked, “Locke, why didn’t you come to the police station?”

Locke looked at the time. It was only 9:30.

He said dissatisfiedly: “Captain, have you forgotten that I am on administrative leave?”

Madeline Hill said dissatisfiedly: “I told you yesterday that I would apply to speed up your investigation and review…”

Locke pushed away the woman’s mischievous hand next to him and said in surprise: “This is too fast! Has the autopsy report from the forensic center come out?”

Madeline Hill replied: “Catherine Murphy, the forensic doctor, worked overtime last night!”

Locke was stunned immediately. Catherine was too enthusiastic!

Madeline Hill snorted coldly, “Don’t think about being lazy. Can’t you do a little more before you go on vacation!”

Locke said speechlessly: “Okay, I’ll go there later!”

Madeline Hill’s voice sank, “Three bodies were found in MacArthur Park this morning, namely Steve Weeks, Anthony Robinson, and Jack Braden. We are preparing to go to the scene. I hope you can come to the scene to meet us after completing the procedures…”

After hanging up the phone, Locke held the phone and was silent for a moment. Blake Doflamingo is so decisive!

He is indeed a tyrant who can develop MS-13 into a transnational criminal group.

However, is this a provocation to LADP or a way to express his sincerity to LAPD!

Suddenly, Locke saw Jennifer Gray staring at something meaningfully. He looked down and said guiltily, “This is a normal morning erection!”

When Locke entered the bathroom, the woman walked naked to the French window, facing the sunny Los Angeles, stretching her curvy body without any worries, and chuckled, “Madeline Hill?”

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